W/C 21st June 2021
Dembe had a walk with Martin this morning, the weather was pretty grotty so there is no video to share with you but there are some great photos .Dembe had a fab time and there were plenty of zoomies with his mate Shadow who is 13 but acts like a puppy.

Dembe was on and off the lead today, he was a bit naughty starting a new thing of when being called back sitting down and refusing to move. A strange one as he doesn’t do that with us or any of his other walkers.
We had a cuddly afternoon, he spent much of it on my lap and then on the floor lying at my feet.

Tuesday 22nd June
It was a daddy and Dembe love in today as it always is when Jay is home. Dembe was most put out when his dad had to go out and get a new tyre put on the car without him. Jay was playing with the dog that was at the garage and Dembe went crazy sniffing Jay when he got home.

Wednesday 23rd June
We are wondering if there is a female dog in season near us as Dembe has been giving his bed a hammering the last few days. Normally his humping takes place in the evening just before bed time, the last couple of days it has been happening throughout the day!
Dembe has several walks before his dad left for work today. Dembe and I are both confused today as Jay is doing a 12-9 instead of a 1-10 shift so we keep thinking it is an hour later than it is.

Sophie from Creature Kind collected Dembe around 2pm for his walk and he was very excited to see her.

That last photo is a particular favourite of mine as I can imagine Jasper and Polo looking back and saying “what is that idiot doing now?”

He had a fab time on his walk and was starving when he got home, polishing off a huge dinner.
Thursday 24th June
Dembe was pretty knackered this morning after his fun time with Sophie yesterday.

He had a walk booked with Martin from Happy Dogs this morning.
If you have Facebook you can see the video here – https://www.facebook.com/415343231815686/videos/392157245549889 He had a lovely walk with his mates.
We had a quiet afternoon with lots of cuddles. I haven’t been very well this week and Dembe has altered his energy levels accordingly.
Friday 25th June
Dembe had a walk with Martin from Happy Dogs this morning, it was just him and Lily out on the walk this morning as they were the second group.

Dembe loves all the dogs he walks with but he has a huge affinity for other Labradors.
Whilst Dembe was out I cleaned out his paddling pool as it had gone a bit green and I always make sure it is kept scrupulously clean due to Dembe’s habit of ignoring his water bowl and drinking out of that during the summer months.
He was a very tired pup today and he spent much of the day sleeping on the sofa or having cuddles with me. He was very excited when I put his car harness on ready for when his dad got home and took him for a walk up the common.

We bumped into some friends we hadn’t seen for a long time Hilary and Wayne. Dembe was very pleased to see them and there was no barking as he remembered them from when he was a puppy. They adore him and always made a fuss of him when they saw him. They actually recognised Dembe and then us!
We use the Slow Ton harness as that is one of the few on sale in the UK that has been crash tested.
Saturday 26th June
I didn’t wake up until 9am this morning, Dembe slept nest to me all night which is quite unusual for several reasons. With the heat of the summer Dembe has been sleeping downstairs for the first part of the night only coming up at around midnight / 1am. When he has come up he has slept out in the hall rather than on my bed. Last night he slept on my bed resting up against my left leg. Normally he would have woken me up anywhere between 7.15-8am to demand his breakfast but when I woke up he was still fast asleep beside me.
I gave him his breakfast as soon as I got up, he polished it off

This afternoon he is out with Maxine at It’s a Dogs Life, for a walk, Jay was supposed to be at a family wedding today accompanying his mum but she decided she wasn’t well enough to attend. As we had Maxine booked we decided to go ahead with the walk anyway. Dembe was pleased to see her and couldn’t wait to get into the van!
He had a lovely time with Maxine on his walk and she said he was a good boy. He has obviously had a fantastic time as he has come in and plonked himself on the floor to cool down after having a huge drink!