Monday, 1 March 2021

W/C 22nd February 2021

 Monday 22nd February

When I woke up this morning, Dembe was in on his dad’s bed. He loves snuggling on his dad’s dressing gown, when his dad has gone to work on an early shift,

He is so very cuddly when he is half asleep in the mornings.

Today he is having his first ever Monday morning walk. It will be a nice surprise for him. We are trying to see what days suit him best for walks. I think he knows that some one is coming.

This week he is being rather spoilt as he is having 3walks, due to the hours that his daddy is working.

Dembe had a lovely time on his walk and you can watch the video here if you have Facebook. .

I know I am forever saying it but he is a ridiculously soppy dog. Today has been no exception, he has followed me everywhere and just wants to be cuddled. I have had several Dembe facials!

He had a nice long nap on the sofa in the afternoon.

Tuesday 23rd February

We had an early start today as I had to go to the doctors surgery for blood tests at 8.30am. Dembe was very perturbed by this drastic change in our routine so followed me everywhere whilst I got ready.

Whilst I was having my bloods drawn, Jay took Dembe for a walk around the town centre. This is good training for him and it has been a little while since we have been out and about in the town. So lots of new noises and smells to get accustomed to. They bumped into Jimmy and Peggy the Border Collies from our Obedience Training classes run by Happy Dogs. There was lots of woofing and play bows going on. Dembe thoroughly enjoyed himself.

When we got home we were all shattered from the early start to the morning. At midday we all went up to bed and had a nap. Dembe loved the opportunity to snuggle in to me and then later with his dad. He is always happiest when the three of us are all together.

We were feeling a little run down today so we decided to have an early night. Dembe was probably feeling the same as he was more than happy to go to bed early.

Wednesday 24th February

Jay is on a late shift today so Dembe has had three walks this morning before he has gone into work.

He has been a bit barky since Jay left for work, we have engineers working in the street and sometimes they are just the other side of the front door so Dembe is on high alert!

At around 2pm Sophie from Creature Kind arrived to take him out for a good run this afternoon so he can burn off some energy. Dembe was very pleased to see her, tail going crazy and barking when he recognised the sound of her van pulling up outside.

As usual Sophie took some cracking photos whilst Dembe was out on the walk with him.

Photo credit Sophie Start Creature Kind
Photo credit Sophie Start Creature Kind
Photo credit Sophie Start Creature Kind
Photo credit Sophie Start Creature Kind
Photo credit Sophie Start Creature Kind

He had a lovely time on his walk, he found a tennis ball and was exceptionally proud of himself. Carrying it for quite a bit of the walk. Sophie said he was a really good boy on his walk and again tried to give her a cuddle and a Dembe facial whilst she was drying him on the bag of the van.

He was starving when he got home from his walk and polished off a huge dinner.

He settled down really well in the evening, he was quite happy to follow me up to bed and stay with me.

Thursday 25th February

Jay was on an uber early today so Dembe was not happy that he had to go out for a walk at around 4.30am! He is not an early riser, he only gets up at around 7am when he wants his breakfast.

Today Dembe has another walk with Martin from Happy dogs.

You can watch the video if you have Facebook here on the Happy Dogs page

Suzanne from Happy dogs took some lovely photos of the dogs on the walk today.

Photo Credit Suzanne Pashley Happy Dogs
Photo Credit Suzanne Pashley Happy Dogs
Photo Credit Suzanne Pashley Happy Dogs
Photo Credit Suzanne Pashley Happy Dogs

Dembe was a muddy pup when he got home so he was given a wash off outside in the garden

He was a super chilled out pup this afternoon, wanting cuddles and to lie on my lap whilst I held his lambs ear and he gave it a good chomp. As usual I got paid in saliva!

He was very pleased to see his daddy when he got home just after 3pm.

Friday 26th February

Jay was on yet another early today. When I got up Dembe wasn’t upstairs but downstairs fast asleep on the small sofa. Lying on his back airing his ginger nuts with no shame! I noticed immediately that he was walking quite gingerly and seemed obsessed with his bum and the base of his tail. I immediately suspected that he would need his anal glands emptied and that they maybe possbily infected.

Initially he didn’t want his breakfast, with a bit of cajoling he did eventually eat it all. He was really clingy and just wanting me to cuddle him all the time, which he doesn’t normally do first thing.

He looks really sad in this photo but I can assure you he wasn’t that bad.

Dembe had a lovely surprise just after 11.30am when his dad came home to collect us both as I had my Covid Vaccine booked. Whilst I was at the vaccine hub, Jay took Dembe to the park that was close by. Dembe and Jay had never been there before so it was very exciting for Dembe and chock full of new smells and sounds. Dembe had a lovely time running around and playing with Jay.

He was very sleepy this afternoon, hardly surprising after the week he has had and the run around in the park that he has had. He has been quite happy to play on the floor.

When Jay got home from work, we jumped straight in the car to take Dembe to his vets appointment. He was a very good boy at the vets, John was very pleased with him. He had one blocked gland that needed to be expressed. He came out of the vets practically skipping. Due to Covid we couldn’t go in with him and had to wait in the car park for him to be brought back.

You can almost see the look of relief on his face!

Saturday 27th February

Dembe woke me up around 4.20am wanting out so I got Jay up and he took him up. I must have fallen straight back to sleep as I have no recollection of them coming back. The next thing I knew it was 07.30am and Dembe was squeaking for his breakfast. I managed to keep him occupied until 8am and then we went into daddys room for a cuddle.

Dembe was much happier this morning as you can see from the photos. After his breakfast he kept bringing me lots of different toys to look at. He spent ages on my lap having a cuddle.

Jay and I are both feeling a bit rough after our Covid vaccinations. Dembe kept his energy levels low bless him.

I managed to make a huge boo boo I thought I had booked Max to walk Dembe this afternoon. Unfortunately I was an idiot and managed to book her for a months time by accidentally writing March instead of February. As you can imagine Daddy was not impressed!

Thankfully Leanne and Liam came to the rescue and took Dembe around the block for me just after 3pm. Jay will come home on his lunch hour to whizz Dembe up to the common so that he can have a run around properly. I feel terrible for managing to mess that up so royally.

I was being an over protective mum by putting him on two leads, I was worried that if his slip lead came off that Leanne may not be able to get him back, so I also attached the flexxi lead to his collar. He was a good boy for Leanne, although he refused to walk past a guy lying on the floor fixing his car. Leanne asked him to say hello to Dembe so he knew it was alright, which he did bless him. As they walked past Liam stage whispered “Dembe didn’t want to walk past as he thought he was dead”. Kids eh?

Jay popped home at 5pm and took Dembe up the common for a quick run. Not long after I managed to convince Dembe it was bed time! Bloody Covid jab making me feel horrendous.

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