Dembe is shattered after the fun of agility training yesterday. Jay took Dembe out early, he is much happier about going out in the dark these days. Unlike when he was a pup and he would refuse to get out of the back of the car.
We had a lazy day together snuggled on the sofa. He was very pleased when Jay popped home for lunch . He brought a selection of toys into the kitchen for Jay to attempt to get off him. He likes greeting Jay with a toy in his mouth. If Jay comes in and he doesn’t have a toy, Dembe will run off and get one to show to his daddy. It is so very sweet.
He had a good walk when Jay finished work.
Tuesday 21st January
Jay is day off today and took Dembe for a quick walk up the common, quite early. He will be having a longer walk this afternoon whilst I am at Physiotherapy.
Jay went to Old Common whilst I was in my physio session. Dembe met lots of dogs and had several games of chase. He still isn’t keen on leaving me anywhere, he can get quite stressed out. By the time I got out of physio he was shattered.

I took this photo about 10 minutes after we got in. He was so shattered but he was determined to attempt to keep an eye on me.

We had dog training this evening – it was bloody freezing! I had so many layers on I could barely walk. Tights on under my jeans and 4 layers on my top half. Dembe had an excellent training session, he was the best in the class this evening even if I do say it myself. Unfortunately Max the GSD seems to have taken a dislike to Dembe and was growling at him. He decided last Sunday that Dembe was in his crosshairs and he seems to have continued this week. Thankfully there is plenty of space between them so Max can grumble all he likes.
Wednesday 23rd Janaury

We had a quiet day as Dembe and I were both pretty shattered after the dog training session last night ( plus I also had physio ) . He slept the majority of the day. He only came to life when Jay came home for lunch and again when he finished work.
Dembe started throwing his toys around the front room at about 5pm and kept that up until Jay arrived home just after 6pm.
He is eating really well at the moment and seems to be really enjoying his food.

Thursday 23rd January
I woke up with a migraine at 2.30am, so I got my soft collar on and dosed myself up with pain meds. Dembe was in with Jay so it didn’t wake him. I have to sleep sitting up when wearing the collar so I was propped up in bed when Dembe came in at 5.30am and started barking because he didn’t know who it was in the bed! Idiot. I calmed him down , he then jumped on the bed and covered me in kisses. I could feel that all his back hair was up. He settled down beside me and I stayed in bed for as long as I could. We managed to sleep until 8am which is unheard of. Jay took Dembe out at 6.30am but I slept through that.

We had a very low key day due to me struggling with the migraine all day.
Friday 24th January
I had a funny turn today where I came over like I was going to faint ( it happens quite a lot but usually I can just sit there and be ok) . My eyes started rolling in my head so I had to slip down off the sofa, get on the floor and raise my legs up. As I got down on the floor I was fully expecting Dembe to go mental as me lying on the floor is normally the signal for a mummy pile on and play time.
I was so shocked when Dembe quietly got off the sofa and curled right up beside me, resting his face against my face. Normally I would have been trodden on and toys dropped on my head. It was really out of character for him. When he wasn’t lying face to face with me, he was lying on my arm so I couldn’t get up. We stayed on the floor for 30 minutes before he moved and brought me a tennis ball. How did he know that was just what I needed? I sat on the floor for a bit ensuring I was ok to get up and then we both headed upstairs and lay down on my bed for a few hours.

As you can see from the photo’s I took at the time he was stuck to me like glue. He hasn’t been trained to do this, he picked up that something was wrong and then stayed on the floor with me until I was well enough to move. I am so very proud of my little pudding. He is my hero.
Saturday 25th January
I am feeling a lot better today thank goodness, as Jay is late night so I will be on my own from just after 12pm until 10pm. Jay took Dembe out for a nice long walk to ensure he didn’t go too mental later with not having a second walk.
As expected Dembe got all his toys out of his box on Saturday evening

Crocodile was being thrown around the lounge along with tennis balls as he attempted to entertain himself. In the end I gave him a bulls tail chew to occupy him and bring the energy levels down. That worked and around an hour later we toddled up to bed where he settled down beside me immediately.
Sunday 26th January
Dembe is full of beans this morning, despite having a lovely long walk with Jay first thing. I had to take my slippers off which is a rare occurrence as my feet were too hot. Dembe deciding that we weren’t paying him enough attention then stole them and sat chewing the labels out of them. He also seemed to spend a very long time just bathing in the smell of my feet, strange animal.

We had lesson 4 of Dembe’s agility training course today. He mastered the weave poles and the long jumps. He was the first dog to manage 4 jumps today.
Dembe has been asleep ever since we have been back.
I forgot to share, Dembe now knows that we don’t react to his barking and we have been teaching him the command speak and then cease – it’s been a bit hit and miss. So now as barking no longer works he has started howling. Little bugger.
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