W/C 14th June 2021
Today was Jay’s first day back at work after a week’s holiday. Dembe was a really good boy and slipped back into our usual routine. He was waiting by the window for Martin to arrive.
Dembe was a good boy on his walk today. If you have Facebook you can see the video that was taken using the link – https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/501349931204932 Martin said he was a bit sulky to begin with being on the long lead. But that soon wore off and he had a good time and settled down quickly.
When he came through the door I could see a very small tick on his eyebrow trying to bury its head in. I managed to find the tick remover and get it off before it attached itself. Martin said he had picked 3 off Dembe’s head before he got into the back of the van. He said it is Dembe’s habit of shoving his head into the bushes when he has a poo means he is getting more ticks. I also think it is because they are so bloody rampant this year. Having had dogs since 2003, 2009 was the last year ticks were this bad and poor old Frankie kept getting them all over his face. He was another one for shoving his head in bushes!

When Jay came home at lunch time we were having a catch up and when we looked up Dembe was on the small sofa by the front door.

We couldn’t stop laughing. He loves his baby carrot as much as his full sized one. I washed his big carrot today as it was starting to look a bit grubby from where he drags it out into the garden. Thankfully he doesn’t seem as keen on dunking his toys in his paddling pool this year as he has in previous years.
Due to how hot it has been Dembe has been sleeping downstairs for the first part of the night and then coming up to bed with me around midnight.

Tuesday 15th June

Dembe was full of beans first thing this morning and was demanding that we have a game of nudge with his football. The patio is nice and cool first thing in the morning as it is in the shade.

He also wanted to do zoomies but alas there isn’t enough room in our garden to do that. I think that is why he likes Nannies house so much.
I changed the battery in my chromebook this morning, when I took the cover off I found bloody Dembe hair inside it.

When we went out out with Dembe this afternoon we bumped into Beth and Sophie from Creature Kind and Dembe didn’t know what to do with himself he was so excited. He was running around in circles like a crazed beast. He hadn’t seen them for 2 weeks and had clearly missed them! It wont be long and he will be out with them again…tomorrow.
This evening Dembe decided that he would turn the whole toy box out to find a toy he rarely plays with.

We call this Toymageddon!
Wednesday 16th June
Dembe was up early for his first walk 4.30am, which didn’t impress either of us! I am sure it is because the mornings are so light now that he is waking up earlier. Jay hasn’t had to use a torch in the morning for weeks. He started fussing for his breakfast at 06.45 but I just rolled over and he lasted another hour before starting again.
We have had a new runner arrive for the kitchen and it has the Dembe seal of approval as he keeps going out and lying on it regardless if we are out there with him or not. Which means he really likes it.

Sophie from Creature Kind came and got him just after 1pm. He was very pleased to see Sophie and ran down the drive and hopped straight into her van.

Dembe had also missed his mate Polo! So it was lovely to see the photo’s of the Wednesday gang back together.

A really lovely photo showing how much Dembe and Polo enjoy each others company. I don’t think they could get any closer to each other!
When Dembe got home I gave him a hose off in the garden as he was a little bit grubby and he was hot. As Dembe was out early today on his walk Jay popped back at 5pm to walk him around the block, I knew Dembe would want a wee as he had drunk loads after his walk. It would be unfair to expect him to go through from 3pm until 10pm with no toilet break.
Thursday 17th June
Dembe had a walk with Martin this morning, he was a very good boy on his walk today. So we are hopeful we can move him back to being off the lead. He was an angel today. If you have Facebook you can see the video here using this link – https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/187202806653837

He was knackered after his walk this morning and had a big nap for the rest of the morning.
He was quite content this afternoon to lie out on the rattan bed on the patio whilst I sewed in the kitchen.

He went in and out the paddling pool this afternoon as well. It is very humid today and Dembe is struggling with it.
Friday 18th June
Jay is on an early shift today so Jay took him around the block rather than up on the common. Unfortunately his latest trick is to refuse to go for a poo on a street walk so he was desperate to get out by the time Martin from Happy Dogs arrived. Bloody stupid dog.
He was 50/50 on the walk today. Martin allowed him off the lead for some of it as initially on the lead he was doing really well. Now instead of running off into the distance if he doesn’t like the direction change he is sitting down and refusing to move. Why is he such a twit at times? All I ever have is the adorable soppy boy. Martin said he will keep working with him.
If you have Facebook you can see the video using this link – https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/965916977497594
He was very tired after his morning walk and slept on the small sofa beside the front door for a couple of hours.

I wasn’t very well at all today so spent much of the day curled up on the sofa. Dembe was following me everywhere and was very clingy. I wasn’t even allowed to use the bathroom without him barging in.

Saturday 19th June
Jay is late night today, so Dembe’s first walk was around the block. yet again he refused to go for a poo. This dog is such a bloody diva. He got me up just before 8am and then Jay took him for an hours walk on the Common at around 8.30am.
They had a lovely walk on the common, as they were walking and chatting with a couple of women who were walking the biggest German Sheppard that Jay has ever seen. He said that Dembe was very wary at first but the dog was a gentle giant. He was really funny as he refused to fetch a ball if it was thrown in front of him. The ball always had to be thrown behind him if he was going to fetch it!
We received some sad news from our friends today that their 15 year old Cairn Terrier had passed away in her sleep overnight. She had been going blind and deaf for sometime but I imagine finding her in her bed this morning must have been a dreadful shock. At least it was peaceful and none of them had to go through the trauma of taking the last trip to the vets. I know they will be devastated and my heart goes out to them. I cried as I read the message.
Dembe has been pretty tired today but then he has had 4 walks this week with dog walkers, it isn’t just an hours walk there is also high energy play and brain training going on. So he has been very tired happily dosing away for a few hours at a time. I can’t believe he is going to be 3 in November where has the time gone?

I managed to catch him mid yawn this afternoon. He was a very good boy whilst I did some sewing.

His daddy popped home at 5pm, Jay said he was having a bad day today with tomorrow being fathers day. So I am finishing the blog up early so I can concentrate on him tomorrow.

Dembe’s fathers day card and present for Jay arrived this afternoon so we have wrapped them up and got Dembe to tell me what he wanted to put in the card for his dad.
I am so pleased that Jay has such a good bond with Dembe and that he is both of ours dog. He loves us both equally. He is the first boy dog we have had that has done that. Normally they favour me.
Until next week, stay safe xxx
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