Monday 17th February 2020
As Jay was on an early today Dembe had a lead walk around the housing estate before his daddy went into work. Dembe then came back up and went back to sleep with me when Jay went off to work.
As usual Dembe knew his daddy was on his way home for lunch before I said anything. I walked into the lounge and found him on daddy watch again!

He did the same again in the evening as it is still light now when Jay finishes on an early shift, which feels like the first time in forever.

We had quite a lazy day today just pottering about and having lots of cuddles.
Tuesday 18th February
Really crazy busy day today by my standards, quite a normal day for anyone who doesn’t suffer with a chronic illness. Jay was day off and we had a long list of jobs to get through.
At 10am Dembe had his year health check and his vaccinations. The last time he had his vaccinations he was put up on the table, this time the lump was on the floor. Before he had his jabs the vet weighed him, he came in at 33.3kg which was a bit of a surprise as he certainly isn’t looking pudgy at the moment. The vet was really pleased with him, said she goes much more by body condition, Dembe has a clearly defined waist, you can feel his spine when you run your hand along his back and you can feel his ribs without seeing them. She said he may get heavier again but as long as that is muscle mass and not fat it is ok. We were chuffed to bits as basically we have been avoiding the vets for such a long time due to being made to feel like we had a horrendously obese dog. The vet asked me what I was feeding him as he was in such good condition.
Dembe managed to show us up in the vets by cocking his leg and scenting. I am guessing he wanted to show off that he is a big boy now and can do big boy wee’s!
With Dembe in the car we then headed into Exeter to the sewing machine shop as my machine was ready to be picked up after its service. As both Dembe and I were knackered we stayed in the car whilst Jay went and collected it. Dembe is definitely getting much better at being in the car and no longer makes such a fuss. We have worked out that many times the fuss was simply he needed to go to the toilet. So now any car journey longer than just going up to the common he has a quick walk around the block so that he is comfortable.
We were then home for a few hours before I had to head off to my Physiotherapy session. Whilst I was at that Jay took Dembe out for a nice walk on the common. He had a swim whilst he was there and played with a black Labrador called Reggie.
In the evening we had obedience training, Dembe had a really good session . One of the other owners came up to Jay before the session and asked him how much training time he was putting in with Dembe between lessons as he couldn’t get over how well Dembe was doing. That made us super proud parents!

Wednesday 19th February
As Jay is late night Dembe has had a really long walk on the common this morning. With all of us home he was really quite active this morning , bringing us toys and chucking crocodile around.

He also tried to get involved in my blog post for the other site I run The Myasthenia Kid. He is just letting me know he thinks cuddles are more important than that silly nonsense.
In the afternoon he took himself up to bed whilst I did some sewing. I needed to check that my machine was now running smoothly again after developing a fault. So far so good.
We were both shattered so were in bed and settled down for the evening by 18.30 which is unusual for the both of us. When Jay got in just after 10pm he took Dembe around the block for a walk to ensure he had been able to go to the toilet.
Thursday 20th February
I don’t remember much of today. I was terribly ill with a hemiplegic migraine the likes of which I have never suffered so severely from before. It is now Sunday and I am still struggling with the associated amnesia from the day before and the day after. I am going to see the doctor in a weeks time to get checked out as I was so very ill and to be honest the level of memory loss has frightened me. Jay had to take the day off work as I wasn’t safe to be at home alone or look after Dembe. I have vague memories of Dembe asleep on my feet at points during the day whilst I went between hurling my guts up and being semi conscious.
Jay however did manage to take this video of Dembe having a word with the recycling men
Friday 21st February
I am still struggling with amnesia after my migraine. Jay has left notes all over the place for me so I remember to do stuff. One of which being to feed Dembe. Dembe is sticking close by me and barking a lot at any noise he hears outside bless him.

Saturday 22nd February
Much the same as yesterday I am afraid. Dembe and I having a lot of cuddles. I did manage to get some sewing done. But that is pretty automatic for me. Other than that I do remember we played find it bunny for a bit. I confused Dembe as for the first time I hid bunny upstairs in Jays room. It took him an age to find bunny!

Sunday 23rd February
We have knocked Agility training on the head for the time being, so we have done a few bits of housework and played with Dembe. He loves having the whole pack together. Earlier when Jay nipped to the shop he started howling as Jay had left us. If Jay leaves us when he is wearing his uniform for work it is ok but he isn’t allowed to leave in his everyday clothes! Dembe was not happy!
He had a lovely long walk in the afternoon

I love the way he is trying to sleep with one eye open so he can continue to keep an eye on me!
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