Well this week has been a shit show to put it bluntly. I haven’t managed to keep Dembe’s diary up to date due to the Covid situation. Hubby is now home from work for 12 weeks due to the meds he takes meaning he is at high risk of serious complications / death should he contract Covid-19. So this week it will just be photos.
As of Monday night the UK was put on a lock down which meant the end of dog training and the end ( before it had even started) of Dembe using a dog walking service. It has been hard to get our heads around it. Dembe is loving his daddy being home but he is having to adjust to the change in our routines. He is still as wonderful and gorgeous as ever.
Monday 23rd March

Today Dembe was definitely picking up on my anxiety about Jay being at work. He played me up all day long barking and just being very needy. Eventually he wore himself out. Just before Jay got home he went to sleep of course!
Tuesday 24th March

Much calmer today with us both home.
Wednesday 25th March

We decided to upcycle some furniture. Dembe decided every time the sander was on he was going to bark at it and try to sniff it! Not at all dangerous.

He was shattered in the evening. As he is now having two long walks a day he is much more settled in the evening.
Thursday 26th March

Friday 27th March

He is loving the dry weather and being able to get out and sit in his favourite chair.
Saturday 28th March

Sunday 29th March

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