Monday 8th June
Dembe is sulking as Jay is back to work today after his holiday and the minute Jay went to work Dembe took himself upstairs to bed. It reminded me so much of Mollie who was Jays dog and would sulk something terrible every time her dad left the house without her. I basically wouldn’t see her all day as she would hide upstairs in his bedroom.
Jay is late night tonight and today is Dembe’s first walk with Martin from Happy Dogs. Both Jay and I have been really anxious about it as Dembe has never been away from us previously, he has never been walked by someone else or been in someone else’s care for more than 30 minutes ( and that was just once).
When Dembe left the house with Martin he really wasn’t sure, his body language was showing he was not feeling good, body low to the floor head down, ears down etc. I felt like a terrible mother. Thankfully when he got in the van there was no howling which was what I was expecting. About 30 minutes later Martin did a Facebook live so I could see Dembe being walked and that he was ok. This helped ease my anxiety greatly.
I had thrown myself into a project on the sewing machine and normally I never hear a car pull up outside but today I heard when Martin pulled up. Dembe couldn’t wait to get back to me it was obvious he was shattered.
As it was the first walk it was early and Jay and I had prepared for that. I should have been clearer on Jays working hours so his next walks will be done later in the afternoon . Jay popped home at 5pm to take Dembe out for a quick walk around the block and then headed back to work.

I had a very quiet afternoon as Dembe was shattered and in the evening he settled very quickly for me.

Tuesday 9th June
Dembe decided that 4.39am was the perfect time to go out for a walk this morning, so I range Jays phone to wake him up and let him know his baby wanted out. I must have gone straight back to sleep as I didn’t hear them go or come back. The next thing I knew it was 8am and Dembe was fast asleep beside me on the bed.
At 9am I went in to wake up Jay and we ended up all having a cuddle on his bed

As usual Dembe was all over his daddy today because he was at home. He is always glued to Jays side when he is on a day off. However if I am sick ( sicker than normal) or when Jay isn’t here he is all over me.
Dembe still seems pretty shattered after his walk with Martin yesterday.

June 10th June
Jay is on another late shift today so Dembe is booked in with Happy Dogs again for a walk this afternoon. Both of us are feeling much happier about it,
Dembe woke up at 4.30am this morning, I rolled over and ignored him as it is taking the piss, give it a few weeks and he will be wanting out at 2am! Jay woke up just before 5am and got him out. Thankfully Dembe is very good and will go back to bed and settle for a few hours once he has been out for a walk. I woke up at 8.30am and Dembe was on the bed with me.

Over the last few weeks Dembe has started stealing my slippers whenever I am on the sewing machine. I have to sew in my stocking feet so I take my slippers off and keep them beside me. The other day I found one slipper in the garden and another in the bathroom. I have ordered myself some new slippers as Dembe has torn the inside of them trying to remove the labels from inside them. He is label obsessed and we have to take them off his toys or he will destroy the toy chewing the label.

Dembe was picked up for his walk around 4pm which was the perfect time as he was just starting to become restless and wanting out. He recognised Martin but put the breaks on, I had to put the lead onto his collar and Martin had to pull him out of the house. Once over the threshold he would walk but again looked very submissive. He was the same as a tiny pup when he was first starting to go for a walk, Jay always had to lift him over the threshold. Once outside he would be fine but he always had an issue with leaving the house. I think he may have been worse today as I had been feeling rotten all day and he was perhaps concerned about leaving me… or maybe it is just going to take him a bit of time to get used to leaving the house without us. In a way I’m happy that he won’t just leave with someone as my biggest fear has always been that he would get stolen as he is such a good looking chap.

Dembe was exhausted after his walk. Martin did another video for us to see him walking and Dembe looked very happy pootling along in front of Martin on the Flexi Max lead ( we have the same lead ).

I had a very quiet evening with Dembe out for the count from 6pm, he was snoring his head off. I was happy as I knew that he had been properly exercised and wasn’t like a coiled spring because Jay was on a late night.
Thursday 11th June

I had a very tired little boy on Thursday which suited me fine as I haven’t been feeling right all week. We spent most of the day cuddled up together on the sofa watching films. Normally I am trying to do stuff around the house as I have never really come to terms with my disability. I push myself very hard because I don’t want to be accused of being lazy. This week I have had to dial everything back as I am just so shattered.
This afternoon we had a thunder storm, I am so proud of Dembe he didn’t bat an eyelid. He wanted to go outside and play in the rain

I kept having to call him inside as he kept going out and doing zoomies in the garden, nutcase!
My new slippers have arrived so now when I sew I leave the old ones beside me for him to steal and put the new ones on the work surface so that he can’t get them! I did exactly the same when he was a puppy!
Friday 12th June
Awful weather today so Dem’s spent the majority of the day asleep on the sofa beside me. I managed to capture one of the crazy heavy showers
Dembe saw his mate Rufus the Great Dane on his walk this morning. Rufus’s brother a chocolate Labrador also tried to play for a few minutes but he is a bit chunky and elderly so he struggles to keep up with the youngsters. Apparently every day when Rufus goes for his walk he waits in the area where he would bump into Dembe, he gets very disappointed when Dembe doesn’t join them on a walk. Jay likes to take Dembe to different places for his walks rather than just do the same walk every day. So they only see each other a couple of times a week.

Saturday 13th June
Oh my goodness what a cuddly boy I have today! He is just so affectionate. I love the way he puts his paws on my shoulders and then licks my face, it is almost as if he is trying to give me a hug back. Such a soppy boy he really is the most loving dog ( and all our dogs have been affectionate in their way) we have owned.

We spent another day on the sofa watching films and having cuddles. Dembe was my crochet inspector this evening.

Sunday 14th June
Dembe started squeaking at 4am wanting to go out. I told him to be quiet and went back to sleep for an hour. At 5am Jay got up and took Dembe out for a walk. I went back to sleep but woke up at 6.30am. Dembe came down with me and slept on the sofa.

There used to be a programme on one of the USA satellite channels called Cheaters, we sing the theme tune whenever one of us catches Dembe in bed with the other!
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