Monday 18th May

Photo of Dembe waiting at the window for his daddy to get home for his lunch break. Dembe goes to the window everyday when Jay is at work at around 1pm. As soon as Jay gets home Dembe runs to his toy box and brings him a toy. He has done this since he was a tiny scrap of a thing. When he wakes us in the mornings he always brings us his Blue dinosaur which was the very first toy I chose and bought for him.
This video was taken on Sunday afternoon too late to be posted on his blog. The weather was lovely so we managed to get Dembe’s tunnel out and have him going through that out in the garden. He really does love his tunnels. He also spent a lot of last Sunday sunbathing.

He loves lying out on this bit of artificial grass and catching the rays. He will take out his chews and lie in the sun munching on them!
Tuesday 19th May
I had a terrible migraine today. Dembe slept on the bed with me on and off all day as I couldn’t get out of bed until late in the afternoon.
Jay told me later that day that Dembe had met up with the Great Dane puppy again. He said Dembe scampered off around a bend only to come back seconds later in full zoomie mode. Whites of his eyes showing, with the Great Dane Pup galloping along behind him. They went on to have a massive game of chase with Dembe running underneath it!
No photos of Dembe today as I was just too poorly.
Wednesday 20th May
Today is a bit foggy ( mentally for me) due to the migraine. I was really emotional all day and Dembe seemed to sense this and stuck to me like glue.
As Jay had cleaned out Dembe’s paddling pool I decided to refill it for him. Dembe went absolutely crazy like he always does when his pool is cleaned and refilled.
Dembe was running in and out of the house, up and down in the garden and then diving into his pool. We also played nudge with his football for a while. He got absolutely drenched and I used the opportunity to groom him as my goodness he is moulting at the moment.

Thursday 21st May
Dembe is very clingy, this migraine has really knocked me for 6 I am just so tired and feeling very fragile. He has patiently followed me everywhere around the house ensuring I am safe. Even though I have nearly fallen over him on numerous occasions.
My new bed set arrived today of course Dembe was the first one on it, not that I minded. I didn’t think through the colour choice though as when Dembe is on it if I look in the room quickly I can’t see him LOL

Friday 22nd May
I am still suffering after this migraine and Dembe is still my shadow bless him. He does make me feel much safer when Jay is at work and I am home alone. I am very grateful to have my dear Doctor Dembe.
I didn’t manage to get many photos today but I did get some cute ones of him in the kitchen just before he had his dinner. Today with his dinner he was spoiled as I gave him the sardines in tomato sauce that his best friend Sam got him. I know that they are both missing each other due to this bloody Covid -19. I can’t wait for them to meet up again when we are all able to.

Saturday 23rd May
Jay took Dembe out at 5.30am, gave him his breakfast and then went back up to bed again. Dembe woke me up at 8am. He stood at the bedroom door crying and wagging his tail. I got up and came downstairs.
At around 9.15am Dembe walked past me with his football in his mouth and took it upstairs. I chuckled as I knew what was going to happen next. I then heard Jay say “thank you” rather sarcastically as Dembe had gone in to wake him up and dropped it on his head! Jay’s lie on was over.

Hilariously after 15 minutes of Jay being up Dembe was fast asleep on the sofa beside him.
He has been such a cuddly boy all day

Dembe was very good today as Jay was late night. Jay popped home at dinner time to whizz Dembe around the block. We went up to bed at around 8pm and Dembe settled immediately.
Sunday 24th May

Dembe was a cuddly boy again today and spent ages lying on my lap asleep this morning.

I spent the morning mending Dembe’s toys that were broken through play not deliberate destruction. I also had to mend his bed as that had a tear in it.

Dembe sleeping in his favourite place, on top of his dad’s dressing gown.