Dad is on holiday this week!
Monday 1st February
I will be honest straight away and let you know my diary keeping fro Dembe has been rubbish this week! We have been busy getting odd jobs done and they’ve left me exhausted. Dembe’s diary simply got forgotten. I did remember to take photos of the boy.
The weather has been very wet this week, so Dembe has finished a lot of his walks pickled in mud. It was no different on Monday. I am so grateful for the fact he will patiently stand in the back garden whilst he is washed with the garden hose.

We have had a few lazy days to let dad unwind before starting the decorating. Dembe has really enjoyed having his dad at home. He is always happiest when his pack are all together. He has also liked having many walks around the block as his daddy spoils him with extra walks. Especially now that Daddy is not allowed to smoke at home.

Tuesday 2nd February
Today Dembe’s natural treats arrived from Broadleaf. Broadleaf Gun Dogs is the Kennel name of the Breeders that he came from from. Today he has had a a lambs trotter and a lambs ear. He has loved both!

We had another muddy walk this afternoon.

Again I am grateful that we have somewhere that we can wash him off and that he doesn’t make a fuss.
This evening it has been all about his carrot

Wednesday 3rd February

This morning I woke up and had no dog with me. I went into Jays room and found them cuddling up together. Dembe was playing with his banana toy which he hasn’t really played with until today. He got bought two for Christmas.
As we knew we would be decorating my room this week I booked Dembe in for a walk with Sophie from Creature Kind today and with Martin from Happy Dogs tomorrow. Whilst Jay was painting Dembe was a really good boy just lying on the bed , watching and sleeping.
Sophie took some cracking photos on the walk.

Dembe was a good boy on his walk, so we were pleased. I love the photo above the best out the photos from this week.

Dembe keeps lying with his head on the table, he will do this when Jay is eating as well so his nose is almost touching the plate. It is very funny as our Weimaraner Willow was the only dog that we have owned to do this.
We were all shattered this evening so had an early night.

Thursday 4th February
A second day of decorating. Dembe went out with Martin from Happy Dogs this morning. You can see the video from the walk . Dembe won the award for the dog who had the most poo’s at 3!!!
Dembe was a very good boy all day just lying in the hall or on the bed whilst Jay worked.

Friday 5th February
We were all shattered after two full on days. We had a day of lounging about once my bedroom was all put back. I had a terrible headache all day so ended up in and out of bed. Dr Dembe came up with me every time I was in bed and slept right next to me having a cuddle.

Saturday 6th February

I found daddy and Dembe like this today when I woke up. Dembe adores his dad he has loved having him home this week.

We are all really knackered still after those 2.5 full on days of decorating. We had an early night.

Dembe would like to wish Emma a very happy birthday! Her birthday was on Sunday 7th February.
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