Monday 16th March 2020

I have to be honest we have had a very lazy day today. Cuddles on the sofa and snoozing.

Dembe was determined when his dad came home for lunch that he was going to take his sprout toy into the back garden with him.

Tuesday 17th March
Day off with Jay today. It is hilarious when Jay is day off mummy gets completely ignored. He has draped himself all over Jay today.
No visitors today as we are limiting our exposure to the outside world as both me and Jay are more at risk of a severe outcome if we come into contact with Covid-19. We are just attending dog training this evening and only that because it is in a huge barn and we can employ social distancing. We will be having a break after this term ends purely as we will be limiting social exposure.

Tonight at training we learned about canine enrichment and games to play with Dembe if we end up in a lock down situation. It was really good fun and Dembe really enjoyed himself. At one point Dembe managed to slip his lead and he did a a run around the whole of the barn, he looked like a streaker the way he kept looking over his shoulder. He went straight over to his mate Rufus who he adores and all he wants to do is have a play with him! Rufus’ owner was laughing her head off at Dembes antics. He gets so excited when he gets to play games at the training centre.

Dembe was so exhuasted after training he just went to sleep as soon as we got home.

Wednesday 18th March 2020
Well I was expecting Dembe to be like this all morning after last nights escapades

But his actual dosing lasted a very short time indeed. I ended up playing Find it with him for close to 40 minutes . After which I don’t know who was most knackered him or me!

Today was quite a huge day really as I finally bit the bullet and decided to enquire with our dog trainer about dog walking. This is for when Jay is working on a late night as Dembe simply refuses to use the backgarden to go to the toilet. Even having a wee now seems to be out of the question. Jay has started to take him out twice on a day when he is working late before he goes to work. But even then I am left weith Dembe crying on and off from around 5pm until Jay gets in at 9 / 10 pm. It simply isn’t fair on Dembe and it isn’t fair on me as it means my evenings are spent continually getting Dembe out in the back garden to go for a pee which he now flatly refuses to do.

I am also going to get Jay to speak to his friend at work whose wife runs a dog walking service and ask if she can pick up Saturday afternoon walks with Dembe as she could do with an extra client. She has had so many cancellations with people either being made unemployed or now working from home her business is being impacted badly. It will only be about once a month that Jay gets a late night Saturday but it will help Dembe and me and in turn our friend.

In the evening the dog walker come over and met Dembe . Dembe went absolutely crazy! Initially he was barking loads and then he went to his toy box and brought Phil his sprout. Just as Phil was leaving Dembe decided without warning to puke all over the lounge rug so that wasn’t at all mortifying.
He is absolutely fine in himself however I am concerned about his left eye. He seems to be blinking it more and it looks red. There has also been a bit of gunk coming from it. So a trip to the vets tomorrow for him.
Thursday 19th March
Poor Dembe has a corneal abrasion. Initially I had though he may have conjuctivitis but Jay took him to the vets at 10.15am and they could see a scratch on his eye. He has had an injection and eye drops put in.
He really isn’t happy about the eyedrops. I put the first lot in at 12.30pm and he ran up the stairs straight after and stayed on the stairs glaring at me through the banisters for 15 minutes.

He then came down the stairs and went onto the small sofa, huffing and puffing the whole time whilst flatly refusing to look at me.

I have booked Dembe in for some dog walks next week and one the week after. This is a huge step for Jay and I, turning Dembe over to someone else for at least an hour. But it will do Dembe good.
Friday 20th March
Dembe’s eye is still a little swollen and red but it is looking a whole lot better than it did. He was bouncing off the walls today . I have never known him so full of energy. Obviously the pain relief he was given at the vets yesterday knocked him bandy.

I did manage to get a little sewing done today at least whilst he had a nap upstairs.
He was walked early and again before Jay went to work, as he is late night today. But he is still bouncing off the walls. I thank my lucky stars this is the last late night I will have to endure with a whinning dog that keeps running to teh front door despite having a garden he can use to relieve himself.

Saturday 21st March
Dembe’s eye is now back to normal, no swelling and all the redness has gone.

Again he was absolutely mental this morning for about an hour after his long walk with Jay before he finally conked out.

He has been incredibly vocal today, barking and howling at everyone who dares walk past our house. It is a bit of a nightmare when all he wants to do is talk!

As soon as the clock strikes one Dembe assumes his position at the window waiting for his dad to come home for his lunch. As soon as his dad arrives Dembe then goes to his toy box and presents it to his dad. It is very sweet and you never know from one day to the next what toy Jay will be given.
Sunday 22nd March
Jay left the house before 8.30am this morning so that he could go and get shopping for both sets of parents. Both are self isolating due to this fucking virus and need bits and pieces from the supermarket to get them through. As Jay wasn’t in his work uniform Dembe kicked off from the moment he left. Howling and barking at the front door and lounge window. Hoping that his dad could hear him and that he would hurry home. I hate it when Dembe is like this as there is nothing you can do to console him apart from just getting him chewy treats as he can’t chew and make noise at the same time.

He did settle eventually and I managed to get a small amount of sewing done before Jay got home.

As soon as Jay sat down Dembe draped himself all over Jay to make up for lost time. He loves his dad.
Stay safe everyone xxx
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