Monday 25th November
Oh dear it is the house of the sick here. Both Jay and I have been hit hard by a virus that has left us aching all over, sore throats and full of cold. Basically we feel like shite.
As Jay was on an early he took Dembe out for a walk before work. It is good extra training for him between classes as he doesn’t do enough on lead training. It wears him out as well because he has to use his brain instead of just running around like a blooming idiot. As soon as Jay went to work Dembe came back upstairs and snuggled down on the bed next to me. He was still fast asleep when I woke up at 7.50am which for me ( these days ) is really late.
The walk kept Dembe nice and calm, he must have sensed I wasn’t right as he was a super star all day. For such a young pup he is wise beyond his years.

We are still having problems getting him to eat so I have ordered a 2kg bag of Arden Grange, Lamb flavour in the hope this gets him eating. I do worry when he is eating less than 200g of food per day, yes he has some treats but we have cut right back on those so he really does need to eat his food. Fingers crossed I can get him eating again.

Paul popped over this evening to order his chromebook. Dembe still goes crazy every time he see’s his uncle Paul. We got his lick mat out and put some peanut butter on it. It worked liked a charm and he calmed right down. It does work really well.
Tuesday 26th November
We both still feel absolutely awful. Jay is working I have no clue how, as every time I stand up my legs are shaking. My throat is horrendous it feels like I have swallowed a packet of razor blades. If I didn’t have a load of stuff being delivered today Dembe and I would be tucked up in bed.

We both feel so awful it would be very easy to cancel going to obedience training this evening. But as there is only one other dog at the session it really wouldn’t be fair on them. We keep telling ourselves that it is only an hour. Dembe enjoys it so much.
Dembe had another lead walk this morning, Jay is on another early. He is getting really good on the lead because it has become a regular thing now. Dembe is obvious sensing that we are both unwell as he is being really good ( not that he is ever really bad, he can be trying but he isn’t a naughty dog) .
We had a good training session, Dembe so enjoys his sessions with Happy Dogs. We have just signed up to the next course being held in January 2020. God knows how cold it is going to be in that Barn but the little bugger loves his courses. You only have to say the trainers name to him and his tail goes mental.
Wednesday 27th November
Today is the first day I have felt relatively human since Sunday. Dembe got up when Jay got up at 6.30am , I managed to hang on for another 30 minutes.
The lamb Arden Grange arrived yesterday, he had some for his dinner last night and he hoovered it down. Whilst Jay gave Dembe his walk on the common I sorted out his breakfast. That got gobbled up in just a minute or so. We are hoping that this now means he will start eating again properly. It seems that the chicken flavour along with Salmon have fallen out of favour with him. Which is why I am loath to buy a big bag of any new food because he is such a fickle bugger.
Dembe spent the morning sleeping on my bed. He came downstairs at 12.30pm wanting a cuddle . He brought Monkey, Sprout and Carrot into the kitchen for us to play with.

We had a visitor this afternoon as Uncle Paul came over to collect his Chromebook as it arrived yesterday and I had set it up for him. I had to get the lick mat out again to get Dembe to calm down. He does get so excited when Paul comes over. Paul stayed for a couple of hours and Dembe did eventually calm down.
I fed Dembe at 4pm he was so excited for it he was doing spinnies in the kitchen waiting for his grub. He normally only does that for tinned fish.
Thursday 28th November
Jay was late night so he took Dembe for a nice long walk on the common. As you can see from the video he had a nice swim in the pond.
We had a cuddly day as I overdid it yesterday leaving myself feeling very rough again. Dembe seemed to know as he dropped his energy levels right back again bless him.
We went to bed just after 6.20pm and Dembe settled very quickly. However as usual around 10 minutes before Jay came home Dembe got up and went down stairs to wait for him.

Friday 29th November
Dembe has been a really horny little toad all week. The teenage hormones have definitely kicked in and if it stays still long enough it gets shagged to within an inch of its life. His bed upstairs is crusty with his “stains” and will be chucked in the wash tomorrow. He tried to shag me this morning and was most perturbed when I put an immediate stop to it.
Honestly how his willy hasn’t dropped off from over use I have no clue. It should at least be sore from friction burns.
Dembe was really good as I managed to get some sewing done. He put himself to bed in my room.

Saturday 30th November
I woke up at 4.30am due to feeling like I had a migraine brewing. Dembe came downstairs with me and kept me company. When the clock struck 6am Dembe ran upstairs and woke Jay up by dropping Monkey on his head.
Dembe was a very good boy whilst the Christmas decorations were brought down from the attic and again whilst the bedroom carpet and the hallway carpet were shampooed. I was panicking he would have a wee on them to have them smell more familiar but he left them alone. They were very grubby. I can’t remember the last time they were done. It is a few years ago now.
He has been a very happy boy all day as his whole pack was together, He spent the afternoon sleeping next to his dad on the sofa. At one point I came into the lounge and they were both fast asleep, with Dembe draped over Jays legs.

Whilst I was having a lie down, Jay sent me this photo via messenger. Just to let me know my boy was letting it all hang out. I’m not obsessed with his bits I promise but they look positively pornographic in this photo.
Sunday 1st December
Well how the hell did we get to December so bloody quickly. Blink and you’ll have missed November completely!
This morning Jay and I put the Christmas tree up which set Dembe off barking for some reason. Once it was in situ he stopped! He is a muppet at times.
We had a cracking time at agility training. Dembe thoroughly enjoyed himself.
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