Welcome to the first post of 2021. We have taken an extended break but will be back properly each week now.
Firstly I would like to post some photos of Dembe from over Christmas

1st January 2021

Dembe went out at 5.45am, it was very icy. The temperature up on the common was -4. Dembe liked the frosty grass however he wasn’t sure about frozen puddles and refused to walk over the ice. Preferring to walk around them.
He woke me up just after 8am and demanded his breakfast. He has been a bit hit and miss again with his meals, so it was a nice surprise he ate the lot.

He has been a very cuddly boy, snuggling back to sleep with his dad this morning before he demanded his breakfast.
We took the Christmas decorations down today, he seemed very confused and unsettled by it all. He didn’t settle down the whole time we were putting everything away. He kept coming over and sniffing and seeing what we were doing.

He had a lovely walk this afternoon, he met three Pomeranian’s in Christmas jumpers, who indulged him in his love of the game of chase. He has a real thing about being chased by small dogs. He adores it and the Pomeranian’s were happy to oblige.
After running around like crazy on his walk he slept for the rest of the afternoon.
2nd January

Just so you can see that he doesn’t always cooperate when I am taking photos! I was trying to take a nice cute photo and he decided to do the biggest yawn!

See that’s better!
We are all out of sync with Jay having so many days off and being in and out of work all the time.

3rd January
Today I thought I would treat Dembe with some cold baked potato added to his breakfast. He has really enjoyed any bits of baked potato he has had off our plates He didn’t like it and he made that abundantly clear!

Monday 4th January
Hands up I admit it I was a bit shit at taking photos over Christmas and New Year, I was also rubbish at keeping his dairy up to date.
We are trying to get back into some sort of routine. Dembe has been sleeping in Jay’s bedroom when Jay goes to work early. So I managed to get some sweet photos, he loves snuggling up on Jay’s dressing gown. It is beautiful to see how Dembe and Jays relationship has developed since they started dog training together.

Thanks to the lock-down (number 3 here in the UK) there is no dog training for the moment. Thankfully dog walkers can still work so Dembe can have his afternoon walks when Jay is working late or a 9-6. On Wednesday Dembe will be going out for his first dog walk with Sophie from Creature Kind.
Dembe and Jay had lots of cuddles this evening.

Tuesday 5th January
Today marks two years since our dog Mollie passed away. We knew it was going to be hard, Jay feels the loss acutely as she was his girl.

We had a quiet day just the three of us. Chatting about and remembering our girl.

Wednesday 6th January
Jay is late night today, so Dembe has had three walks before he has gone to work. He had a big walk first thing and then 2 strolls around the block. Today is Dembe’s first dog walk of 2021 with one of his walkers, today it is Sophie from Creature Kind.

If you have Facebook you will be able to see the video on Creature Kinds page by clicking https://www.facebook.com/creaturekindpetsitting/videos/4099468236747503
Dembe met up with his doggy friends Polo and Nelly, they had a fab time. Dembe and his pals ran around chasing each other for the whole hour. When Sophie brought him back she apologised for bringing him back a little damp. She explained that as she had been drying him on the flat bed / tail gate he decided to jump up, put his paws on her shoulders and lick her face. He refused to stop and she said she couldn’t laugh for fear of him getting his tongue in her mouth! He does this a lot at home, he will also pin you down and lick your face.

When Sophie and I were chatting Dembe brought his fox toy to us. He was shattered after his walk and spent much of the evening asleep.

Thursday 7th January
Today marks 2 years since we first met Dembe. His Gotcha day is 11th January.

You can see what a gorgeous baby he was from these photos. It seems such a long time ago that he was so tiny. He is still tiny to us compared to the Weimaraners, even though at 35kg he is heavier than Mollie was at 28kg and Willow at 32kg. He is longer in the body than they were and they were taller than him.

As you can see from the photo Dembe really wasn’t that bothered about the anniversary!

Friday 8th January
Daddy was on another early today, when I woke up Dembe had been sleeping in Jays room. Dembe was so sleepy that I had to wake him up to have his breakfast at 9.30am

Dembe was very keen for his dad to get home at lunchtime and take him around the block. When Jay came in Dembe brought him his carrot as a reward for coming back.
Dembe has been super cuddly today, all he has wanted to do is lie across my lap and have a cuddle.

During the afternoon I discovered that Dembe had pulled the green rope part (the carrot top) out of his carrot and now the stuffing was exposed. So when Jay took Dembe out for a walk when he got back from work I brought carrot with me and fixed him whilst they were gone.

We were all tired so we had an early night.

Dembe crashed out long before I did!
Saturday 9th January
Jay is on a late night shift today. Dembe slept until 5.45am, Jay got up and took him out. I didn’t hear them come back, I didn’t wake up until gone 9am and the boys were still alseep.

Today Dembe will be going out with Max from “It’s a Dog’s Life”. She does his Saturday walks when we need them doing around once a month. He has been out with her a couple of times before and enjoys his walks with her.
He had a lovely time on his walk, he was a little bit timid when Max arrived but once he was over the threshold he was fine and jumped in the van .
When he got back he was hyper! Eventually he did settle down

I hope you have enjoyed catching up with Dembe.
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