Monday 29th June
I had a migraine ( again today ) so we had a quiet day.

Poor old carrot has seen better days. I have had to remove the carrot top green rope as every time I fixed it he would take great pleasure in ripping it out again!

He constantly came over to the sofa to check that I was ok bless him.

On Monday night I was struggling to get to sleep and I looked over and he was lying with his red dinosaur.

When I see him like this my heart just melts.
Tuesday 30th June
Jay was day off today so Dembe was all over his dad. It is almost like he crams in 5 days worth of cuddles on the 2 days a week that jay is home. He absolutely adores his daddy. Their relationship has really grown close since Jay has been doing the dog training.
Dembe woke up at 5.30am so Jay took him out. They went up to the airfield but alas the Great Dane called Pluto and his older Chocolate Labrador brother wasn’t there.
Both Dembe’s ears are looking inflamed and waxy. I did a quick check online ( as he has already seen the vet) and came across a blog run by a vet who uses natural treatments rather than antibiotics and is a raw food advocate. So I have ordered some organic apple cider vinegar ( with mother) and some Garlic oil. We already have Olive oil here.
I think his ears are possibly an allergy, he has had Turkey and Duck for the first time this week. He has never had any issues with food before ( causing issues other than his puppy food which used to give him awful wind and very smelly poo). Other than the Turkey and duck there are no new foods in his diet that would cause a reaction like that.

He is really starting to enjoy his raw food and I only put a very small amount of his old food on it. I am also managing to get it to a more raw state with him rather than having to flash fry it.
Wednesday 1st July
How did we get to July already???
Dembe woke up at 5am, Jay took him out at around 5.30am. Dembe then woke me up at 7am. I had a migraine so I sorted myself out ( I am just so lucky to have two within 3 days). He waited very patiently whilst I sorted myself out before coming downstairs and sorting out his breakfast.
I tried him on Rabbit again which was what I tried him on last week to see if he would eat it now that he was used to raw but he wouldn’t go near it. I ended up binning it and then giving him duck instead which seems to be his favourite.
Jay is working a late night so before he went to work he took him on a quick walk around the block. This afternoon he is going to be out with Martin from Happy dogs. At 3.30pm Martin arrived. Dembe was stood at the window barking and then when I opened the door instead of staying on the sofa like he normally would he leapt off and made a break for it down the drive taking me completely by surprise! Once Martin got the lead on him he trotted off to the van without a backward glance. That has reassured me no end as I was worried that he was finding it very stressful being away from me when he was out for a walk. How wrong I was and I am so pleased that he enjoys his walks with Martin.

I started treating his ears with the apple cider vinegar / olive oil and garlic oil. Oh my god the house stinks, just bloody stinks. Can’t get rid of the smell of garlic. Dembe wasn’t happy at all!
Managed to capture Dembe doing his sock trick tonight

Thursday 2nd July
Oh god the house still stinks of garlic oil and Dembe is running away when I try to treat his ears. I have had to get Jay to empty the bin and we have been burning incense sticks all day to get rid of the smell. This confirms my belief that he is allergic to duck as he ate it yesterday and now his ears have flared up.
I have cleaned his ears again twice, once in the morning and once in the evening. He squeaked this evening when I did it so I am going to leave him alone for a few days as when I go near his ears now he runs away from me and that is upsetting.

Keeping an eye on me whilst I do some sewing.
He is enjoying the raw food still and cleans his bowl

Friday 3rd July

I have had a busy day trying to get some projects completed and off my work bench. I hate having stuff half completed just lying around. Dembe has been a very good boy either sleeping in the lounge or in the kitchen behind my chair.
Unfortunately it looks like my slow puncture ( my CSF leak) has picked up the pace and I have started getting bad headaches again that only resolve when lying flat. Dembe is very aware that I am not right and I am falling over him as he tries to ensure that I am ok all the time bless his heart.

Due to the amount of caffeine I am trying to consume to trigger CSf production I am struggling to get to sleep. I looked over this evening and found Dembe lying like this next to me

Saturday 4th July
It is all confirmed we are back at dog training next Tuesday evening. I will be wearing a mask, at least it is in a barn and not a confined area. Course fees are paid and I am sure Dembe will be thrilled that he is back with his mates.

Dembe came in and crashed after his breakfast. He really loves the Beef and Chicken flavour, it was head down tail up. Then back to me to sleep it off!

Here he is waiting for me to get ready for the day. He always waits on the bed for me whilst Jay helps me get dressed.
I did a little bit on my sewing machine but I am exceptionally tired today and when I am tired I make mistakes. Dembe kept an eye on me from the garden

He has also spent quite a bit of the morning barking out of the front window at the neighbours across the road. I am guessing the guy that lives in the flat is moving out as a self hire van has been parked outside and people have been loading stuff on the back. Dembe has to let them know that it is his house and street! Yet when the front door goes he never seems to bark!
His replacement Crocodile arrived this afternoon, I just tried to get a photo of him with the new crocodile and he has run upstairs with it thinking I am going to take it from him. Daft bugger

His other two crocodiles are looking worse for wear ( they are the ones that get thrown around the lounge!) one has lost its squeak and I have had to do repeated surgeries on them to keep them together!

Sunday 5th July 2020
I am feeling really rough today so will end this weeks blog here.
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