Monday 3rd February
Today has been a very lazy day. Jay was on an early so he took Dembe out up the common before going to work.
We had lots of cuddles on the sofa and we played find it, with find it bunny.

I caught him looking out the window waiting for his dad to get home at lunch time. As soon as he hears my message ping on my phone to let me know that Jay is on his way home he will get up on the sofa and stand guard. Some days he is up there before I get a message.

As soon as he see’s his dad reverse onto the drive he will either go to the door or he will run to his toy box and get a toy to greet his dad with. The retriever part is strong in him, he loves to walk around with a toy in his mouth. At the moment he likes carrying around his pheasant toy. This changes from day to day which toy he is favouring.
He was full of beans this evening before Jay got in. He waits by the door lying on the sofa arm.

When Jay gets home from work he doesn’t get a toy brought to him as Dembe knows he will be going out for a walk!
Tuesday 4th February
Jay is day off today.
Dembe is really barky and a bit crazy today so I am dreading dog training this evening as if he is barking and naughty at home it usually continues in class the little sod.

Dembe did really well did exceptionally well at obedience class this evening . He got got picked out of the group to show off his recall skills. Martin the trainer took Dembe down the other end of the barn and got Jay to call Dembe back when Dembe wasn’t expecting it. He went off down the barn like a rocket. I don’t think I have ever seen him move so quickly. They then repeated it doing a front present. Dembe veered off course and came over to me so I ignored him, Jay called him again and he shot off back to Jay. He did the front present beautifully.
Wednesday 5th February
Dembe started at 6am to try and get me up but I managed to keep him occupied until 6.50am. Jay got him out at by 7.30am. Jay said he was going crazy on the walk running around like a loon.
Dembe slept quite a bit during the day as he was knackered from his walk and dog training last night. He sprang into action at 5am demanding his toys to be thrown for him.

Thankfully I kept him entertained and managed to wear him out. He did settle down quickly when we went up to bed . Jay took him out around the block when he got in from work and Dembe did lots of big boy wee’s. So proud of him.
Thursday 6th February
Dembe is eating loads at the moment and I am not surprised as it is supposed to be turning colder in the next few days.

We had a slow start to the morning as I had woken up with a migraine and was feeling quite out of it for a while. Dembe was quite happy to lie beside me on the sofa sleeping bless him.

I find it quite crazy when I compare his photos from last year to the ones I have here as he was tiny this time last year and now he looks so grown up. But he will always be our baby,
At 5.30pm I had a doctors appointment so Jay dropped me there and then he and Dembe headed to the beach walking through the town to get there. It was a really good training session for him, by the time he worked out he was going to the beach he was beside himself with excitement. He was desperate to get onto the sand and as Jay took him down the steps he took his lead off. Dembe jumped the last 5 steps straight onto the beach. Not as good as our previous Weimaraner Mollie who Jay let off who then jumped the sea wall dropping at least 8 foot onto the sand below. Thankfully without injury.
Dembe had a whale of a time running around, doing zoomies. He was playing with the other dogs on the beach and he had a swim in the sea. As it was dark he was noticing the waves coming up behind him and got a drenching. He ran himself ragged.
Later that evening I collapsed in severe pain, I was by myself as Dembe was in with Jay. I stumbled towards the bathroom and sat there for a bit wondering if the pain was going to ease up at all. As I made my way back to bed I fell. Dembe came out of the bedroom saw me on the floor and ran straight into Jays room and woke him up by nibbling his hand. I was in so much pain I was unable to speak. Jay helped me get back to bed and Dembe was glued to my side. eventually the pain died down and I managed to get to sleep around midnight. It was only then that Dembe went back in with his dad.
Friday 7th February
Dembe is stuck to me like glue today after me having a migraine and then my bowel adhesion’s playing up last night. We didn’t really do much today as I was feeling so rank. Jay took Dembe out before work so he had a good run and he was mroe than happy just to curl up with me on the sofa.
At 7pm Dembe took himself up to bed which is practically unheard of. I knew he was knackered from being on duty looking after me.

Saturday 8th February
Today is my parents wedding anniversary! Happy anniversary.

This photo of Dembe totally sums how I am feeling today, utterly drained. There is a huge storm tomorrow “Storm Ciara” so I am trying to get all the jobs done that I would do on a Saturday and Sunday with help into one day and it is exhausting when my batteries are already drained!
Dembe came to life later that evening! He was having a mad hour or so after his dinner whilst waiting for Jay to get home.
Sunday 9th February
My god it is windy. We woke up at 6am to find one of the fence panels flapping in the wind. It is only a yellow warning currently and that increases to an amber warning at 8am. We managed to get outside at around 7.30am to fix the fence panel. The wind was so strong I nearly got blown off my feet and I am no shrinking violet. Dembe isn’t keen on the wind and keeps barking at it.
So far so good we still have power but the next postcode are over from us has lost power. I have candles and a gas stove should that happen here. I am racing to get Dembe’s blog completed and set up ready to publish in case of loss of power.
Dog Agility training got cancelled at around 10.30am due to the weather.
The amber warning will be in place until 9pm this evening so I am signing off early. Stay safe.
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