Monday 9th December

Jay was in uber early this morning so with Dembe having disturbed sleep we managed a little lie on until 7.30am. Very decadent.
I thought he maybe hungry after not eating his dinner last night but he ate less than a 3rd of his breakfast and it was painfully slow. The stupid thing is if I add a raw egg or a tin of fish he scoffs the lot. I decided to leave his food down all day to see if maybe he is more of a grazer but that didn’t work either. By dinner time there was still loads left in his bowl. I gave up and added a tin of mackerel to his meal and he scoffed the lot.
Jay weighed him this evening as we really didn’t know what his weight was doing as every time we have thought he had lost weight he had gained weight. However you can see the bottom rib and feel his rib cage much more along with his spine. The last time we weighed him he came in at a whopping 33.1kg. The good news is that he weighs 30.8kg so he has lost 2.3kg. It is the lowest weight he has been for some time. He is now pretty close to the weight the vet wanted which was 30kg. I would like him under 30kg but I am thrilled that we have got his weight down.

Dembe waiting for his dad to come home on Monday afternoon.
Tuesday 10th December
Jay is day off today. Last night like the night before Dembe started the evening in Jays room. Jay got woken up by a blood curdling howl. I have been telling Jay for months that Dembe barks and howls in his sleep but as he has never heard it I don’t think he has ever quite believed me. At 11.30pm Dembe moved into his bed and at 2.30am he moved from his bed onto my bed where he spent the rest of the night / morning until we got up. The temperature really dropped overnight.
Jay and I wrapped all the Christmas presents this morning. Dembe was very good and didn’t attempt to insert himself into the proceedings. He also managed to resist the urge to shred any paper he came across on the floor. Paper / card shredding is one of his most favourite things to do. When you are a sewist that’s not good as it means if I drop a paper pattern I have to rescue it immediately! He did get a bit stroppy that no one would throw his ball for him.
It was raining this afternoon when Jay took Dembe out for his walk. We had to hose him off in the back garden as Dembe’s legs were covered in mud / grit from the common. He has got an awful lot better with being dried with the hairdryer.

I added an egg to his dinner and it was hoovered up. So for the next few days I will try adding an egg to his meals whilst reducing his kibble slightly.
Tonight is his last obedience training session, we have signed up to the course being run after Christmas along with agility.
We were the only ones at dog training tonight as the other lady that attends with us was poorly. We had the entire hour as a one to one, which was fantastic and a great way to end the term. Dembe managed to embarrass us by having a wee on the floor. He has started scent marking, we always walk him before a training session so that he doesn’t need the toilet whilst there. I wanted the floor to open up as he has never done that. Martin explained that sometimes they get confused and see the barn as outdoors. I hope so as I dont need this issue.
We got our certificate for passing level 2

Wednesday 11th December
I got Dembe to eat his breakfast today with zero issues thanks to the edition of an egg. No constant encouragement or cheer-leading needed whilst he ate his breakfast which meant it was much less stressful.
Dembe was a very cuddly boy all day and just wanted to be beside me on the sofa all day.

I have been having a break from sewing so have been doing crochet instead. He has been glued to my side.
We did some find it and leave/take exercises this afternoon when he had a bit of energy to burn off. He really loves playing this game in the evenings with us or just me.
Can’t believe how much better he is eating now that we have added the egg to his meals.

Dembe has a really weird way of sleeping in his bed. When he gets into it at night he clears all the blankets / cushions out of it and sleeps on the base which is the thickness of a sheet and uses the blanket and cushion as a pillow.

Thursday 12th December
Jay is on a late night tonight so Dembe had a really long walk up the common this morning. As it was raining we put his blue coat on him. He came back with his legs and belly all covered in mud and had to be hosed off outside again!
I have been really tired all week due to not sleeping, my disturbed sleep has also impacted Dembe so he has been really sleepy during the day.

We had a game of find it this evening as he got a bit of an energy rush and I wanted to clam him down before bed. He loves playing find it so that’s what we did. He is so good at stay when in the house with me. I can leave the room and he doesn’t move. He isn’t always great at finding stuff but he does love to give it a good go.
When we did go to bed Dembe was obsessed with my feet. He wouldn’t stop licking them and nibbling my toes which would have been fine should I not hate having my feet touched by anyone. I really loathe it. In the end I had to shove them under the duvet to get him to leave them alone.
I tried to do some crochet in bed but he was having none of it and kept climbing on my lap.

Eventually he did go to sleep and I managed to get this photo of him

Friday 13th December
I managed to not sleep a wink last night and as a result feel dreadful today. All I am doing is lying on the sofa.

Saturday 14th December
I managed to sleep last night but as a result I now feel worse than ever.
Paul popped over at 9.30am and I was still in my pj’s waiting to wake up a bit. Thankfully Dembe was nice and calm and managed to behave rather than bouncing off the walls like he normally would.
Jay got this brilliant photo of him at lunchtime

Dembe was very excited when Paul popped back in the afternoon and was just desperate for us to play but we were trying to sort out Paul’s new computer. He wasn’t the worst he has ever been but it was clear Dembe was really looking forward to having a walk when his dad got home.
Sunday 15th December
Today marks the 2 year anniversary of our Weimaraner Willow passing away. It is a sad day.
We had to pop down to our relatives today, who live an hours drive away, to take all the Christmas presents to them. I stayed with my parents and their dog Maggie with Dembe whilst Jay went to visit his parents. Dembe was just manic and managed to embarrass himself by having a wee on the floor – scenting again. I wouldn’t have minded but he had a long walk this morning, he was walked around the block before we set off so he could go to the toilet. He was then walked again when we arrived at my parents house so that he could go to the toilet and not do this……..and he bloody did.
When he did it on Tuesday Martin said it was about scenting not actually going to the toilet. I was mortified then and even more so at my parents house today. He is a year old and shouldn’t be doing this. Especially with so many trips out to ensure that he had a wee.
This maybe something we need to talk to him about when we go back to class in 2020 – which seems like a year away but is only actually just a few weeks.
Since we got back home Dembe has slept. I am pretty shattered as I just haven’t been right at all this week.

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