Monday 24th August
Jay is on his usual early shift today, so Dembe and I are keeping each other company. Since the car crash on 11th August he has been exceptionally clingy and barky. I am sure he is picking up on the stress in the household as he is constantly on guard at the window reacting to every single noise.

He is obsessed with carrying his bone cushion that he got from Alison and Mike at Christmas. It goes everywhere with him, out in the garden , up stairs where ever he can take it.
I received this gorgeous necklace in the post on Monday morning from a friend. I had no idea about it so was really taken a back when I opened it. It has all of the Weimaraners names on it Travis, Mollie, Willow and Frankie. I have been looking at getting something like this for a while, I will treasure it always.

Tuesday 25th August
We were up early this morning as Jay is picking up the car today from a garage near Yeovil which is about an hours drive from where we are. He got Dembe out early and then took him around the block again before Paul got here just before 10.30am.
Dembe was really excited at seeing his uncle Paul. Paul is the only person Dembe goes mental about being here. He literally can’t contain his excitement. His bum looks like it will fall off as his tail wags so fast when his uncle Paul is here. Paul is the person Dembe see’s the most out of our friend group and he is more like family really.
Poor Dembe isn’t coping at all at the moment when Jay leaves the house be it for work or anything else. He has always been unhappy when his dad leaves the house not in his work gear but now he gets upset when he leaves for work and takes ages to settle down. I hope with time Dembe gets over the stress of the accident, it is sad to see him affected by it mentally.
When Jay left to go and collect our new car with Paul, Dembe camped out in the lounge by the front door so he could watch through the glass to see when his dad came back.

In all the time we have had Dembe I have never seen him wait like this for his dad to return. It is breaking my heart because his dad will be gone for hours.

When his dad got home at around 2pm he was so excited he could barely contain himself! Jay took him straight out for a walk around the block as we needed to sort some stuff out in the new car before we could go out for a drive in it with Dembe.
Wednesday 26th August
I had a dreadful nights sleep and ended up going downstairs at 2.30am. Of course I was accompanied by my shadow who since the accident wont let me out of his sight.

I went out with Jay and Dembe at 5.30am in the new car, it was lovely!
Jay was on a late night today so Dembe had a quick walk around the block at 11.30am and then he was out with Martin from Happy Dogs. Dembe practically dragged Martin down the drive in his haste to get into the back of the van and out for a walk. I am so happy that he loves going out with Martin so much as it means he gets a good run around on the days when Jay doesn’t finish until 10pm.

It also means he is really chilled out in the evening and doesn’t need entertaining whilst we wait for Jay to get home.
Thursday 27th August
Jay is on a 9-6 today, so he got him out at the usual time and then went back to bed for an hour or so.
Dembe seems much more settled today than he has been since the accident on the 11th which is a relief. He has been barking less and isn’t reacting to every outside noise. Whilst I did a few little jobs around the house Dembe felt relaxed enough to take himself upstairs and go to sleep on my bed. Which he hasn’t done since the car crash. I am sure some of this is because he can now feel Jay and I are relaxing a little.

Dembe was crazy this afternoon getting all his toys out of the box, running around doing zoomies. He messed about so much that he wore himself out! He ended up napping on the floor with his football.

Friday 28th August

We had a lazy day today as we both seemed to be shattered after all the stress of the last few weeks.
Dembe has been obsessed with playing nudge this week at every opportunity. He nudges a ball towards you with his nose and you have to push it back to him with your hand or foot. Whatever you can get to the ball. He will play this for hours!

His favourite balls to play nudge with are this green ball which glows in the dark ( which Harry and Bev got hims when he was a tiny pup) and his football.
Saturday 29th August
Dembe still hasn’t worked out the sound of his dads car pulling up on the drive so today we were out in the garden when Jay got home for lunch. Dembe was barking like mad when he heard the front door go.
In the afternoon we snuggled up on the sofa together

We also played nudge for 90 minutes

By 15.30 Dembe knew that his dad would be coming home soon, so started his usual vigil by the window

This evening we went up to my parents caravan which was the first time this year. Dembe loves it up there as he can play on the grass and see my parents dog Maggie who will chase him. By the time we came home Dembe was shattered. It was so nice to see him playing up at the van again.

In the evening Dembe got on the big sofa and hid amongst the cushions but I could see him spying on me which made me laugh.
Sunday 30th August
Dembe was up early at 5am getting Jay up for a walk. He then went straight back to bed. When I woke up at 8.15am he came straight downstairs with me and begged for his breakfast which is unusual for him as some days he doesn’t want to eat until gone 10am.
This morning we had to go and see Uncle Paul as he has hurt his back. I was going to give him an session on my ultrasound machine to see if that helped at all as he was in so much pain. Whilst I started that Jay took Dembe for a walk around the block to try and ensure Dembe wasn’t a crazy loon when he came into Pauls house. It didn’t work he loves Paul so much he just goes bloody crazy. Jay managed to keep him under control but it is very funny as Dembe behaves like it is his house following anyone who leaves the room.
When we got home Dembe was absolutely flaked out as normally he would sleep a lot of the morning but today as we had been to Paul’s he hadn’t.

As this weekend is a bank holiday in England Dembe will be spoiled with having his daddy home until Wednesday at 12pm!
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