Monday 21st September
Jay was on an early today, when he went to work Dembe came back up to bed with me – I hadn’t got up. He settled down really quickly and went back to sleep. He has got very good at doing this as he has got older. I really am struggling to believe our little pup will be 2 years old in November. He still seems so tiny to us.

I got up just after 7am but Dembe didn’t make an appearance until gone 7.30am. He really isn’t an early morning dog. He likes an early walk to go to the toilet and then he comes back to bed!
I spent the morning doing bits on my embroidery machine so Dembe alternated between sleeping on the sofa and sleeping upstairs. When Dembe got bored he started bringing me in a different toy every 15-20 minutes to see if he could tempt me away from what I was doing.

When I finished on my machine I took my work outside to photograph. Thankfully Dembe didn’t try to lie on it like he does with my crochet. He was quite happy to lie beside it looking very unimpressed.
In the afternoon Dembe spent a lot of his time snuggled on my lap. I swear he thinks he is a tiny puppy still and it is just my lap that got smaller.

Tuesday 22nd September

Jay took these great photos of Dembe lying on the sofa this morning before we had to go over to my physiotherapy appointment. Jay took Dembe out for another walk whilst I was in there, he had already had a walk this morning and a quick go around the block before setting off for Woodbury. As a result Dembe was pretty shattered by the time I finished my session.
Dembe loves lying out in the back garden, we have had lots of military aircraft flying over us of late and an air ambulance. Dembe loves sitting / lying watching these as they fly over which is in direct contrast to our previous dogs who used to freak out at any loud noise.

I love the next photo I took as it looks like he is saying “Good god woman be quiet I am trying to watch the helicopters”

When I went upstairs to get ready for dog training this evening, I found that Dembe had tried to steal my trainer from my room only to get caught out by the stair banister!

Dog training went well this evening, he didn’t bark anywhere near as much as he did the first week. He did show us up though by refusing to let go of his toy – which he does at home with no issues, little bugger. He pulled Jay over when he decided he wasn’t going to let Jay have his purple Rhino.

Dembe was shattered after dog training and slept all the way home. When we got in he lay on the rug and went to sleep.

Wednesday 23rd September
Dembe was shattered today had Jay slept past his normal waking up time I don’t think we would have seen Dembe until gone 8am. He was sound asleep from the minute we got home from dog training.
I wormed him today. I have a dreadful feeling I forgot to do it last month with all the stress of the road traffic accident and having the car written off. I certainly never wrote on the calendar that I had done it which I would have done normally. At least he is more than happy to take them in a cheese triangle! He is being really funny with his food today so he may have to go hungry if he doesn’t eat.

We had lots of cuddles on the sofa again with him sat on my lap.
This afternoon for the first time ever he jumped up when I was stood at the end of the bed and put his feet on my shoulders and licked my face, I was stood with my back to him so he made me jump. He normally only does this if I am sat down.
Thursday 24th September
Jay is on a late night today , so Dembe was out early and then again at 11.30am for a walk around the block.It is quite good he gets a lead walk every day as it means Jay can do a bit of lead work training with him.
We made Dembe’s meals for the month today before Jay went to work. Dembe was hanging around waiting for any scraps to hit the floor.
I managed or should I say we managed to neglect to book today’s dog walk. Jay never gave me any late nights for this week. Thankfully we realised on Monday and I was able to contact Happy dogs and get it booked in which was a life saver. So Dembe will be off out with Martin this afternoon.

Martin arrived at 2pm to collect Dembe, who was so good and he waited at the front door to be clipped onto Martins lead. He always races off down the drive now and jumps into the back. He can’t wait to go off on his adventures with Martin for an hour. When he came back I was expecting him to be quiet but no he was bouncing off the walls for a few hours.
He keeps going to the fridge and begging for corned beef, if you give him a cocktail sausage he spits it out until he is quite sure there is to be no corned beef on offer! Cheeky sod.
Friday 25th September
Well Jay and I have been married for 20 years today. Crazy right? He doesn’t have the day off and is on a 9-6 so it is just me and the boy until he gets home for lunch and again when he finishes work this evening.

When Jay goes back to work at lunchtime Dembe will quite often sit at the window like this and watch his dad reverse off the drive. He normally stays there for a bit and has a cuddle with me. He really misses his dad when he isn’t home. He is going to have a lovely week next week as Jay is off work and on holiday for the week.

I was giving Dembe’s tummy a rub in this photo, as you can see he was enjoying it.
As it was our anniversary my friend on Instagram Carolyn sent Dembe a toy as she didn’t want him to be left out. We did have a laugh though as I had the exact same toy delivered the day before so now Dembe has two ducks. But it doesn’t matter as he will love to play with both of them.
I had the hairdresser come over today and do my hair for me. Dembe was very good whilst she was here…apart from when I washed my hair and then he barked quite a bit so I had to shout and tell him to be quiet.

Saturday 26th September

We had a quiet day today as me and the boy were shattered! Plus Dembe hates being woken up early when his dad is on the early shift.
Dembe was a little sod with his breakfast this morning had three small mouthfuls and then refused to eat anything else. He wants corned beef and only corned beef so today he will be very hungry. By the time Jay gave him his dinner this evening he was famished and he ate it all without any embellishments! He always caves quite easily thankfully I just hate having to keep him hungry to make him eat.
Sunday 27th September
Dembe is a happy boy as his daddy is home today. He has been sprawled out over his dad at every available opportunity. He even looks like he is smiling! I used the time to do some bits on my embroidery machine.

Jay took Dembe on a nice long walk this afternoon where they met lots of doggies and Dembe got to run around like a crazed idiot playing chase, which is his favourite game.
He is now snuggled up beside me whilst I transfer his diary entries onto his blog.
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