Monday 13th April

Last night was strange with Dembe at around 11pm he jumped up from the floor onto the bed and scrambled onto my lap. He never wants to sleep right on top of me as he prefers his own space. However last night he wanted held all night long.
Dembe’s walk this morning was at Woodbury Castle. He was going crazy running after his tyre. In the afternoon at a different location he met a cyclist with a dog. The cyclist said in a jokey way that his dog wouldn’t take any nonsense from a randy boy doggy. Dembe tried to play with his dog but his girl wasn’t having any of it. He came home and flopped onto the patio to cool down.
I’ve been telling Jay for months that Dembe runs to the front door when he wants a poo, now that he refuses to go in the back garden. He did this today and Jay couldn’t believe it. I said to him how do you think I know he wants out when you are working a late night??? It is nice that with Jay home he is getting more involved in Dembe’s care during the day.
Tuesday 14th April
He slept in my arms again last night. No idea what has triggered this enormous change in behaviour.
I woke up at 6am as Dembe was crying. I have taught Dembe to go into Jays room with the command ” go and see your daddy ” this means he wakes Jay up and leaves me alone! Jay got up and took Dembe straight out, they went to the model airfield. Jay said they had a massive game of chase and Dembe was loving it. It obviously didn’t wear him out though as he has been a nutcase this morning and all his toys are out of the box and strewn across the floor.

He did eventually settle down.
He was a bit crazy all day long. Really barky for ages today and no idea why he decided to start with the barking all the time again.
Jay gave him an hours walk this afternoon in the hope it would tire him out. He laid out on the patio again in the shade.
Wednesday 15th April

Dembe was back to normal last night and slept in his own bed.
He had a lovely walk with his daddy up at Woodbury Castle this morning. He bumped into a lady who was walking her two black Labradors . They stole Dembe’s ball and played chase which he adored. Dembe doesn’t understand why he see’s so few dogs these days on his walks. He really loves playing with and meeting other dogs. With the lock down not so many people are going up the common, plus the change in the law about essential journeys has been very confusing with many people thinking they weren’t allowed to drive to the common at the moment.

He has been having lots of play sessions with Jay, Dembe loves it when his daddy gets down on the floor with him and they have some rough and tumble.

Here he is with my sock that he had just taken off!
Thursday 16th April

Dembe decided this morning that he would have his first nap stretched out with his bum on my lap and his head on the foot stool . How on earth can that be comfortable? He stayed there for a good 30 minutes absolutely sound asleep.
Jay decided to give Dembe his leather football today. Which of course Dembe kept bringing inside, which is fine until he starts throwing it around …. So far no breakages but it really won’t be long.
Dembe joined us outside at 8pm for the Clap for Carers. It is the highlight of the week as he gets to bark as all the humans clap. He went and got Ben from next door and played out in the street for 20 minutes chasing the ball. He adores Ben and stood at their open front door barking trying to get him to come outside quicker!
Fireworks went off again and Dembe was absolutely fine which was good.

Dembe’s new treats arrived this morning, he now has chicken feet to have a munch on. He was going crazy for them. He also still loves his daily cows ear to chew on.
Friday 17th April

Dembe has been a really sleepy boy today and very cuddly.
Jay has been teaching Dembe how to play nudge with his football. Jay rolls the football to Dembe and gets him to nudge it back to him using his nose. I have been training Dembe to touch his nose to my palm on the command “touch”. He really loves playing the touch game but it is probably the bits of cocktail sausage that he is really enjoying! He likes to be kept occupied and barks more when he is bored. So by teaching them these games we distract him from barking.

Despite the wet weather Dembe still likes getting in his favourite chair in the garden.
Although Dembe has been back to sleeping on the floor every night at around 9 or 10pm he is coming up on the bed and climbing onto my legs / lap and having a cuddle.

Saturday 18th April

I have finally managed to get a photo of Dembe sleeping with his tongue out!
A brilliant week as Jay has managed to lose both of Dembe’s toys on the common this week!

Dembe refused to move as my bed was changed so it was made around him.
Sunday 19th April

Dembe modelling a baby bib I made yesterday.
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