Monday 14th September
As usual for a Monday Jay was on an early shift. I had a terrible nights sleep so ended up getting up 3.30am when Jay got up. Dembe was not impressed at all with both of us rising so early. He isn’t a morning dog at all. Jay took him out at 4.30am and Dembe was happy to come back to bed with me and we slept until around 8.30am.

I had a lazy day with Dembe due to the lack of sleep. I did some crochet, very slowly as since the accident I am having problems with my neck and back.

Yet again when I have gone to take some photos of the work I have done on my crocheted blankets Dembe immediately lies on them!
Tuesday 15th September 2020
We are back to dog training this evening and we can’t wait. It feels like we haven’t been in such a very long time.
It has been a stressful day here and Dembe is picking up on it. The washing machine broke down with Jay’s work uniform inside. Dembe was incredibly well behaved whilst the engineer was here fixing it.

He has had 4 walks today so should be absolutely shattered but is still running around like a hyper lunatic. We did think that he may be a bit naughty tonight as he was so unsettled today, he was ok not brilliant but ok.

He was absolutely shattered after dog training this evening and went to sleep in the back of the car on the way home.
Wednesday 16th September
Dembe slept until 7am this morning…unheard of he must have been tired from last night. However when Jay got up with him he found a pile of sick in the lounge. I got up to help them clear up. Luckily it was on the laminate and not the rug like he usually does.
Dembe does seem a little under the weather today and quite lethargic

He has been eating ok so I am not too concerned. He does seem to throw up every now and again but is always ok the following day. He refused his breakfast but he has eaten sausages, his frozen kong and a denta stick. So he isn’t unwell in the respect that he must see a vet.
Jay took him for a walk around the block before he went to work and he surprised Jay by doing two enormous poo’s. It always amazes me as a dog owner how easily impressed we are when it comes to dogs and their bowels!

Martin came and got Dembe around 14.30 and took him out for a nice long walk on the common. He said he wouldn’t have known Dembe had been under the weather this morning as he was running about and having lots of wee’s .
Dembe was ready to settle really early tonight at 6pm so I took full advantage! We had an early night and watched Heartland, which I have started watching from the start again even though I have only just finished the last 13 seasons! A little bit addicted.
Thursday 17th September
Jay was middle shift today which Dembe always struggles with the wait until 6pm for his evening walk even though Jay walks him around the block at lunch time. We had lots of cuddles today and in the afternoon we played find it with his elephant toy which Dembe really enjoyed.

Friday 18th September
Jay was late night tonight, so he got to spend a nice amount of time with Dembe before he went to work at 12pm. Dembe and I played upstairs whilst I attempted to give my bedroom a tidy up. Dembe didn’t hear Martin arrive at 3pm until he rang the door bell. He was a very good boy and waited whilst Martin put the lead on and then ran down the drive and jumped into the back of the van! Makes me laugh how he would insist on being lifted in initially until Martin made it clear that he had to jump in.
As usual Dembe enjoyed himself out of the walk, meeting a lady Labrador and having a good game of Labrador zoomies. He is a ladies man our Dembe!
He was shattered after his walk up the common

We managed to get up to bed reasonably early, before 7pm and had lots of cuddles whilst watching the tv waiting for Daddy to get home at 10pm.
Saturday 19th September
Jay was on another middle shift today. Dembe was full of beans today and playing lots of games of nudge and find it.

He wasn’t very happy when his dad went to work this morning and refused to kiss his dad goodbye like he normally would. As soon as Jay was gone Dembe put himself up to bed and snuggled into Jays dressing gown on the bed.
Jay was late getting home for lunch well past 1pm his usual time. So Dembe stayed at the window looking for him, waiting for him to arrive.

He was very barky this afternoon. I managed to catch this photo of him just before he went to bark whilst waiting for his dad to get home.

He was so crazy with energy after I gave him his dinner at 4.30pm he conked out and went to sleep with his head on my foot. Something he hasn’t done for a long time.

I bought Dembe a new toy and that arrived today. It is a hedgehog and has a squeak in it. Dembe will sit and do the squeak repeatedly until he manages to break the squeak.
Sunday 20th September
Dembe is a happy dog as mum and dad are home together today. He woke up at 5am and had a walk and then he woke me up just before 9am. I can’t believe both of us slept in so late, very unusual but I have had a rubbish week sleep wise this week.
Dembe has spent the day draped over his dad.

We are having a bit of an Indian Summer here the temperatures are well above average for this time of year. Dembe is finding he is getting very hot after his walks so he likes to lay on the patio slabs to cool down.
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