Monday 25th January
As usual Jay was on an early shift this morning, when I woke up Dembe was with me curled up right beside me. He is an incredibly cuddly boy this morning. Normally when he gets up he will go and sleep on the sofa opposite or play with some toys on the floor. Today he wants to be right beside me.

He stayed like this for an hour all snuggly and cuddly. He is adorable when he is like this. He is adorable most of the time but when he is super affectionate it warms your heart. I have never owned such a loving dog.
He was a very sleepy boy today, quite happy to just move from sofa to sofa having a doze.

He was very excited to see his dad when he popped home for lunch and Jay was brought Dembe’s grey puppy with the squeaky paws as a gift. Obviously Jay isn’t allowed to touch his gift, he is only allowed to watch Dembe parade it around the lounge and kitchen.
As Jay was on an early shift he was home just after 4pm, he took Dembe straight up the common for a walk. They went to the model airfield and Dembe got to play with some other dogs. Dembe is always happiest when his whole pack is home with him. So he will be very happy next week as Jay is on holiday.
Tuesday 26th January
I wasn’t feeling great today so we had a very slow start to the day. I was very grateful to have both my boys with me.

Dembe had lots of walks today, he has learned when Jay is home to cry and go to the front door and his dad will take him around the block for a walk. He has also learned what “around the block” means and will run to the sofa by the front door. He will then jump up on the sofa and stand waiting very still whilst Jay gets his lead on him. They then go out for a wander to Dembe’s favourite PP (pee posts) and to the lane that runs adjacent to our estate. Lovingly known locally as “dog shit lane” due to the irresponsible owners who don’t pick up after their dogs.
Dembe’s mate Sam was on the TV last night on the programme Katie Price : Harvey and Me. Sam was right at the end.

It was a wet day , when Jay and Dembe got back to the car after their afternoon walk they were both soaked. Dembe was covered in mud.

The photograph doesn’t show that the back of his legs were black as was his belly. Thankfully a quick wash with the hose in the back garden and he was cleaned off. Jay gave him a towel dry, he is always good whilst Jay dries him although he does kiss his dad lots whilst he is doing it.
Dembe is still playing with Fishy Woo.
Wednesday 27th January
Jay is on a late shift today and tomorrow, which is unusual for him to have two lates together. Dembe has had three walks before Jay leaves for work at midday. He has had his usual morning jaunt to the common and then 2 walks around the block.
Dembe decided that my main job today would be holding his cow’s ear whilst he chewed it. My payment would be his saliva running into the palm of my hand….YUCK!

Today he is having his walk with Sophie from Creature Kind, he adores his walks with her. I have remembered to cube some cheese to give her as a high value reward for getting Dembe to respond to recall. He had a wonderful time playing with Polo, plus a few other dogs that were out with their owners. He particularly hit it off with a Dalmatian puppy.
He is still being hit and miss with his recall with Sophie. He is fine when there are no distractions but if there are other dogs around he takes no notice and runs off and plays. Which is infuriating for all of us because we know he is better than that!
Sophie took some cracking photos of him out on the walk.

He was shattered when he came home and I had to wake him up to give him his dinner.

Thursday 28th January
I got woken up by Dembe squeaking at 6am which is a lie on by his standards, I was so out of it I thought that he had already been out for a walk with Jay. As soon as they got back home Dembe raced up the stairs and jumped into bed with me. He woke me up again at 8am demanding his breakfast. After his running around yesterday he was starving.

He is being really fussy again with his food. I thought I had cracked it with his pate in his Kongs. Now however he is once again refusing to eat them. He drives me nuts with his fussiness. He will take the Kong from you and then run upstairs and leave it there, not touching it. Bloody dog!
He has another walk with Sophie from Creature Kind today, I know he will enjoy himself.

Dembe was knackered after his walk with Sophie today. He had lots of dogs on the walk to play with, who all indulged him in his love of chase.

We had an early night as we were both pooped.
Friday 28th January
Dembe is being spoilt this week as today he has a walk with Martin from Happy Dogs . He really loves Martin, when he hears Martins voice on a Facebook Live his ears prick up and he goes to the window looking for him. We have found that having Dembe walked when Jay is doing a 9-6 shift tends to stop the restlessness in the afternoon and demanding to be let out for a wee, which obviously I can’t help with.

After two long walks with Sophie, Dembe is pretty shattered and when Martin arrived this morning he was fast asleep on the floor in the lounge. I had to step over him to answer the door!
Martin took some fantastic photos of Dembe out on his walk.

When Martin brought Dembe home, Dembe ran straight to his toy box and brought Martin his blue dinosaur which is Dembe’s most prized possession. I explained to Martin what an honour it was to be brought this. Again you are only allowed to look and not touch!
Dembe now has this routine when he gets home from a walk with Martin / Sophie / Max, he will come in and then after about 10 minutes he has to crawl on my lap and have a cuddle for around 30 minutes. It is like he has to show me how much he has missed me when he was away. I always love these cuddles I get with him after his walk.

Dembe was very pleased to see his dad when he came home at just after 6pm.
Saturday 30th January

When I got up this morning Dembe wasn’t with me, I assumed that he was downstairs. When I came downstairs he was nowhere to be seen. I waited 45 minutes for him to make an appearance and when he still hadn’t shown up, I went and looked for him. He was fast asleep in his dads bed! He really isn’t an early morning dog. He hates Jay’s early shifts as he has to go out on the common at silly o’clock and then around the block quickly before he dad leaves at 6am.
Dembe was shattered all day, after all his walks this week! He is a very spoiled pup.
I’ve no idea what was going on today but Dembe managed to slip me the tongue 3 times today! Bloody good job I love him.
Sunday 31st January

Dembe slept in again this morning not waking us up until 6am, he went out for a walk and then came straight back to bed with me. He woke me up at 8am wanting his breakfast. I was a little sceptical that he would eat it as he has been such a fussy bugger this week. He scoffed the lot and it was a big breakfast.
He is very happy boy as everyone is home, he doesn’t know that he has daddy home all week. He isn’t very happy that I am writing up his blog and not giving him a cuddle!

He brought me his carrot and balanced it on my leg as a subtle hint.
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