Monday 23rd November
Shock horror Jay is on an early, Dembe came straight back to bed when he got back from his very early morning walk. His legs were wet and his nose very cold but I love an early morning snuggle with with my boy.
Dembe as usual didn’t want to get up when I did so he stayed in bed for a further 45 minutes.

Dembe is obsessed with standing out in the garden at the moment. He keeps sniffing around the bench box I think there are mice in there but nothing seen as yet!

He has been crazy with energy this morning. I have been trying to get some Christmas presents made but he is demanding my attention constantly bless him. He does make me laugh. From 12.30pm he stands at the window in the lounge waiting for his dad to come home at lunch time.

When his dad arrives home at lunch time Dembe always brings him a toy. As he was ready with a carrot I thought he would give his dad this when he got in. However he was so excited when his dad arrived he ran around in a circle and then gave him his sprout much to our amusement.
At around 6pm Dembe was sick, no warning which is common with him. Where as the Weimaraners we would get a minute or so of warning drooling or retching before they would be sick. Dembe just hurls mid stride and carries on. We will keep an eye on him and see how he is overnight.
Tuesday 24th November
It was a bad night, Dembe was sick several times more. I got up a little after midnight and found him downstairs surrounded by several pools of sick. He had managed to do it all over the rug at the front door, which has now had to be binned as I couldn’t get the sick stains out. Im glad it was there and not anywhere where we couldn’t just chuck it away!
I gave him some tummy meds, most of which I think were shaken through the lounge as he shook his head as soon as I gave it to him. There were pink dollops everywhere that were still being cleaned up a few days later. Whatever he managed to keep down seemed to do the trick as he wasn’t sick again.

Dembe slept a lot today but did eat and drink ok. He wasn’t sick again after his bout during the night. so we just had a quiet day altogether as Jay was day off.

Wednesday 25th November
Jay is on a late night today so Dembe has had his usual two walks before daddy went to work. He has still been quite sleepy today and not his usual bouncy self so I have been keeping an eye on him, whilst I continued with some jobs I needed to get done.
I was so busy that when Martin arrived to pick Dembe up that I didn’t hear him knock on the door. The first I knew was when I heard him shout “hello, hello”. As I walked into the lounge he was clipping Dembe onto a lead. That was a bit embarrassing.
He had a fab walk on the common, he played hide and seek with Martin. He was also much better behaved when he was getting cleaned off by Martin at the end of the walk

Dembe has been crying a lot the last few days, we have no idea why he is doing it other than for attention which he gets bloody loads of anyway! He made such a fuss between 4pm and 5pm that in the end I called Jay and got him to come home and walk him around the block , in case he was crying because he needed a poo. He didn’t but lots of wee’s. He kept up with the crying until he went to sleep just before 7pm.

Thursday 26th November
OMG we ran out of cocktail sausages first thing this morning. Dembe was not a happy bunny!Jay didn’t see the message I sent him last night. I did give him a cheese triangle and that seemed to pacify him.

This morning Dembe decided to join me in the shower! what fun. He got soaked but seemed to enjoy it more than his shower last week!
When Jay came home for lunch he brought home some cocktail sausages. Dembe was beside himself with excitement and couldn’t eat the sausage fast enough. He had a few sausages one after another to make up for lost time!
Jay was on a 9-6 shift today which Dembe hates,
To keep him amused I ended up playing nudge with him for hours. He loves this game but he cheats, if the ball doesn’t go right back to him, even if it is just 1cm away from his nose he will refuse to nudge the ball back to you. So you have to tap it again right back to him. He also picks the ball up and throws it back at you rather than nudging it back.
Friday 27th November
I was so poorly today that Dembe and I crawled back up to bed at 9am and stayed there until gone 12pm. I am having a lot of problems with my neck and Dembe has been very in tune with the fact I haven’t been right and modifies his behaviour accordingly. He was such a good boy, I rarely go back to bed like that unless I am rank. He just followed me up the stairs settled down beside me and slept next to me.

He spent much of Friday on my lap having a cuddle.

Saturday 28th November
Jay was on an early so Dembe once again came straight back to bed as soon as he got back from that walk. At about 7.30am I heard him get off my bed and go into Jay’s room. I then could hear him scraping up the pillows and knocking them off the bed onto the floor. That made me chuckle. When I woke up again an hour later he came down with me. He was obviously very hungry so I gave him his breakfast which he polished off without stopping.

He spent another afternoon on my lap having cuddles. Jay finished at 4pm so he didn’t have long to wait for his evening walk after having a stroll around the block at lunch time. It was still light when they went out this evening but by the time they got back to the car it was rapidly getting darker.
Sunday 29th November
As usual we are having a quiet family day together. Dembe rarely barks when Jay is home during the day so it is clear he see’s his job is to guard me when Jay is out of the house.
So far today he has barely left the sofa and is currently snoring his head off.

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