Monday 13th May
Due to Dembe’s continued reluctance to go out at 4.30am when Jay is on an early shift and lets face it who can blame him? No walk was attempted today his first day back from holiday. As we have issues with the car, we were told the cambelt was on the way out ( on top of a huge list of other faults) Jay has been nursing the car through until we get the new one later this week. So it is essential travel only whilst it is in this state.
I was knackered when Jay and the boy got up so attempted to stay in bed only the blonde hairy bastard was having none of it. After he had his breakfast and toilet trip he bounded upstairs and proceeded to bash me on the head with numerous toys until eventually on the verge of throttling him due to my strong desire to stay in bed I got up.
As soon as Jay left for work, just after 6am said blonde hairy bastard took himself back upstairs to bed. Fuming that I was now wide awake I made him come back down stairs and prodded him at various intervals when he had gone back to sleep.

He did however behave beautifully today and kept himself occupied whilst I got some prep work for some sewing done. I always panic a bit when it goes quiet so periodically I go and check on him as one of the Weimaraners…. Willow chewed the handbrake off one of our cars in less than 2 minutes. So I am well aware of the trail of destruction puppies ( and Willow was a fully grown mature dog of 5 when she decided to eat the handbrake) can wreak. Dembe is pretty exceptional in the fact he only has to be told no once and he doesn’t attempt to chew the item again. We have been incredibly lucky that despite the house being full of lots of solid pine furniture he hasn’t ( so far) used any of it as a chew toy.

Tuesday 14th May
Dembe was manic from the word go this morning. He was so bouncy that Jay took him out for a long walk up the common relatively early. They decided to have a bit of an explore and managed to link up two separate walks that he had been trying to see how they joined together for a while. Dems had a good run around off the lead and stayed nice and close to Jay as he was unsure of what direction Jay was going to go in. When they got back Dembe was still bouncy and only finally settled down at 10.10am.
Jay and I decided that as it was sunny we would paint the remaining fence panels and posts. I did all the bits I could sit down and do whilst Jay did all the rest. Dembe of course had to see what it was I was doing whilst sat on the floor, that always means I get smothered in kisses. His nosiness though meant he got blue ( well seagrass ) coloured fence paint all over his foot and he was an absolute nightmare to get to stay still so That I could wipe it off. After that adventure Dembe decided to stay in the house and go to sleep on the sofa whilst we finished outside.
In the afternoon Jay took Dembe out again for another longish walk.

Wednesday 15th May
As Jay was late night today Dembe had a really good long walk up the common again in the hope that it would keep him relatively calm for me, whilst Jay was working. Jay is on a really strange shift today 2pm until 11pm to help the night team. So it really confused Dembe when Jay started getting ready for work.
We decided today that we would increase Dembe’s food allowance up to the next weight bracket as there is no way that his final weight is going to be 25kg when he is 20kg before he is 6 months old and he still has a lot of growing to do. Plus he has been acting like he is really really hungry all the time and he is looking a bit ribby. So we have taken his food to 200g for breakfast and dinner. If he starts looking porky on this or starts gaining weight too rapidly then we will reduce the portion size down again.
Today I had to adjust his collar as his neck has filled out a bit more so he is on the second to last notch rather than the smallest one now. I am glad I bought a collar that has plenty of room to grow in it ( around 10cm ) as otherwise I would be forking out for expensive collars all the time. This one wasn’t cheap at around £35 from Dogs & Horses but it is a beautiful pale grey and it looks beautiful against his red / yellow fur.
Dembe was a really good boy for me all afternoon as I worked again on some prep for a sewing project. Later in the afternoon as the weather was nice we played in the back garden. He is very good when it is just the two of us and he takes his role of protecting me very seriously. Barking at every strange noise so I have to reassure him that everything is ok.

Thursday 16th May
Can you believe it Dembe is six months old today? He has become such a handsome boy who is so loving and protective.

Dembe has wanted a lot of my attention this week. I think he has been picking up on our stress levels. There are other things going on, whilst waiting for the car has been really stressful as we have been severely limited where we can go due to the fact the car isn’t very reliable. I also have the dentist tomorrow for a tooth extraction and I have a phobia about the dentist. So he can just probably feel the stress coming off me in waves.
When he wants my attention he can be really whingey, I try really hard not to respond to his whines as I don’t want to teach him that whining gets my attention. He has to learn that I am not wrapped around his little paw although sometimes it feels as if I am.Fr
It is really hard not to react though as I am always scared that he has hurt himself or is unwell even though I know those cries would be different. It is frustrating when he is this demanding of my time as all he wants me to do is sit on the sofa so he can sleep with his legs or his head touching me! He doesn’t even want me to play. I think he has been feeling unsettled due to the stress vibe in the house currently.
Friday 17th May
As I have a dentists appointment at 9.35am Jay was waiting until he dropped me off to take Dembe down the beach. Dembe thoroughly enjoyed his time down the beach playing chase with lots of dogs. Jay said he was absolutely shattered after 30 minutes of running around with all of his new friends.
The dentist took longer than expected my tooth was refusing to come quietly. It was a bit of a nightmare as Jay was waiting at home to come to get me and had organised a lift to the garage 12 miles away. As he was just leaving the house with Dembe, his lift arrived ( Sarah) so for the first time ever Dembe was left without either Jay or I. Sarah said all he wanted to do was play and was good as gold. I think Jay and I were more stressed out than he was. Sarah took some lovely photos of him.

When Jay had come back from the beach without me Dembe had searched the house for me crying as he did. He then went up to out bedroom and went to sleep on the bed wrapped up on my snuggle top.
Jay popped home at 4pm as the old car was being taken by the car breakers. Poor Dembe cried and cried when Jay went back to work. He wanted his daddy to be home for the evening so the pack was all back together. Thankfully he did settle quite quickly as we were both knackered we had an early night.
Saturday 18th May
Jay had an early start and despite the fact we now had the new car we let Dembe sleep. He isn’t really a morning person. As soon as Jay went to work Dembe and I went back to bed and slept for another 90 minutes. It was needed!
For the first time this week Jay came back for lunch. Dembe was beside himself with excitement to see his dad this early in the day.
Dembe was really good this afternoon, mainly because I bribed him with a bone and allowed me to get some sewing done. My mouth was less sore than it had been Friday and it was a good distraction from the pain.
In the evening Dembe and I got to have our first trip out in the new car! As Jay took us both up to the common so that Dems could have a really good run around. The car was really lovely and despite it being a diesel is much quieter than our last car.

I only managed to sew for a short period of time on Saturday. As soon as I stopped for the day. Dembe snuggled right up beside me and went to sleep.

Ignore the mess of my bedroom I am having a new wardrobe delivered so everything from my wardrobe is down one side of my bed. I woke up in the night and needed a pee, I looked over to discover Dembe flat on his back airing his ginger nuts. Obviously he feels very safe and secure with us.
Sunday 19th May
Dembe was full of beans this morning so Jay and I took him out up the common before 8am. Jay took some photos of him on their walk

We decided after getting home and having a coffee etc that we would go out for a drive in the new car. Firstly so that Jay could get used to it and secondly to get Dembe better at car journeys ( longer ones) .

We decided to go up to Dartmoor near Okehampton and let Dembe have his very first run around. We found a nice flat area where I could use my mobility scooter and just pootle about a bit. It was really nice if not a bit chilly and windy. De,be really enjoyed himself and had a nice run around. He was pretty good in the car and slept all the way home.
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