Monday 11th May
Jay’s first day back at work after 7 weeks off due to Covid-19. We were both concerned with how Dembe would cope as he has been awful when Jay has left the house in his Civvies, howling and crying until he returns despite the fact that I am still in the house. However as soon as he saw that Jay was in his work uniform he knew his daddy was going off to work and was fine.

As soon as Jay left for work Dembe settled down on the sofa and went to sleep. He did take longer to settle down for his mid morning nap ( Dembe not Jay ), he also took longer to settle after Jay had gone back to work after his lunch break. But considering what we were expecting – howling and crying he has coped very well with Jays return to work today.
When I went up to bed this evening Dembe beat me to it and I was greeted with this bundle of fluff!

Tuesday 12th May
Jay was day off today so Dembe was in his element , climbing all over his dad . I unfortunately woke up with a migraine, I think Dembe had known I was ill during the night as he was superglued next to me and followed me every time I staggered to the bathroom as my balance was shot.
Dembe and Jay playing all the time together it is so sweet to watch. Jay lies on the floor every evening and he and Dembe mess about and have bonding time.

When I lie on the floor to do Pilates it is a different story, Dembe climbs on top of me and uses me as a chewing post for his cows ear!
Dembe reminds us so much of Willow, one of our Weimaraners ( she passed away in 2017 after a short illness ) . She was a glutton but was very particular with what crisps / chips ( and before I get slagged off he gets them very rarely) Dembe is the same. He loves Walkers ready salted but doesn’t like pringles, skips, wotsits etc which is exactly the same as Willow. She would take them and then spit them out which is what Dembe does. He will sit and beg for your food and then when you give it to him he spit’s it out.
He does love his new venison sausage treats.
Wednesday 13th May
Dembe slept on top of me all night long, I am beginning to thing he recognises the pips before the 5am news on the World Service ( radio station) as within minutes of the news starting he starts crying wanting out for his morning walk . As Jay is late night this evening he took Dembe out, gave him breakfast and then went back to bed. Dembe is very good and will go back to sleep.
We had a good day together until 4pm when Dembe started crying non stop because he wanted out for a walk. Dog walking by companies is still very limited and following strict Covid-19 protocols, so for the time being Jay is coming home on his dinner break to walk him. I made the mistake of telling Dembe his dad would be home soon

He cried by the back door until Jay got in.
I was really limited with what I could do as I hurt my back in the afternoon and I am struggling to walk or bend!
Thursday 14th May
I was really out of it all day due to the diazepam I was taking for my back. Dembe was more than happy to sleep alongside me.

Here he is sat beside me whilst I am eating my breakfast, on toast watch!
In the afternoon I refilled his paddling pool ( nice and easy just sitting on a chair holding the hosepipe) Dembe went absolutely crazy. Running around in circles, jumping in and out of the padding pool, trying to eat the water coming out of the hosepipe. I managed to capture this classic photo of him just about to bark at me

You can see from this photo he is drenched, he couldn’t get enough of the paddling pool and playing out in the garden. I started to teach him to retrieve his ball from a cardboard box.
Friday 15th May
I didn’t wake up until 8am and Dembe was nowhere to be seen, today was Jay’s first early shift. When I came downstairs I found Dembe curled up on Jay’s dressing gown. He loves sleeping on his dad’s dressing gown. He stayed downstairs with me for 10 minutes and then buggered off back upstairs to bed!
He really wasn’t happy that the gardener was in next doors back garden and barked at him non stop. I had to bring him inside as he was barking so much at the poor bloke. He is hilarious with Ben and Kim the other side. If he hears them out in the back garden he runs to that side of the garden and tries to see them over the fence. Which he can’t as the fence is too high. He barks to get Ben’s attention. Quite often I hear Kim, Ben’s mum say “Sorry Dembe he is in his room at the moment”. It is so sweet as Dembe adores Ben. He also loves Freddie who is around 6 years old and lives two doors down. Freddie when he see’s Dembe says “hello Dembe” and Dembe trots over for a cuddle from him. This is a totally alien situation for Jay and I having a dog that other people like. Everyone was terrified of the Weimaraners, even though they never bit anyone or did anything they were just loud and large. Dembe is barky but his arse is in the air wanting to play and we have much better control over him.

He is obsessed with my lap at the moment and every chance he gets he is climbing on it. Regardless of what I am doing!

Modelling my crocheted blanket.

His dad took this photo of him sunbathing on Friday lunch time.
Saturday 16th May

The little sod woke me up at 7am and then spent the rest of the morning asleep beside me on the sofa!
Sunday 17th May
Dembe woke me up just after 5am, so Jay got up had a coffee and then took him out on a walk on the common. He gave him breakfast and then went back to bed. I was then woken up at 7.30am with a stuffed dinosaur being dropped on my head and being kissed by my hairy prince!
Dembe came downstairs with me had a cocktail sausage and then disappeared back up to bed staying upstairs until his dad woke up at 9.30am!
We have had a lazy day catching up on all the exciting household jobs and having lots of Dembe cuddles.
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