W/C 1st March 2021
This week is the second week of Dembe having Monday walks, whilst we figure out which are the best days for him. He had a lovely walk on the common with Suzanne and Martin from Happy Dogs. If you have Facebook you can view the video https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/2746004462318984
At around 12.30pm there was a knock on the door, two of my friends arrived to drop some stuff off for Jay. It was a gorgeous day so we had a socially distanced chat, Corinne had brought Zach with her. Dembe was very curious so I put him on the retractable lead, he went out and then gave Zach a huge kiss. He was incredibly well behaved even when Zach made a grab for his ears and his tail. Whilst we were chatting Jay arrived home for lunch, Dembe was beside himself with excitement. Jay took him for a walk around the block.
Whilst Rachael, Corinne and Zach were here, Zach had a wafer biscuit thing. He kept deliberately dropping it on the floor so he could share it with Dembe it was very sweet.

Dembe was pretty knackered after such an exciting morning, with having a walk with friends and then meeting a baby. He slept most of the afternoon.

Tuesday 2nd March
Today Dembe has another walk booked with Happy Dogs, which is unusual for a Tuesday as normally Jay would be here. However Jays dad is very poorly so he is going to visit him. So that Jay doesn’t have to worry about Dembe wanting out whilst he isn’t here I have booked him in for a walk.
If you have Facebook you can see Dembe and his friends on their walk here https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/333138921461124
Dembe woke me up at 7.15am this morning demanding his breakfast. How he wakes me up is to stand at the end of the bed nearest the bedroom door and he just cries. His cries gradually get louder until they have the desired effect of waking me up! It seems very strange now having a dog that wakes me up to get his breakfast having spent a lot of last year in a constant battle with him trying to get him to eat! I never thought we would go back to having the dog that wanted to eat. The change is probably because we got tougher with him and if he doesn’t eat after 10 minutes the bowl gets picked up and he doesn’t get anything at all until the next meal time. Dembe will happily miss one meal but not two.
Some days he eats a lot and others days he may not finish a meal but he will eat the majority of it. He seems to self regulate his food quantities. We had both been expecting a dustbin on legs but our fussy boy isn’t like that at all.

Wednesday 3rd March
Well isn’t Dembe a lucky boy, he has another walk booked, Today’s walk is with Sophie from Creature Kind. As well as this walk he will go out 3 times before Jay goes to work, one for a long walk on the common and the other two will be toilet trips around the block. We have been having some quiet days as I have been really under the weather since my Covid vaccine last Friday.
Dembe had a lovely time on his walk today with his friend Polo a much lighter Labrador. They love playing Labrador games such as crazy zoomies and chase. Dembe found a tennis ball, so he enjoyed carrying that around. If Dembe dropped it Polo was only too happy to pick it up. Sophie said he behaved brilliantly today. We know now that if Sophie carries a tennis ball Dembe is 100% on his recall.

We have been laughing about Dembe’s tail being so high up when he is playing. It reminds us of our Weimaraner Willow who passed away in 2017. Whenever she was playing, if she had something that she thought either Mollie or Frankie would like her tail would go straight up.
When Jay came home after 10pm Dembe was too knackered to go downstairs and greet him. Dembe grabbed a toy and stood in the bedroom doorway his tail thumping against the door. It doesn’t happen very often that he is too tired to say hello to his dad but it is funny!

Thursday 4th March
Dembe is very spoilt this week as he has 4 walks booked with dog walkers. Today he will be going out with Martin from Happy Dogs.
Embarrassingly I managed not to hear Martin when he arrived for Dembe. I was upstairs with music on. My hearing is pretty poor at the best of times, for some reason I just didn’t hear the door bell or the knocking. As the bin men were outside I assumed Dembe was barking due to them. It took Martin ringing me for me to know he was waiting……mortified!
If you have Facebook you can see the video from the walk https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/443196876883828
Dembe had a lovely walk, playing lots of Labrador games with Monty the chocolate Labrador. Dembe got a foamy mouth which is typical him when he has been playing lots and managed to get it all over Monty, who needed a wash before he went home.

The new dog food that I have ordered for Dembe has arrived today. I have started off with 3kg rather than a full bag just in case his majesty doesn’t like it. This one has a higher fresh meat content than what he is currently on and is cheaper per kg. Dembe’s appetite has really increased due to the amount of walking he is doing and the the dog food is is currently on is supplied in 7kg bags. With the new food I can get 12kg for only £15 more. That makes sense as that will last me longer. It is still a premium food so I know he is eating well, he doesn’t like raw food and he will still be having the food I make him.
I added a small amount of his new food in with his meal tonight, along with his old food and he ate the lot. So I am happy, if he doesn’t like stuff he will pick around it and leave it in the bowl.

Friday 5th March
Dembe didnt wake up until 5.50am, when he got up with me, I presumed that he must have already been out and I had slept through it as it was so late for him to rise. Especially when you consider he woke Jay up at 4.30am yesterday.
Jay is on a late shift today so he will take Dembe out 3 times before he goes into work. He will pop home at 17.00 to walk Dembe on the common before shooting back to work to finish the remainder of his shift.
I had a migraine today so I went back to bed at 9am, Dembe was more than happy to come back with me.

I had a Labrador shaped hot water bottle for much of the day. As I had frequent lie downs during the day.

Saturday 6th March

When I woke up this morning Dembe wasn’t with me, so when I got up I checked in Jays room for him. He was snuggled up on his dads pyjama’s and wasn’t too keen on getting up.

Dembe kept closing his eyes pretending he was asleep, as he was very comfy and warm on Jays bed. We had a long cuddle, I promised him breakfast as soon as we got downstairs.

We were having a lazy day as I was still feeling quite poorly after having a migraine the day before. Dembe was happy with that.

On and off during the day we had a lie down up stairs on my bed.

In the afternoon Dembe was full of beans and decided to empty his toy box.

He was very excited to see his dad when he got home, he was desperate to go out for a walk and burn off some energy. Once walked he settled down very quickly.
Sunday 7th March

Dembe went out around 5am for his first walk, Jay said it was minus 2 and frosty. They both came back to bed then and slept until gone 8.30am which was a lovely lie on as the humans definitely needed it.
Today has been spent catching up with jobs around the house and lots of Dembe games and cuddles as usual.
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