W/C 26th April 2021
Monday 26th April
As Dembe’s dad was on an early shift, I had booked Dembe in for a walk with Martin from Happy dogs. I knew that he would be arriving at some point in the morning. Which was good as I was getting my hair cut today for the first time since just before Christmas.
Good news to share that Dembe’s limp has gone, he is back to himself although now he wont eat ham slices when I give them to him. I made the mistake of giving him the joint supplement on them last Saturday and now he refuses them! I wish I could be the same with some foods.
Dembe was very good when Rachel arrived to do my hair. He ran straight into the kitchen and sat down in front of me waiting for his jumbone to keep him occupied whilst Rachel sorted herself out. Unfortunately his natural treat box (subscription) that we get him has run out and I am delighted to report that there was nothing contained within it that he didn’t like! Otherwise I would have given him one of his natural treats. I really need to check to see when his next one is due as he really does love it! The smellier his treats the better!
Dembe got picked up quite late today at around 12.30pm. He was very pleased to see Martin. If you have a Facebook account you can watch Dembe and Blue on their walk with Martin https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/130866262389973
Martin took some great photos of their walk

When Dembe got back he was shattered after not sleeping all morning due to Rachel being here and then having a nice long walk with Martin.

He was knackered all afternoon and was very pleased when we decided we could all do with an early night!

Tuesday 27th April
As is usual in the Dembe household Jay was day off today, we are constantly exhausted all the time at the moment. Which is to be expected with all the stress we were under for several months and then suffering a bereavement. Dembe is happy as long as we are all together. He doesn’t care what we are doing as long as we are all with him!

Dembe really loves lying on the artificial grass. We managed to get another piece as we noticed in a neighbours skip they had a small roll of it. So we asked if we could have it and they said yes. Dembe loves lying on it in all weathers but particularly if it is sunny as on the patio he is in the shade ( until July / August ) and he can keep cool on it.
Dembe was fizzing with energy today, we ended up taking him for his afternoon walk at 1pm, we normally do it at 2pm but he wanted out and was being vocal about it. He had been walked three times already, his first morning walk which is around 30 minutes, his after breakfast walk 10-15 minutes, his midday walk 10-15 mins. So it wasn’t like he hadn’t been out. He was quite insistent that he needed out.
Even after his long walk he was full of beans, he has been enjoying the new TV. This afternoon he was interested in the Snooker being played.

Whenever the RSPCA advert is on with lots of dogs on it he rushes up to the screen with a toy wagging his tail.
As is usual for the boys on daddys day off they were having a massive play session on the floor. Then daddy took Dembe’s Cleo The Caterpillar up on to my bed and was playing with it. Dembe was very intrigued with Cleo once she had been moved and was busy playing with her.

We had to persuade Dembe that chewing Cleo’s antenna was not on! He then turned to her legs which was fine as they are thicker. I know he gets very funny about things sticking off toys like labels etc so he see’s them as fair game to chew!
Wednesday 28th April
Dembe was a tired pup today!

As it is Wednesday it means Dembe has an afternoon walk with Sophie and his mates from Creature Kind. He loves his walks with Sophie as he gets to catch up with his mate Polo, a very pale Labrador and a around 6 months younger than Dembe. so full of bounce!

When Sophie brought him home she said he had got himself absolutely filthy on his walk and she had managed to get most of it off by ensuring he had a swim and got him dried off in the van. She said he was an absolute angel which is always lovely to hear.
When Dembe was home he noticed I had put some Scottish Tablet on the table ( it is a bit like Fudge but harder but not as hard as toffee). I had been sent 10 bags of Tablet by some really lovely friends in Scotland and to stop me eating it all in one go I put it in the freezer. Just taking it out as I fancied it. The only problem is Dembe goes crazy for Tablet. He is such a fussy eater he normally hates sweet stuff but he goes nuts when their is Tablet. The first photo is when he noticed the tablet on the table. Notice how he is sitting really lovely but staring at me!

Because I didnt take his subtle hint that he knew I had Tablet, he then decided to drop a less than subtle hint and start nudging the packet with his nose!

When he gets Tablet he is given a little tiny sliver off the block as I dread to think how bouncy he would be if he had the whole thing to himself. He would be like a kid strung out on sugar at a birthday party!
He makes me laugh so much with his antics! He also love pizza and curry both of those he only gets small amounts of and only once or twice a month.
Thursday 29th April
Today Dembe has a walk with Martin from Happy Dogs booked. He loves his walk with Martin. When Martin arrives now he gets out and opens the back of the van. I then let Dembe go, he greets Martin, depending on if he needs a wee or not he waters the hedge and then jumps into the back of the van. He knows he can’t con Martin into lifting him up as if he tries it on Martin just says “in” and he miraculously manages to jump in! He can be a sod and waits for you to lift his bum up. He even does it with Sophie even though he can get into the van without issue.
If you have a Facebook account you can find a video of Dembe’s walk here https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/132921855519120
Dembe always likes to have a cuddle after having a walk, quite often he will crawl up onto my lap and lie across it. I have to tell him what a good boy he is whilst his tail thumps against the sofa and he gives me very wet kisses.

This is him lying on my lap on Thursday after his walk!
As he was pretty shattered after his walk I managed to get some sewing done. Whilst I was in the kitchen doing that he was in the lounge giving himself an airing whilst snoring his head off.

I have attempted to preserve his modesty!
Friday 30th April
Dembe has another walk booked with Martin from Happy dogs today. If you have a Facebook account you can see his walk here https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/1562402723959209
Martin picked Dembe up really early today 8.45am. I was still in my PJs and having a cup of tea, when Dembe started barking and wagging his tail whilst looking out of the window. When he is barking at something that he things is an intruder his tail doesn’t wag it goes up in the air very stiff and the hair along his spine goes up. When it is Martin, Sophie or Max ( his walkers ) he barks and wags his tail like mad.
Dembe was very pleased to see Martin and go for a nice walk.

As is usual after a walk Dembe had a nice long snooze!
As Dembe’s favourite toy Carrot is needing replaced and unfortunately Pets At Home no longer sell them, I have bought some orange fleece and decided to make him a new one.

As you can see he is thrilled with his new carrot. I also managed to salvage the squeaker that was still working and the stuffing from his old carrot.
Saturday 1st May
Dembe’s dad was on an early shift today, so he went out for a walk very early this morning. I woke up at 7am and Dembe was in his dads room. I got into Jays bed to give Dembe a cuddle and fell asleep, I didn’t wake up until 9am and even then Dembe wasn’t too fussed about getting up.
He has been very vocal and bouncy this morning. There are builders working across the road and Dembe has been making sure that they know a big tough carrot wielding dog lives across the road and that they better not try anything!
When Jay got home for lunch he was very excited and brought him his duck! It is always funny to see what Toy he brings Jay as it can change daily or be the same every day for a week.
This afternoon he has finally crashed.

Tomorrow we have a trip to Grannys house for the very first time. Dembe has never been to Jays mums house before. We are keeping everything crossed that the weather is nice and that he can play out in the garden. He will also be meeting Darcy , Jay’s brothers new puppy so that will be absolute bedlam no doubt! I am packing like we are going away for a week when it will just be a few hours LOL
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