W/C 19th April 2021
Monday 19th April
This week starts Dembe’s mammoth week of walks due to Daddy’s shifts this week. In total Dembe is booked in for 6 walks.

Dembe’s first walk of the week is with Martin from Happy dogs. If you have a Facebook account you can see the Facebook Live video by clicking on this link https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/750403032287107
Dembe was out with his favourite older woman Shadow! He adores Shadow and you would never believe by the way she runs around that she will be 13 soon!
Dembe came back suitably knackered so that allowed me to get some sewing done. He decided to guilt trip me for not having 100% of my attention on him by going out in the garden and looking back at me.

If I am sewing he will either take himself off upstairs or he will lie in the garden looking back at me.
He was knackered after his walk and went to sleep relatively early. He made me laugh when I got up for a wee as he was fast asleep with his head on his dinosaur all 4 legs up in the air. Unfortunately as soon as I moved he rolled onto his side but it is still a funny photo.

Tuesday 20th April
Dembe is happy because his dad is home today, I am not sure how he is going to take Jay doing a night-shift tonight.

As Jay needed to get a nap in this afternoon so that he would be able to stay awake during his shift we took Dembe out earlier than usual for his afternoon walk. This was fine as Jay would be walking him several times in the evening to ensure he would be ok whilst he was working. The plan is for Jay to come home at 5am tomorrow morning and walk Dembe. His last walk this evening will be 10pm. So he will have actually had more walks out of it.
When Jay went to bed I fully expected Dembe to go up to bed with him like Frankie, Mollie and Willow our Weimaraners had done when they were alive. Dembe decided to stay downstairs with me. I was doing a little bit of sewing. Dembe went out into the garden and sat in his favourite chair. He looks huge in it this year!

He really does love his garden chairs bless him!
Dembe spent most of the evening downstairs with his dad unsure as to why he was refusing to come up to bed like normal. It really threw him. When Jay went to work Dembe went in and slept on his dad’s bed. He was obviously missing him loads. Normally when it is just me and the boy he sleeps in with me. When we are both home he will move between the bedrooms sleeping in the room where he feels he is needed most.
Wednesday 21st April
Jay popped home at 5am to give Dembe a walk around the block, before he came home at 9am. Dembe decided after his walk at 5am to sleep downstairs on his dad’s dressing gown. He really didn’t like his dad not being here overnight.
Today Dembe has two walks booked today, one in the morning with Martin from Happy Dogs and one with Sophie from Creature Kind. If you have a Facebook account you can see Dembe’s walk by clicking on this link https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/170439948286425
He was pretty tired after his first walk of the day and went to sleep pretty quickly after coming home which I was happy about as it meant he wouldn’t wake his dad up.

I think Dembe forgot his dad was home as at 1pm he went to the window and saw his dad’s car on the drive and started barking like mad. I had to quickly get him to be quiet so he didn’t wake Jay. I didn’t want him to get up without having a reasonable amount of sleep. When Jay came downstairs at 2pm Dembe was beside himself with excitement that his dad was home.
At around 3.30pm Sophie from Creature Kind came in to pick him up. He was very pleased to see her as he knows his Wednesday walk means he will get to see his partner in kind Polo the Labrador. As always Sophie has taken some brilliant photos of him and his friends. The first photo we got from Sophie was sent whilst he was out on the walk.

Dembe was pretty tired after two walks today, which suited us fine as we were both knackered as well! Sophie said that Dembe was an absolute angel. Twice she had to recall him from an enjoyable past time such as playing chase with another dog and he came straight back to her, She was very proud of him.
Thursday 22nd April
Today I had to get up early as we were expecting the delivery of our new TV ( our old one had developed green lines through the centre of the screen on Tuesday morning). I had a text last night that I happened to spot when I went to the loo, that delivery would be between 8-12. Dembe also has a dog walk booked today as Jay is on an early shift. He was not at all impressed at the fact my alarm went off at 7am and I got up.
He really isn’t a morning dog and he doesn’t like early starts at the best of times!

We came downstairs to find that daddy had been messing around with Dembe’s toys whilst we were asleep. It made me laugh but Dembe doesn’t like things being out of place and started barking at the toys until I removed the hats. Once the hats were off he was fine! Weird dog! He once went crazy because I had dropped my comb on his bed and it shouldn’t be there.
When the TV got delivered Dembe took a real dislike to the delivery driver. I have never seen him so wound up about anyone. He was barking like crazy all his back hair was stood up on end. It didn’t matter what I said he was having none of it. I was really glad when the delivery was over as that was when he stopped making a fuss.
Dembe had another walk booked with Martin from Happy Dogs today if you have a Facebook account you can see it by clicking on this link https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/290886989327518.
He had a really lovely time and was really well behaved.

This was both mine and Dembe’s activity levels on Thursday. I was really bad with a gastritis flare up so I spent the day on the sofa.
Friday 23rd April

For some strange reason I woke up at silly o clock this morning. Dembe was not impressed with having two early morning starts on the bounce.
He has a walk booked with Martin from Happy Dogs again today due to the timing of Jays shift. If you have a Facebook account you can see his walk here by clicking on this link https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/1117470382092828
When Jay finished his shift this afternoon we took Dembe out. When Jay got back to the car he asked me if I had noticed Dembe limping at all during the afternoon, which I hadn’t. He hadn’t walked back to the house from Martin’s van limping either. As it wasn’t too bad we have decided to rest him over the weekend with just short lead walks, as he wont go to the toilet in the garden. I also got some joint stuff off Amazon for him which will be coming tomorrow.
He is limping on and off this evening. He is managing the stairs and jumping on and off furniture so I am not overly concerned but will be keeping an eye on him.
Saturday 24th April
I woke up with a horrendous migraine at 6am, Dembe was sleeping beside me with his head on my face as he always does when I have a migraine. I took my migraine cocktail and went to sleep for a few hours. I came downstairs at around 8am when Dembe was having his breakfast.

Dembe is definitely walking better this morning and his limp is much less. I ended up going back to bed at 9am as I was feeling so awful. Dembe came up with me and slept all morning.
I had to come downstairs at 11am as Jay was going to work for a late shift. We had booked Max to take him out today but I had to cancel as I didn’t think it was in Dembe’s best interests to have a long walk on a sore leg. So I just have to hope that he settles and isn’t too manic today due to not having a long afternoon walk.
So far today he has been very good. We have had a few incidents of barking and being a pain but they have stopped after a few minutes and he has gone back to sleep.

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