I am afraid with upheaval of my routine I have yet again failed to keep a proper diary this week. Plus die to the restrictions on our movements due to lock down here in the UK there is no dog training or taking Dembe to the shops etc. So I just have a collection of photos from the week.
He isn’t in my good book currently as he found one of my quilting gloves and attempted to chew one of the fingers off. They are still usable just now with add ventilation!
Dembe is loving having his dad home all day every day. I dread the day that Jay goes back as we will have a very sad little boy here.

Dembe’s eye has become irritated again this week so we have started giving him his eye drops again. Within a day the redness settles but it is still producing some gunk so we will keep going and we have some drops from Amazon coming to help as well. I am starting to wonder if it is a seasonal allergy as my nose has been running with the tree pollen currently.
I am very thankful that I filled the freezer up with Dembe’s meals 2 weeks before the lock down commenced. Jay and i have chatted and needs be if we run out of food for him we will buy raw food for him to tide us over. He is still eating very well. Much better than he has done in all the time we have had him. Also with him having much longer walks he is looking much sleeker.
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