Monday 19th October
Well surprise, surprise Jay is on an early shift today. When I woke up Dembe wasn’t on the bed with me. I found him curled up on his dad’s bed snuggled into his dressing gown. We had a lovely cuddle before we went downstairs.
Dembe decided to join me in the shower this morning for the first time in ages.

He got drenched!
His personalised mat arrived today, he seemed totally nonplussed and was much more interested in the packaging it came in.

Dembe is still sleeping right beside me on the bed at night. He wedges himself against my left leg in exactly the same position his uncle Frankie did.
Tuesday 20th October
Well Dembe and I were all confused today as Jay was working this morning ( he had the afternoon off ). He had a meeting at another store, so it was just me and Dembe this morning.

We are finding since we switched to only feeding Dembe when he is actively showing us he is hungry has stopped meal times becoming a battle ground. He lets us know he is hungry by sitting in front of the fridge, if you give him a cocktail sausage he isn’t interested in it. That is when you know he wants his breakfast or dinner. If you feed him at any other time he will either a) walk away from eat not eating anything or b) eat a few mouthfuls and drop most of it on the floor. This way the bowl is spotlessly clean! It is also much less stressful.
He is an incredibly cuddly boy today, he is wanting me to hold his cows ear whilst he chews it.
We had the last training session this evening for this block of 6. We start again back on 3rd November.

For the first 20 minutes of the lesson Dembe was messing around, easily distracted and refusing to do a stay. He can do a stay standing on his head so why he decided tonight he wouldn’t I have no idea. Then all of a sudden he just switched on and was an absolute angel.
This was the first time the whole group had ever done this exercise and they all did brilliantly.
Wednesday 21st October
OMG Dembe slept until 7.20am , absolutely unheard of. Jay and I had to check the time as we couldn’t believe the lie on that we got.
The weather is absolutely horrendous, torrential rain. So Dembe’s Ruff & Tumble drying coat got it’s first outing.

We purchased the coat a few weeks ago and have been waiting for the time when the weather was bad that he would need to wear it to dry off. All I can say is WOW it made it much quicker for him to dry off, he liked wearing it and no wet dog draped over my lap when he decided that he wanted up on my lap which is a frequent occurrence even at 35kg.
He look so cute in it.
Jay is a late night shift today, as Dembe has refused to poo on the last few walks I decided that I would start playing with him at 2pm to ensure he would want to go whilst he was out. He was fast asleep.

To get him immediately engaged we played find it but instead of playing using one of his toys I played using dog treats. He was very keen to play that game. He is getting so good at finding the treats. I have been putting them in harder and harder places and he really engages with his nose now and searches properly. One of my favourite places to hide treats is under cushions or pillows. He looks like a proper search dog the way he lifts the cushions up with his nose and gets the treat.
He got a bit muddy on his walk, Martin ( our dog walker ) managed to get the worst off before Dembe came home. So it was time for the ruff and tumble dog coat again.

Dembe was shattered and settled down really quickly this evening.

Thursday 22nd October
I wasn’t very good with neck and back pain so we had a quiet day today. Jay worked a few hours in the morning and then had the rest of the day off.

We got our car back from the garage today, Dembe loves the new car and always lies down in the back of it.
Friday 23rd October
Jay is on a 12-9 shift so Dembe went out twice this morning before Jay went to work. It was Martin’s birthday today so Dembe went out early this afternoon and had the company of a dog called Taxi.

They look deep in conversation on their walk. Dembe didn’t poo, mainly because he was asleep when Martin arrived and I hadn’t got him up in time and playing games.

Jay had to pop home just after 5pm to whizz Dembe around the block. Dembe had a huge poo so just as well his dad popped home for him.
We had a lazy afternoon with lots of cuddles

Dembe was shattered so I managed to get up to bed well before 7pm and have a much needed early night.
Saturday 24th October

Dembe was a very cuddly boy today and wanted to be wherever I was.

The crochet inspector is back!
Dembe was a happy bunny today as his dad was on an early shift so was home just after 4pm.
Sunday 25th October
The clocks went back last night but unfortunately Dembe’s didn’t, we were woken up just after 4am by a little someone crying to go out. After he had been out with Jay he was happy to settle down and go back to sleep. Not waking us up again until gone 9am as he wanted his breakfast.
Leanne and Liam popped in to see us today. Dembe adores Liam and they played together. Dembe getting jealous when Liam was on my lap having a cuddle. They had come over as Liam’s school bag was broken and his mum wanted to know if I would be able to fix it – which of course I can. I had a lovely bunch of roses from them.
Dembe was shattered after the visit!