Monday 4th May
It was a mental day today as he was on the go constantly. He just wouldn’t rest and settle down. Constantly playing with toys and demanding attention. Lock-down has spoiled him.

Jamie got this shot of Dembe this morning on their walk and joked that Dembe is the worst hide and seek player ever!
Dembe was thrilled today as his Kong replacement toy arrived today. As soon as it came out of the packaging he wouldn’t let it go. He has had one before but managed to loose it up the common. Hopefully he will be careful with this one.

He couldn’t wait to take it outside and dump it in his paddling pool! Everything gets dunked in the paddling pool. His kong toy and his paddling pool are his two favourite things.
He was quite barky this evening as he had worked out where I was keeping his treats and kept showing me where they were.

Tuesday 5th May
Dembe met a Great Dane puppy on his walk this morning and had no idea what to make of it. At one point he came charging back to Jay as he saw the pup galloping towards him. They had a game of chase with Dembe being able to run underneath the Great Dane without having to lower himself at all. Jay said it was the size of a small horse and as crazy as Dembe when they were playing together doing zoomies.
On his afternoon walk a little girl kept throwing Dembe’s ball for him and he kept bringing it back to her. We are just so thrilled we have such a lovely mannered dog that doesn’t really ( he very rarely jumps up, usually does it after I have told someone he doesn’t jump) jump.

Dembe likes playing nudge at home with Jay. This is where he nudges a ball towards Jay and then Jay taps it back to him. He will play it for ages and has got very good at getting it straight back to Jays feet. This is a game he has taught himself.
Wednesday 6th May
Dembe got his very first taste of ice cream from the ice cream van and he loved it.

Thursday 7th May

I have been really rubbish at keeping my diary again as someone keeps moving it. I need it out or at least visible so I remember to write in it everyday. Someone likes to tidy it away in ridiculous places and then deny ever having touched it! When I know it is only ever kept in one place if it hasn’t been moved. Anyway the diary entries are going to be a bit rubbish as there aren’t any for the rest of the week.
Friday 8th May
VE day 75th anniversary. Today is a bank holiday in the UK but due to lock down it doesn’t feel any different to any other day. One of the neighbours has put some bunting out but thats about it for the street celebrations today.

After his walk this afternoon Dembe slept on the lounge floor for ages.

Saturday 9th May
Today Dembe was manic again first thing, continually bringing me toys and being a pain in the bum by putting his head on my laptop keyboard!

Dembe was spoiled by his Auntie Heather today who bought him Codfrey the 2nd a usb charged reasonably life like gold fish. Initially Dembe wouldn’t go anywhere near it and then as we recorded he got braver and braver. Last night in front of his mate Ben ( next door neighbour ) he walked around with it in his mouth and the tail flapping against his face.
A few people were convinced it was real and I had to explain that it was just a toy!!!
Sunday 10th May
We are having a relatively lazy day as Jay is going back to work tomorrow after being off the last 6 weeks. I am concerned to how Dembe will take it as he adores his dad and has loved having him home. Plus he has got used to going out in the middle of the afternoon and will now have to wait to go to the toilet.
It is almost as if he knows his dad is going back to work as he hasn’t left him alone all day. Throwing himself over his lap, sleeping beside him and just wanting to be with him constantly.
Jay took some cracking photos of him this morning.

With Jay going back to work I am hoping to get into a better routine with things.
I forgot to say Dembe has been sleeping in my arms all weeks bless him. Which is fine until it gets really hot and then it is like sleeping in a furnace LOL x
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