W/C 17th May 2021
Dembe has a walk booked in with Martin this morning.

Whilst we were waiting fro him to arrive, Dembe was giving the builders out in the street a piece of his mind as they have been making a racket for the last few days. It has upset Dembe no end having all the lorries and all the people shouting / drilling and generally making a nuisance of themselves.
Dembe had a lovely walk with Martin this morning, he was with his older woman Shadow, who he has a huge soft spot for.

Jay popped home at lunch time and gave De,be a quick walk around the block to ensure he would be ok until he got back later.
Dembe was knackered after his walk on the common with Martin and was more than happy to curl up on the sofa and doze until his dad got home at 4pm.

When Jay got home from work we took Dembe up to the model airfield for a walk. Dembe and Jay bumped into a female Hungarian Vizla that was in season ( I can’t believe that someone would be stupid enough to take a bitch in season out during a busy time of day when she was in season). This was a first for our boy and although he was incredibly intrigued by this foxy chick he had absolutely no idea what he was supposed to do about he. He spent the whole time following her around with his nose planted in her vulva, the Vizla’s not the owners LOL!
When Dembe got home he was rather sexually frustrated and his bed took a real pounding for at least 90 minutes. It was a wonder he could walk straight afterwards. The joys of owning a boy dog!

Tuesday 18th May
Dembe was all over his dad today. He is picking up on his stress levels as Jay’s mum needs to go back onto treatment for her multiple myeloma, a type of cancer of the bone marrow. After losing his dad just 6 weeks ago, Jay is much more stressed than normal.

Dembe seems to be on a mission today to ensure that the lounge looks like a creche at all times. No soon as we have cleared up all his toys, he is back at the toy box pulling everything out and making a mess again.
This evening we have been playing with Cleo the Caterpillar. He plays with her more now that his big wicker bed is upstairs in my room. We just have to watch him for attempting to chew off her antennae.
Jay took Dembe out for an hours walk this afternoon to clear his head. He finds a walk on the common really grounding and helps him de-stress. It is one of the enormous benefits of having a dog that even on one of your darkest days you have to get out of the house and get some fresh air.

Dembe really does love playing with the carrot that I made him to replace his old one that Pets at Home no longer sell.
Wednesday 19th May
Today is a strange one as instead of being on a late night, Jay is on a 9-6 shift. As Dembe loves his Auntie Sophie walks so much we decided to still go ahead with it. Sadly Polo, Dembe’s best mate is still recovering from being neutered, so he won’t be joining them. Hopefully he will be back next week.

Dembe was so excited to see his Auntie Sophie and get out for a walk, despite the fact that he had been out for 3 walks already today. One when he got Jay up at around 5.30am, another at 7.30am before Jay left for work and then another at around 1pm when Jay popped back for lunch.
Sophie and Beth from Creature Kind took Dembe and the crew over towards Darts Farm near Topsham. The cattle that had been there last week had been moved so there was no danger of the dogs upsetting the mum’s with their calves. Unfortunately the cows had left a lot of cow pats behind, so Dembe and his mates had a “shitfest” covering themselves in cow shit, eating cow shit and just generally getting it all over themselves. Dembe also discovered a bog whilst he was out and decided to wade into it up to his armpits. He had a green body ( cow shit ) and what looked like black tights ( bog). Sophie took him home and washed him in her back garden before bringing him back to me!

Dembe had a wonderful time playing with Beths dog Dilly a Lurcher cross. Dembe was absolutely knackered when he got in.

Thursday 20th May
Jay is taking his mum to her oncology appointment today, so it was quite lucky we already had a a walk booked with Martin from Happy Dogs.
The weather was absolutely disgusting hammering it down with rain and blowing a gale so there was no video and no photos as the weather was just so terrible.
When he got back from his walk with Martin he needed a quick hose off in the back garden and then he went to sleep on the towel I had laid on the sofa for him.

Dembe was quite happy to snuggle up beside me on the sofa this afternoon.

Our friends Leanne and Liam came over on in the afternoon to take Dembe around the block for me as I didn’t want Jay having to race home especially in this really awful weather.
Jay got home at around 16.30-1700 and we took Dembe straight out. It was dry but still very windy.
Friday 21st May
Poor Dembe isn’t very well, he has lots of gunk coming from his eyes and is rubbing his eyes like crazy. As soon as the vets opened at 8.30am he rang up and our favourite receptionist and friend got us in at 10.30am.
Dembe was a very good boy at the vets although he wouldn’t touch the treat she gave him until he was sure he was leaving the building with his dad. The vet said she had a fox red Labrador as well and she couldn’t get over well behaved Dembe was as she said her dog was nuts.
Dembe has conjunctivitis in both eyes so now needs drops for a few days. He had to have a luminous green dye put in his eyes to ensure he didn’t have an eye injury like a scratched cornea. It was just conjunctivitis so that’s good.

Dembe was much improved after two doses of the eye ointment and there has been very little gunk and no eye rubbing at all since.
Saturday 21st May
We are having a lazy family day together after the week we have just had.

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