Monday 20th May 2019
Dembe was up early as Jay was on his usual Monday morning start time. He has been coping well with all my bedroom contents being all over the place as I am getting a new (2nd hand ) wardrobe delivered today. The Weimaraners could never cope with their environment being messed with and would get very stressed. Even moving furniture for decorating was enough to upset them. Thankfully Dembe takes it all in his stride.
He was really good when the delivery men arrived . One of them was his Uncle Paul so he loved having a massive cuddle off him. He was exceptionally well behaved as I sorted through all my stuff and slowly put everything back. It took ages as I kept having to have a rest. Dembe just lay on my pillows and just watched me, coming and giving me a cuddle whenever I stopped.
Jay got home after 5pm so Dembe was given a good run up the common as regular readers will know Dembe is not a fan of early morning walks – he refuses to leave the car. So on a Monday he has a long walk in the evening and if he is being particularly bouncy Jay will give him a walk around the block on his lunch hour.
Paul popped in on his way home from work and had a good cuddle with Dembe again. He really does adore him.

Tuesday 21st May
Jay was day off today so we took Dembe to Woodbury Castle . It was so early that we were the only people there. Dembe had a lovely time running around and exploring the woods.

Wednesday 22nd May
Jay had stocktake at work today so was up at 2.30am and in work for 4am. We did wonder how Dembe would cope with Jay getting up early and if he would beg for his breakfast. Luckily Dembe was very good and although he got up a couple of times to see what Jay was doing he did come back to bed and settled down with me. He didn’t wake up for his breakfast at 6.05am, so I got him his breakfast and then let him out in the back garden so he could do his business. We then went back to bed and neither of us woke up until 8am which was lovely!
Jay was home from work just after 1pm, due to my mouth being painful after the extraction last week I was back at the dentist at 2,30pm. Jay took Dembe up the common whilst I was being sorted out. I had started to develop a dry socket.
This evening I taught Dembe to pull my socks off. I saw on the Broadleaf puppy group on social media that a friend of mine had taught her puppy Reggie to pull her socks off. This is the sort of thing I wanted to teach Dembe, so I asked her how she had done it and she broke down the training for me. As Dembe has always liked playing with my socks in the evening when I take them off for bed, I knew he was already interested in them. It would have been far more difficult if he had shown zero interest in them.
Initially I started with putting the sock loosely over my hand and saying “Dembe Sock”. On my first go he pulled the sock off my hand. I was utterly thrilled and gave him lots and lots of praise and cuddles. I was also aware that he might do this once and it had just been sheer coincidence. So I repeated the command and he did it again. I repeated this a few more times and then I put the sock loosely on my foot and said the same command “Dembe Sock” he pulled the sock off no problem at all. I repeated this a few more times and then shot this video
Thursday 23rd May
This week Dembe has been waking up a lot later for his breakfast, he has been regularly sleeping past 5.30am which has been really lovely as I am not a fan of really early mornings. As Dembe was very active from the off we got him out and up the common by around 8.15am.
Jay gave him a nice long walk on the common as he was on a late night finish today. On the way back from the walk we popped into The Range and picked Dembe up a rigid paddling pool. We filled it up as soon as we got home, Dembe went a bit crazy!

He was so tired he put himself to sleep up on my bed for a few hours. He really did enjoy himself.
This evening I got him to do the sock trick again, whilst we were outside on the patio. Dembe took my sock’s off fine however he then took the too the paddling pool and dropped them in there. That trick may still need some work!
Friday 24th May
We have had Dembe home with us now 20 weeks. The time has flown by. Jay and I can’t believe how much we love this little guy. He is now 28 weeks old.
At 8 weeks old Dembe liked nothing better than to chew my ties on my snuggle top. At 28 weeks old he still loves doing it but I can only fit his head on my lap instead of his whole body.

I have been working on grooming him this week as he is moulting like you wouldn’t believe. He has never liked being groomed. Even as a pup he would turn around and sink his teeth in to his brush. I have been working with him little by little with lots of treats and praise so that I can brush him with a furminator and his ordinary brush.

I’m not saying Dembe is spoilt but his dad bought some artificial turf to go under his paddling pool so he didn’t slip on the paving slabs when he was jumping in and out. This is Jay filling up Dembe’s paddling pool at 7.52am.

Dembe loves sitting on this particular garden chair. He launches off it into the paddling pool or he just sits there and sunbathes.
Today Dembe and I met a lady called Claire, who I have known for a few years on social media but we have never met in person, despite living in the same town as we both suffer from a multitude of health conditions. Dembe took a real shine to her and constantly wanted her attention and for her to throw his ball. He was absolutely exhausted by the end of her visit and was really sleepy for the rest of the day.
Saturday 25th May
Dembe has had me in stitches from first thing this morning. He is such a character

He loves having a good old nose out of the front window watching the world go by. I have nose art all over the lounge window. He reminds me a lot of our Weimaraner Willow when he does this as she was always up on the sofa looking out of the window. He has taken it a step further now and climbs up onto the window ledge completely now.
He had another day enjoying the paddling pool, sunshine and the garden!

Sunday 26th May
Poor Dembe has been absolutely shattered today after his three days of non stop fun in the garden and paddling pool. The weather hasn’t been great either with overcast grey skies and the odd spot of rain!

He has been really into his daddy today spending time having cuddles on the sofa and sleeping next to him whilst daddy played on his PS4. Every so often Dembe would wander into the kitchen to check on me as I was using my embroidery machine quilting cushion fronts for the garden chairs.
He has had two lovely walks up the common and has enjoyed his very quiet Sunday.
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