This weeks Diary update won’t be in diary form as it will just be a round up of the last few weeks and will mainly be photographs.
On Monday 23rd December we were visited by Sam, Gemma and Sarah. Dembe was a good boy and behaved himself. He was spoilt rotten by Sam, who bought him some tennis balls ( they are still played with daily) a bone shaped chew and a tin of sardines which Dembe had for breakfast on Christmas morning.

On Christmas Eve it was just me and the boy as hubby was working for the first time in nearly a decade on this day. Dembe spent much of the day asleep on or near me.

Dembe was spoilt rotten Christmas day, he had his tin of sardines from Sam for breakfast and then he had all his presents to open.

This is just some of the toys he got. We got him a pop up tunnel which he went through twice on Christmas morning but has refused to go through ever since. He got a new food bowl, so many bags of treats, toys a new lead for his obedience training class. He really was a lucky pup.
However I think if Dembe could talk he would tell you the best bit of Christmas day was sitting on his dads lap having a cuddle.

It was a real Dembe and daddy love in. They couldn’t get enough of each other and it was really lovely to see. Whenever Jay is off work Dembe is glued to his side, yes he is my dog but he adores his dad as well.
Jay and I got a really lovely gift from Imogen, Leanne and Liam. A photograph of all the dogs together.

On Boxing day ( 26th Dec ) Dembe and I were both shattered, we had a very lazy day indeed. I think all the excitement and lead up to Christmas hit us both. We had lots of snuggles on the sofa.

The 29th December marked the one year anniversary of Frankie’s passing. It was a tough day, having Dembe made it bearable. It was much harder than either of us anticipated it would be and we knew we would have to do it all over again the following week when it would mark the one year anniversary of Mollie passing.

Dembe managed to get in one last swim in 2019 up on Woodbury Common on 31st December. Jay didn’t have to coax him in, Dembe dived right in. He is a real water baby, he swims so well.

The next photo is one of my most favourite ever taken of Dembe

Red Dinosaur a Christmas present from his uncle Paul has been a firm favourite. This gets taken up and down the stairs on a regular basis. He loves carrying it around, when you try to take it from you he runs away. With me he knows all he has to do is run up the stairs and I can’t get him, he then pokes it through the banister! Sometimes he is just too bloody clever for his own good.

I can’t get over how grown up he looks in this photo. Where has my tiny pup gone? They grow so fast in the space of just a few months. He will always be our baby though no matter how old he is.

I woke up on Sunday night and found him lying in his bed with the fox blanket covering his eyes lying on his back with not a care in the world. Today was hard due to it being the first anniversary of Mollie passing away. We had a very quiet day at home.

He still loves nothing more than having a cuddle on my lap.

We had our first training session of 2020 tonight. Dembe has been bumped up to the advanced class as he is training at a much higher level. He was a little rusty, well Jay was for the first 20 minutes, after that they had a superb training session. He has made a new friend a little white dog think it maybe a Maltese or Bichon crossed with something maybe as it was too big and chunky to be a poodle but had the same curly hair. His new friend is called Rupert and he spent some of the class doing his silly come hither half bark / howls to get his mates attention. Martin has asked us to work together next week as both our dogs are picking stuff up quicker than the other dogs. Dembe was actually watching Rupert to work out what he needed to do. It amazes me how clever he is sometimes. He learned last night that us saying 2 to him also means leave. So we will be working on that this week when we do training sessions each day.
Tuesday 7th also marked the one year anniversary of us meeting Dembe for the very first time.

Saturday 11th January is Dembe’s Happy Gotcha Day! I can’t believe he has been ours for a whole year.
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