Monday 5th October
As per usual Jay is on an early shift today so was up at the crack of dawn so that he could watch some American Football before taking Dembe out and then getting ready for work. Dembe is not an early morning dog, he likes his walk at around 5.30-6am and then he comes straight back up to bed with me and sleeps until I get up later. I got up at 7.30am and he didn’t stir until 8.15am.

We had a very lazy day together on the sofa as I was exhausted from last week’s assisting Jay whilst the floor was done in his bedroom. Dembe was happy to oblige with cuddles and kisses. We had a really early night and Dembe was out like a light.
I got up quite late to go to the bathroom and found Dembe at the end of my bed asleep like this.

He sleeps in the strangest positions, he had taken out the crocheted blanket out and is sleeping underneath the cushion of his bed.
Tuesday 6th October
Jay is day off today so Dembe is a very happy bunny today. Thankfully he isn’t shaking his head any longer and the redness in his right ear has really reduced. Thank goodness his ear is now clearing up and if it has responded this quickly it goes to show John the vet was right and it is a fungal infection. Jay has booked in an appointment for a week today for Dembe’s check up and possible next anti fungal treatment.
We had to drive over to the airport today as this was the accident repair place our insurance company uses. Jay had a small accident last Saturday when he took Dembe to the vets and the car needs to be repaired. It is gutting but no one is hurt and we were the only people involved. Dembe was a really good boy on the journey over. For some reason since we got this car Dembe really enjoys lying down on the back seat. In our old car he never laid down, he would sit up and look out of the window unless he was absolutely shattered after dog training.
On the way home we stopped off at the common and Jay took Dembe out for a good run, around 40 minutes. This was his third walk of the day. He was knackered this afternoon.

I washed some of Dembe’s toys today. One of them was his baby blanket that he came home with in January 2019. He still loves to carry this around. It is one of the few toys that hasn’t sustained damage from his teeth!
At 5pm Jay took Dembe for a walk around the block, this was because normally Dembe goes out around this time and his big walk had been much earlier than normal. But that was walk number 4.
I didn’t go to dog training tonight as I wasn’t very well. However the trainers sent me some photos and videos from the evening. Dembe managed to break one of his toys in the warm up.

Dembe was shattered after training and went straight to sleep as usual.
Wednesday 7th October 2020

Dembe loves nothing more than giving us both lots of affection if we are all on the bed together. As hubby and I sleep in separate rooms, due to his snoring and my insomnia it only happens a couple of times a week. Dembe always brings us a toy, usually his blue dinosaur as that is the toy he brings us when upstairs. This was the first toy that I ever bought him.

Dembe just adores his dad and loves nothing more than cuddles with him.
Dinky dot was shattered all day after dog training last night. He slept all afternoon until just before Martin from Happy Dogs arrived to take him out for his afternoon walk as Jay was on a late shift.. Dembe had a good walk but unfortunately refused to poo. About 30 minutes after he got home he started crying and I immediately knew that he wanted a poo. Little sod. I had to ring Jay up and ask him to pop home in his lunch hour as Dembe would need a quick walk around the block so he would go to the toilet.
Jay popped home just after 5pm and took Dembe out, he had two giant turds. So hopefully I will have a whinge free evening with him. The blonde bastard strikes again.

We had a settled and chilled out evening once Dembe had done his business!
Thursday 8th October
Again Dembe is the life and soul of the party today! I can’t complain as I have jobs I want to potter around and do so a sleeping pup is a handy thing to have.

Jay had another early start today and Dembe really doesn’t like early mornings! Other than to have his walk.
I posted on Monday about how Dembe likes tipping / digging all his cushions / throws out of his bed and then sleeping on the base. He does the same with his wicker basket in the lounge. The silly thing is he empties it all and then sleeps beside it on the floor.

Friday 9th October
Dembe is a very cuddly boy today. Whilst I was on my embroidery machine in the kitchen Dembe came in and wanted up on my lap. When he was a tiny pup last year, I would have him on my lap sleeping whilst I was on my embroidery machine. Now however he weighs 35kg and is huge compared to the dinky dot he was, so it can’t happen my legs aren’t big enough. So I have to just give him a cuddle and a kiss.

Dembe always looks forward to his dad coming home at lunch time and will quite often suddenly wake up or stop whatever it is he is doing and between 12.45 and 13.00 he will go to the lounge window and wait for his dad to arrive home. He has already worked out the sound of his dads car pulling up onto the drive and he goes crazy, barking and tail going like mad.

Jay always gives Dembe a walk around the block so that he can go to the toilet and stretch his legs. He uses these lead walks as additional training sessions.
Dembe fell asleep waiting to for his dad to come home.

Saturday 10th October
Jay is late night today so Dembe has had two walks this morning before his dad left for work. Dembe has his little routine that he follows every day and when I am getting myself sorted for the day ahead, Dembe goes to sleep on my bed.

Today Dembe is going on an afternoon walk with my friend Max who also runs a dog walking service called “It’s a Dogs Life”, it is his first time going out with her. I am incredibly nervous as he is our baby. I know Max ( I have known her for years and have worked with her many years ago) will look after him but it is like leaving your baby with someone. You can’t help but worry.
Dembe managed to make me feel like the worst mother ever as he was very nervous about going with Max. He was fine up until he got to her van, he must have realised it wasn’t his usual Happy Dogs van ( who we use during the week) and freaked out a bit. With a bit of gentle persuasion he got in. Max brought him back an hour later, she told me he had been a really good boy and had a poo ( thank goodness) I didn’t want a repeat of Wednesday when Jay had to come home. He must’ve had a good time ( probably also the nerves of being with a new person) as he went to sleep within minutes of Max leaving.

We had a game of nudge about an hour or so later and then he had his dinner. He is now fast asleep beside me on the sofa.

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