W/C 28th June 2021
Monday 28th June
Dembe had a walk booked with Martin from Happy Dogs this morning as Jay was on his usual early shift. The weather was so grotty there was no video or photos. He was on and off the lead today, he decided today that instead of running in the opposite direction when Martin called him back he would sit and refuse to move. Well at least he likes to keep us on our toes.

This photo of Dembe taken a while back was used on Happy Dogs Facebook page on Monday. We were chuffed to bits that Dembe and Blue’s photo had been chosen for this.
We were watching Tv whilst we had our Dinner and Dembe was utterly fascinated by the Labradors on the TV.
We have all been invited to a wedding at the end of July, Dembe received his very own invite. So I decided to get him something dapper to wear for the occasion, his very own Tux

Tuesday 29th June

As usual Tuesday is the Daddy and Dembe love in day! With the heat at the moment he is spending a lot of time lying on the floor either on the cool stones of the patio or on the laminate flooring.
This evening our friend Bungle ( aka Adam aka Mr Start, Sophie’s husband) came over to watch the Football as England were playing in the Euros. Initially Dembe was really barking so I initiated some calm giving to get his energy levels to drop. I was just doing exactly what we had been taught at obedience training. This worked brilliantly and he calmed right down.
He was utterly fascinated with Bungles beard and kept licking it and trying to bite it. Bungle has a very bushy long beard so it was something Dembe hasn’t encountered in a while! He kept lying across Bungles lap and trying to get hold of his beard. When he wasn’t doing that he was getting as close to him as possible on the sofa or lying on the floor with his head resting on his feet. It was very sweet to see.
Wednesday 30th June
Jay is on a late night so Dembe has had several walks before he has gone into work. It is very hot and humid again today so Dembe is sleeping a lot and not as active as usual. He comes to life in the evening when the temperature is cooler.
Sophie picked Dembe up just before 2pm, he was so excited to see Sophie from Creature Kind that he ran straight out and hopped into her van greeting Polo his best chum with lots of tail wagging. It is really lovely to see these two greeting each other.

As you can see from the photo’s Dembe had a wonderfully muddy time! Thankfully when he came home he was clean as a whistle thanks to some strategic swimming implemented by Sophie. He was absolutely shattered when he came in and went to sleep for 30 minutes before eating his dinner and then dropping back off to sleep/
Thursday 1st July
Dembe had a walk with Martin from Happy Dogs this morning. Unfortunately Dembe had developed a limp so his walk had to be cut short and was mainly on the lead. Martin gave him a full check over and could find no obvious problem as to why he was limping. He checked all his pads, his wrists and his elbows. There was no heat coming from any of the joints and no swelling.
I checked again when he came home but could find no issues. It is an intermittent limp and very subtle so I am keeping an eye on him and trying to limit jumping, running around like an idiot etc.

Martin took this lovely photo of Dembe and Chester together today. He said Dembe was very good boy on his walk.
With the heat it has been relatively easy to keep him off his feet, we have had a very cuddly rest of the day. I have ordered some Maxxi Flex+ from amazon for him. This stuff is incredible for healing and natural pain relief. It is £30 for a bottle of tablets ( luckily they had a £2.00) off voucher. I used to give these to Frankie all the time to treat his Arthritis as he got older and I would give them to all the dogs whenever they picked up an injury and it would help them enormously. They are coming tomorrow so I am hoping they come early enough for me to get two doses in to get him on the mend.

Friday 2nd July
Dembe is walking a bit better today but he is still quite stiff when getting up from lying on the floor. Still it is an improvement from Thursday afternoon. As he is such a clumsy bugger I am pretty sure he has just sprained something. I don’t run to the vets with stuff like this as long as he isn’t showing any signs of pain. I don’t like the vets using metacam on my dog(s) as we have had issues in the past with Frankie ( rest in peace) who would pee blood after a metacam injection. So I always tend to treat naturally wherever I can as you dont know with metacam if there is a problem until they have been dosed with it.
Today we have two plumbers coming over to give us quotes for the new boiler, we have got some jumbbones for Dembe to distract him and stop him barking. Thankfully both plumbers are ok with dogs and one of them has met Dembe before when he serviced our boiler last year.
Jay is on a late night so Dembe had an early morning walk and then a bigger walk at 9am followed by two smaller walks so he went to the toilet before Jay left for work. He still refuses to use our garden. His limp is still intermittent but better than before. I have a lazy afternoon on the sofa to keep him resting as much as possible.

Dembe’s supplements arrive around 18.00 hours so I try him with a tablet straight out of the bottle to see if he will eat them. They are supposed to be chewable but the Weimaraners were suspicious of everything and would never eat stuff like that straight out of a bottle. It would have to be hidden in pate and the like. Dembe surprises me by eating the first and second ones straight out of the bottle. The third gets hidden in a dairylea triangle and eaten no issue.
He is asleep early this evening and stays up on the bed with me tucked up tight against my left leg just like Frankie used to do.
Saturday 3rd July
Well what a difference with taking that new supplement, it was always the same when I used it on the Weimaraners you could see a difference within a few hours. Dembe is walking much easier and is no longer stiff when getting up from lying down. He only had one dose last night. This morning I crushed up the tablets in my pestle and mortar and add them to his breakfast. He eats the lot and is looking for more.

I was fixing a friends very cherished cuddly toy this morning whose back had come apart along the seam. A very quick fix. Sadly Dembe thought that the toy was for him so I am having to hide it all the time so he can’t get to it and get it covered in Dembe slobber! As you can see he was keeping a watchful eye on me as I made the repairs.
When I woke up this morning Dembe was on the bed tucked up against my left leg, which now seems to be his preferred way of sleeping. If I hadn’t woken up at 8am he would have still been snoring his head off at 9am. He really doesn’t do well with Jay’s early starts. Jay let me know that he was definitely walking better today.
I am still keeping him quiet and not having him running around like a loon. I don’t want the supplements masking any pain and then him causing further damage.

You can tell he is feeling so much more himself today as when his dad pops home for lunch Dembe launches off the sofa and grabs his carrot from the toy box to present to his daddy. He is walking around parading it with no sign of a limp which is fab news.

We will keep an eye on him for the rest of today and tomorrow. We will decide tomorrow evening whether or not to go ahead with his booked walk on Monday morning as I don’t want to cause a flare up and more damage. If he is still limping on Monday we will get him checked out at the vets.
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