W/C 22nd March 2021
Well this week Dembe is going to be a thoroughly spoiled pupster as he has five walks booked. His little legs are going to be worn down to stumps! Today walk is with Martin from Happy Dogs. This week he has walks booked with Max and Sophie.

As is usual when Jay is on an early shift Dembe is a very tired pud. He really doesn’t like an early start. Now with the mornings getting lighter he is coming in and waking me earlier deep bloody joy!
If you have Facebook you can watch a video of Dembe’s walk by clicking on this link https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/257006056096220
Dembe was out with a Spaniel named Blue, and they got on very well. Dembe found a ball and he likes carrying balls around rather than chasing after them. Where as Blue who is a spaniel likes chasing balls. They still had a good time. Dembe’s habit of finding tennis balls reminds us so much of his Auntie Mollie, our Weimaraner who was Frankie and Willows mum. Mollie liked to find tennis balls and carry them around on the walk and then sit and destroy them by taking the “skin” of them off.

Dembe had a right strop on this afternoon as I wouldn’t get his dinner for him at 3pm and he has started asking for his dinner earlier and earlier. He then barked because I said no, so he got told to stop. I think his face says it all!

I really can’t get over how well he is eating at the moment, he is demanding his breakfast and his dinner a situation we haven’t had since he was a tiny pup.
Tuesday 23rd March
Today was the usual Daddy and Dembe love in whilst we caught up on some TV shows that we had recorded last night. Dembe had lots of walks around the block and two on the common.

Wednesday 24th March
Dembe has his second walk of the week booked today with Sophie from Creature Kind. Jay is on a late night so Dembe has had three walks before Jay left for work at midday. One on the common and two around the block.

He was following me around the house all day.
When Sophie turned up Dembe was very pleased to see her. He was so excited because he could see his mate Polo in the back of the van already so he was trying to do play bows whilst attempting to get to the van as quickly as possible.

Dembe had a lovely time out on his walk playing with his friends. Sophie said he was a very good boy, which is always nice to hear. He is always shattered after a walk so quite often will sleep on my lap or on the sofa. Then he wakes up starving and demanding his dinner.
Thursday 25th March 2021
Jay is on a 9-6 shift today and Dembe is stuck to me like glue because he knows that I am not very well. I have really bad vertigo that is making me feel very tired and the room keeps spinning. A few times during the morning it gets so bad I think I will have to call Jay home from work.

Dembe has a walk booked with Martin from Happy dogs today and I am glad because I don’t want him to be worrying about me all day as he needs some time off form constantly looking after me.
If you have Facebook you can see the video from Dembe’s walk by clicking on this link https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/128153799254791 He was with his mate Blue again so he had a good time. Martin said Dembe had cloth ears today on his walk and was pretending he couldn’t hear when Martin shouted for him to come back. He likes to do that from time just to try it on as well as deliberately taking the wrong path on a walk when he knows it is coming to an end.
Dembe was later going out this morning so when Martin brought him back home Jay was back for his lunch. It was hilarious as Dembe didn’t know what to do as this had never happened before. He greeted Jy and then pushed past him to greet me. He was beside himself with excitement.
I felt so awful in the afternoon that Dembe and I went to bed. He was more than happy to oblige and we stayed there for a few hours.
When I got out of bed late in the afternoon Dembe was insistent that I played a game of nudge with him!

Friday 26th March
I woke up this morning dog less, as he heard me stir he came into my bedroom bearing gifts, a blue dinosaur. Which is his favourite gift to bring us when he is upstairs and was the first toy that we ever bought him.
I gave him a huge breakfast this morning which was demolished without looking up. He definitely likes the Highland Essentials food we have been trying him on along with the home made grub we make.
Dembe has another walked booked today, with Martin from Happy Dogs. If you want to see the video from Dembe’s walk and you have Facebook then please click this link https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/241740144329717

Dembe was a sleepy cuddly boy today after his walk with Martin. He was very happy to lie on the sofa in the sun as I got on with some jobs I needed to get done.
Jay came back from lunch at around 1pm and Dembe was so excited to see him. He went outside and brought his football in for Jay. Before he left to go back to work Jay had to return it outside as it is too big to be thrown around the house which he would want to do if it was left inside.

This evening Dembe decided to evict Cleo the caterpillar from her bed and play with her, his carrot , the duck and his green ball. That’s a sentence I never thought I would write.
Saturday 27th March
I had an early start as a crying dog woke me up at 6.43am, it is getting much lighter in the mornings. Dembe wouldn’t stop fussing until I got up and then when I got up and went downstairs, he went into his dads room and fell asleep. Jay was woken at 7.30am by a phone call from his mum to say his dad is in hospital again. I think Dembe is picking up on the stress in the house as he is being very quiet and cuddly.

Today Dembe has a walk with Max from It’s a Dog’s life. The one I thought I booked 4 weeks ago but actually managed to book it for today. Just as well because Jay is late night. He will love a nice walk with Max and her Springer’s this afternoon.
Max arrived at 2.30pm and Dembe was very keen to get into the van and get out for a walk. Due to a family crisis Jay had to go and see them. So Dembe was picking up on the stress and knew that something was bothering us so wouldn’t settle in the time before Max came for him.
Dembe was very spoilt as Max took him down to the beach, he hasn’t been to the beach in a while. She took him through some fields which had gates on them. Poor Dembe didn’t have a clue what to do as he hadn’t seen these before, so Max had to coax him through. Once down on the beach he had a fantastic time swimming and exploring the rock pools. When he got home he was all sandy and needed a quick wash off in the garden.
Sunday 28th March
We are going to have a quiet day today.

Dembe resting with his head on his own cushion on the floor!
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