W/C 12th April 2021

Monday 12th April
Dembe did have a walk booked with Martin from Happy Dogs today as Jay was back to work today after his bereavement leave. If you have Facebook you will be able to see them all out for their walk.https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/878620252870580

Tuesday 13th April
Jay was day off today so Dembe enjoyed two common walks and then countless walks around the block.

Wednesday 14th April
Jay was on his usual late night shift, so we had booked Sophie from Creature Kind to take him out for a walk with his mates including Nellie and Polo. As usual Sophie has taken some wonderful photos of D Dog as she calls him.

When Dembe got back he wanted to go out into the garden and lie on the patio to cool off.

Thursday 15th April
Dembe had a walk booked with Happy Dogs in the morning which he thoroughly enjoyed. Apparently he managed to slobber all over Monty the Chocolate Labrador again. You may have noticed from photos when Dembe gets excited and plays with other dogs he gets a really foamy slobbery mouth. He likes to share that with as many people as possible and other dogs. Jays jackets are forever getting slimed.
Unfortunately where they were on the common they couldn’t get a signal so there was no video.

By 4pm we were pooped, so Dembe and I had a 30 minute lie down upstairs just to keep ourselves going.
Friday 16th April
Jay is home today as part of his bereavement leave following his fathers funeral. It is a weird day. Dembe is gravitating towards Jay and giving him lots of attention.

Today Dembe had his vaccinations, as Covid protocols are still in place Dembe had to go into the vets alone, so Jay had to walk behind pretending he was going in as well. John the vet said Dembe is in excellent condition, he has lost a kilo in weight since he was last weighed so that is good as well as he is under 35kg. It is probably all the exercise he gets with his dog walkers and the fact he is such a fussy eater.
This evening Dembe managed to con me into giving him more dog treats. We have a routine in the evening where when we go to bed I take 2 or 3 Markies up to bed and Dembe chomps into those as I get ready for bed. Jay had gone up before me and I wasn’t paying attention to what he said as I was busy doing something. About 5 mins after going up to bed, Dembe came back down and started crying at me. I thought to myself silly daddy didnt get him any treats. So I got him some treats and took them upstairs. Jay then says “have you just given him more Markies?” So I said yes 4 ( I was feeling generous) . Jay replied ” Conning bastard has now had 7 markies off us this evening!” Whoops. Dembe enjoyed it.
Saturday 17th April
It is so hard to even remember what day of the week it is at the moment. Dembe is all over the place too with Jay being home a lot more than usual.

When Jay finished work he took Dembe up the common for a walk. The sun was out and the birds were singing away so I took this photo of the Hawthorne bushes in blossom as they looked so pretty.

Dembe was knackered really early this evening.

I am hoping to get back to some sort of normality next week. We shall see how it goes!
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