Monday 25th May
It is bank holiday Monday here in the UK, Jay is working as he is having the weekend off. He was supposed to be going to see Guns and Roses in Concert on Saturday but due to Covid-19 that has all been put on hold until next year. For some bizarre reason I have been awake since 4am so at least we have all had some time together before he goes to work. Dembe is fine he thinks it is an ordinary work day.

Dembe and I are both struggling with the heat, it seems to have got hot out of nowhere. As his old cool mat is ruined as I didnt store it properly I have ordered him a new one.
Jay manages to finish early so he cleans out Dembe’s paddling pool and refills it much to Dembe’s delight. He is splashing around and enjoying himself out in the garden for ages this afternoon whilst I crack on with some embroidery pieces I am working on.

After all the running around in the garden this afternoon he conks out just past 7pm! Jay can’t believe how loud he is snoring but I point out to him but it is still nowhere near as loud as Frankie Morris when he was alive!
Tuesday 26th March
Jay has two late nights this week and today is the first of them, he gets Dembe out around 5.30am and then they both head back to bed. Dembe has got really good at settling down and going back to sleep in the morning. When he was very young we didn’t have a hope in hell of getting him to settle. Now he is more than happy to go back to bed.

Whenever I try to take photos of my crochet Dembe always manages to photo bomb it so today I used him as a prop as I took a quick a shot to show my progress in the last 24 hours. He is so good he never makes a fuss.
In the afternoon Dembe and I played in the garden

He loves to take my slippers and try to chew the label off the inside. I am always finding my slipper out in the garden.
Wednesday 27th March
At long last Dembe’s Cool Mat arrived, it is huge it covers most of the 3 seater sofa which is ideal as it means that Dembe can stretch out on it. The heat today is stifling and we are both struggling with it.

My back is really bad today so I am not able to do much at all.
Thursday 28th May
Jay is late night again today, so once again he has taken Dembe out early and returned to bed. When I got up at 8.30am I wandered into his room and found them like this

Neither of them stirred as I took the photo and I didnt see them for another hour!

Again another bad back day that was lived through a haze of painkillers and pain.
Friday 29th May

He is loving the cool mat! His second one for upstairs is arriving today not that he is spoiled. It means I don’t have to carry anything upstairs as I can’t hold anything heavier than a mug at the moment as my back is just awful. Sorry Dembe this is your blog and I’m moaning all over it. He has been a good boy and knows that I am not right and is sticking to my side constantly.
Saturday 30th May

It is crazy hot again, Dembe is being a very good boy whilst his dad sorts out the garden shed and then paints some shelves.

We moved some bits around in the garden and Dembe seems to approve. Jay got the the rattan sunbed off the shed roof and Dembe has now claimed that as his.

Jay found 2 footballs down by our shed and gave them to Dembe who thought all his Christmases had come at once with having all these footballs to play with. The heat is ridiculous though and we have all had to come indoors to get out of it for a bit.
Sunday 31st May

My little puddin’ looked after me during the night as I had another migraine…deep joy. He came in and cuddled up to me. When I told him to go and get his daddy for me off he went with his blue dinosaur in his mouth to wake up his dad.

Thankfully due to the new med’s the worst part of the attack was short lived and I have felt groggy all day but not horrendous.
He is loving the sun bed we got out for the garden yesterday however it appears that he now thinks this is his and not mine.
Sunday has been spent having lots of Dembe cuddles.
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