W/C 12th July 2021

I had to share this photo from last Sunday, Dembe photo bombing baby Yoda!
Monday 12th July
Dembe is back to having proper dog walks this week as his limp has gone and he is now walking fine, getting up and just back to being the nutter he can be when wants to be. He was picked up by Martin from Happy Dogs and he was so pleased to see him after not seeing Martin for over a week. Dembe stopped and had a cuddle before jumping into the van, he doesn’t always do that as most of the time he is just desperate to get in the van and out for a walk . You can see Dembe out on his walk by using this link if you have Facebook .https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/1811875565658796

Dembe was pretty tired after his walk and spent quite a while lying on the floor afterwards cooling down. The weather wasn’t brilliant very thundery and humid, with rain showers.
He was very excited to see his dad just after 1pm when he popped back for lunch and to take Dembe around the block. Jay was brought Dembe’s carrot to look at.

Dembe was getting quite impatient for his dad to finish work this afternoon. He stood at the window for ages watching the world go by and went mental when his dad arrived.
Tuesday 13th July
Jay was day off today so as usual the Daddy and Dembe love in commenced from waking. Dembe spends as much time as possible getting a cuddle from his dad and lying next to him on the sofa when Jay is off work. He will be very pleased soon as Jay has 2 weeks off work.

Today was an orange dinosaur day, this toy was bought by our friend Carolyn. When Jay’s dad passed away she sent Dembe a toy as she knew he would be fretting with his dad being upset and not understanding why. It is one of his firm favourites that is presented to us at least once a week. He has a thing for his dinosaur toys.
He is also obsessed with his new Tennis balls that I picked up on Amazon called “The Dogs Balls”, which with both of us being so immature makes us laugh. It is even printed on the balls! Dembe is still trying to work out how he can carry both at the same time. Every time Jay and I are out in the garden Dembe brings a ball with him on the off chance that we will play nudge with him.

The tennis balls are really good as they are slightly larger than standard tennis balls, so we don’t have to worry about Dembe choking on them.
Dembe has started a new thing in the last few weeks where if he is lying on the floor or the sofa and you walk up to him to give him a cuddle he will roll over onto his back and let you rub his belly. Something he has never let us do previously. Belly rubbing always met with him mouthing our hands, luckily he is very gentle. He is becoming a huge softie.

Wednesday 14th July
Jay is a late night finish today and Sophie from Creature Kind is on holiday this week helping her new puppy settle in, so today was Dembe’s first walk with Beth from Creature Kind. Poor Beth was a bit nervous as it was the first time that she had taken Dembe out by herself and she knows how over protective we are!
Dembe was happily dozing on the sofa when Beth pulled up outside. I managed to capture the look on his face when he heard her van.

Beth took some lovely photos of Dembe and the gang

Dembe was knackered when he got home, Beth told me he had been as good as gold on his walk and had been playing with Polo for most of the walk. He went to sleep immediately on getting home only waking 30 minutes later to demand his dinner. We had an early night as I was quite poorly today. Dembe was more than happy with that.

Dembe has another new thing he has started doing which stems from him taking my socks off on command. If you say “Dembe find the sock” he will search the room looking until he finds the sock, be it clean or dirty. Thankfully when you ask for him to give them to you he does and he doesn’t eat them like some Labradors have been known to do.
Thursday 15th July
Today Dembe is having a rest day after his walk yesterday. We have worked out that he doesn’t need a walk on Jay’s 9-6 shifts, this is usually Jays shift after a late. So today he gets to rest after his mad adventures with Beth from Creature Kind yesterday. With him being that bit older, he will be three in November ( I know I can’t believe it either) he is much calmer, before he would be fizzing with energy and bouncing off the walls without a big walk. Now without a big walk he is more than happy to settle himself down and go to sleep for the day.

As the end of the week is supposed to be boiling hot we filled Dembe’s paddling pool. He loves jumping in and out as you fill it and attacking the hosepipe trying to bite the water. He really enjoyed himself!

Dembe was really lovely and chilled all day, due to the high temperatures he spent most of the day sleeping and coming to me for cuddles.

Bless him he was so hot this evening that he couldn’t even be bothered to shag his bed! He pulled his bed out and then just lay down.
Friday 16th July
Well I managed to not take any photos of Dembe today which is a rarity. I was just so busy with multiple phone calls from our car insurance company. You may remember last year we were involved in an RTC, where a BT open reach van reversed into us. Well our insurance company and the legal company working for them to do my personal injury claim have been diabolical. So I ended up putting in a formal complaint about them both. So today was spent on the phone, multiple times with various departments. Thankfully it is all sorted, the driver of the BT van admitted liability, so we are getting our excess back and they have also thrown in some compensation. I am planning on getting Dembe a new Dogs and Horses Collar when the cheque arrives. He deserves something nice as he was in the accident too.
Dembe had a walk with Martin from Happy Dogs first thing, he was so happy when he got home as he had obviously enjoyed himself that he ran into the house to get his giant carrot and he presented it to Martin! Martin said he was a good boy on his walk, so that’s also lovely news. No video from the walk as they were walking in a forest to keep the dogs cool and Martin couldn’t get a signal.
Dembe was such a good boy with me on the phone as well. He just kept coming up to me checking I was ok.
Saturday 17th July
Bugger me it is so hot!
Dembe bless him is lying around sleeping. I have got the hosepipe on him a few times now to cool him off. He was very tired this morning as Jay was on an early shift.

The heat has been putting Dembe off his breakfast and he refused to eat it until gone 9am this morning. Poor baby I really feel for him with his double coat.

Here he is lying down on a damp towel after being hosed off outside to keep him cool.
Have a fab week everyone and thank you all for reading xxx
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