Monday 15th June
Jay was on an early today for the first time in what seems like forever. When I woke up at 08.20am I found Dembe asleep in his dads bed lying on top of his dressing gown. He loves sleeping on his daddy’s dressing gown. As I wasn’t feeling great we had a lazy day.

Dembe took himself outside for a bit and had a sunbathe. He loves lying in the sun, he reminds us of Molly and our first dog Travis who were both sun worshippers.
Dembe really made me laugh today, I was sat on the toilet when he barged in and brought me his football. He tried to pop it onto my lap but I told him “out” and he was most surprised that I didn’t want to play with it. He stropped off into the bedroom.

He is just so ridiculously photogenic.

Tuesday 16th June
Dembe is once again turning his nose up at his food. The temporary fix of mashing sardines into his meals is working but it really can’t go on forever because at some point he will turn his nose up at these as well. I wish I knew why he is such a fussy eater. It has been building for weeks and it is so distressing for me. I think because we lost Travis at such a young age ( 10 days short of his 3rd birthday due to kidney failure) I do stress out about these things much more than most people.
We have taken the plunge and ordered 15kg of raw food. I got a bundle so a mixture of the meals they do and as a new customer got 20% off as well . I don’t receive anything for this I’m just making other people aware of this brand and it seems reasonably priced compared to some others I have looked at especially the delivery charge and the prices of the food. Lets hope he doesn’t turn his nose up at this either!
We plan to gradually move him from his old food onto this food but we shall see! I was hoping we could keep him on a mixture of raw and his home cooked meals but the way he is turning his nose up at everything is making doubt we will get away with that.
The local fire service have rung me up and provided me with a smoke alarm ( additional) and a carbon monoxide alarm. For those of you who are unaware I am disabled and I use oxygen on occasion which means I have a concentrator – a machine that pulls oxygen from the air and concentrates it and a huge cylinder in case of power cuts. My home has to be registered with the emergency services as there is a risk of explosion due to the Oxygen cylinder. As part of the kit I was issued today we got a plastic hand on a stick to test the fire alarms with so we don’t have to climb on a chair to reach them. Dembe decided immediately he didn’t like it!
We had to do some training with him to get him to accept that the stick wasn’t there to hurt him or cause issues for him. He is a strange bugger who will react to all sorts of things. By the end of the day we had him eating treats off the hand

Jay managed to get this photo of Dembe when out on their walk this morning

Wednesday 17th June

Dembe woke up at 5am, he had a big walk with his dad and then they both went back to bed.
Today Dembe has a walk with Martin from Happy Dogs as Jay is on a late night. Dembe has worked out that something is going on today as he is in a barky mood and keeps looking out of the window to see who is coming!

When Martin arrived Dembe was barking and wagging his tail. However once I opened the door and Martin handed me the lead to attach to Dembe’s collar Dembe decided to run upstairs and peer at both of us through the banisters! I went and attached the lead. I thought I might have to drag him to the front door but he came down the stairs and walked beautifully to the door for me. He then jumped over the door step, dragged Martin to the back of the van and jumped in. Obviously he was playing hard to get!
He wasn’t as tired today as he was last week but he was much calmer than the Dembe I usually have to deal with on a evening when Jay is working!

We had a lovely quiet evening!

Thursday 18th June
Dembe has been ridiculously cuddly all day my permanent little shadow. Every time I bend forward I get smothered in kisses. I lent into my bottom drawer to get some fabric out and he jumped on my back ( I was sat on my bed )

I have been telling Jay for ages every time I get something out of the chest of drawers Dembe jumps up on me. Now I have photos he may believe me!
He took himself off to bed this morning whilst I did some sewing. Then just before 1pm he came down and stood at the window waiting for his dad to get home for lunch

Dembe’s raw food was delivered this morning and he was very interested in it. So I am hopeful, who knows. I could have just wasted £40!
The weather is foul today. Normally we would go outside for part of the day. Today we have played on my bed whilst I was having a rest

In the evening I put my crocheted blanket down on the floor to capture its progress, Dembe did his usual and lay on it.

Friday 19th June
Again Dembe is my shadow today. Jay is on a 12-9 so he has taken him out twice this morning to ensure he isn’t desperate to go before Martin arrives at around 4pm. Dembe is all over Jay this morning as he always is when Jay is home. I am wondering how he will cope next week when Jay does a night shift for the first time since Dembe has been with us at 8 weeks old and he is now 18 months old.

He was much better today with Martin, he was barking and wagging his tail when he saw Martin arrive. When I opened the front door he stayed on the sofa, I clipped on the lead and then had to nudge him off the sofa. He then happily trotted to the van and jumped in!
His first raw food meal is tonight. I decided on the rabbit – well he didn’t like it. I have since read some of the reviews and Dembe isn’t alone in his dislike of Rabbit. I also read some blogs this evening about transitioning from kibble / normal dog food to raw and some dogs like their food warmed / flash fried for seconds to release some of the aromas and make the meals more appealing. I have got a beef and chicken out for tomorrow so we shall see how that goes. I’m concerned in case I have just wasted a lot of money.
I ended up taking the rabbit away and giving him some sardines with his usual meat loaf. After he has been out for a massive walk plus two shorter walks I want him to eat a proper meal.
Oh and the raw food stinks – but I have a super sensitive sense of smell… will Mr Weak stomach cope?
Saturday 20th June.
Dembe spent the whole night squished right up against me which is really unusual. He may sleep on the bed but he never really wants to be lying right beside me, 9 times out of ten he will sleep on the floor. I should have realised something was up as at 2am I woke up with a migraine. That’s why he was my body guard!
Dembe’s second raw meal went a lot better, I flash fried it for about 30 seconds and he polished it off in record time. This one was the chicken and beef and he loved it. He was looking for more.
Thankfully the new med’s I have been put on worked brilliantly but I was left feeling pretty rotten and exhausted. Dembe decided that the thing to do would be to bring me his football to make me feel better

When that didn’t work he then decided the only thing for it was the chest plant

This is where he lies right on my chest and has a cuddle. He also lies like this when he is preventing me from getting up from a faint as he knows I’m not well enough to get up or he will stand over me.
We had a lie down in the afternoon for around an hour and had lots of cuddles.

Sunday 21st June
I think at this rate Dembe is going to be asking for either over time or danger money! I really wasn’t feeling great today but decided I would plough on regardless. I was doing ok and then all of a sudden just felt like I was going to pass out. I was just saying to Jay “god I feel really faint” and the urge to sit on the floor gripped me. As I managed to get down as far as the coffee table and it was lights out Vienna. I came around with Jay at my feet saying “OMG are you ok?” and Dembe stood over me refusing to move and every so often licking my face.
Whilst I recovered and basically until Dembe was happy for me to get up off the floor, I was stood over. This was a revelation to Jay as he hadn’t seen this actually happen before he has only had me telling him about it. Once Dembe is no longer concerned he went off and brought me back his tweed puppy toy all proud of himself for protecting mummy!

We have had a lazy rest of the day!
And he still hates the rabbit flavour.
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