Monday 16th December
Just to give you all a heads up the blog aka me will be taking a break over the Christmas and New year period, so this will be the last blog post of 2019. We obviously have Christmas and then we will have the first anniversaries of Frankie 29th December and then Mollie 5th January, passing and to be fair I just want to spend time with Jay and Dembe quietly remembering them both. It is difficult as well with them both being on a Sunday which is the day I normally type up the blog from the hard copy I have kept during the week. So the blog will be back up and running on Monday 13th January 2020. I will do a round up of Christmas and New year in that post and of course there will be lots of photos.
If you are missing Dembe you can keep up to date with him on his Facebook page The Dembe Diaries, where odd bits and pieces will be posted during this period.
Dembe was out early for a walk today as Jay was on his usual silly o’clock start time today. Dembe then came straight back to bed and we slept until after 7am. Nearly a lie on!
I did some sewing today well embroidery really. Dembe amused himself whilst I was at the machine. He was incredibly excited when his dried cows ears arrived today. I got him a bag of 50! That should keep him chewing for a while.

I found out this evening that I have won a doggy treat hamper ( contents worth £80 ) . The competition was a quiz that was being run to celebrate being in business for 15 years. Happy dogs made the announcement via their Facebook page.

I was so surprised and very chuffed as it took me ages to find all the answers to the quiz.
Tuesday 17th December
Busy day here as today is Jays last day off before Christmas, which seems crazy but yes Christmas is next week. He has lots of jobs to do one of them being picking up the hamper from Happy Dogs!
Mike and Alison popped over at 10.15am with a card and a present for Dembe. He is such a spoiled boy. I am so grateful to all the people who buy him things. We all can’t thank you enough.

He was walking around carrying this doing the typical Labrador whole body wag. Every time anyone looked like they might try to take it off him he put his head down and turned away. He did keep going up on the sofa trying to give Alison a kiss.
Jay brought back the hamper which was enormous

It was filled with lots of brilliant things. There is a new lead which will be fab for agility training. There is a high viz vest for Dembe to wear when it is dark on his early morning or evening walks. Lots of toys, a tugger, some balls, treat dispenser and Dembe’s absolute favourite a dinky duck, for my dinky dot.

He also really likes the tub of dried meaty treats, full of gorgeous sounding things like Tripe sticks and Beef Trachea. Stinky as hell but he absolutely loves it. There were so many lovely things in the hamper it was brilliant and a wonderful surprise.
Wednesday 18th December
Uncle Paul popped over very early this morning, thankfully after Dembe had his walk. I gave Dembe a cows ear to chomp on and get him to calm down as he tends to get very over excited with Paul. Probably because he visits us the most and we don’t tend to get many visitors. Paul said how much calmer he was so hopefully that’s a tool in our arsenal.
Jay is on a late night tonight so Dembe hasn’t slept much this morning as when his pack is all together he likes to get as much attention from them as possible.
I managed to get some machine embroidery done in the afternoon as Dembe conked out, As soon as I finished and sat on the sofa he jumped on me and grabbed my thumb.

He has done this since he was a tiny pup, he just sits there holding it in his mouth. He is such a quirky little thing.
Something he loves to do when it is just me and him at home on an evening is to emoty his toy box out completely and scatter his toys all over the lounge floor.

As it was just me and the boy we went up to bed early. The weather is absolutely rotten and as if by magic the wind really started up making lots of noise and causing the loft hatch to bang and the letter box to rattle. This upset Dembe and he started to bark and then run down stairs and bark. He wasn’t frightened he was guarding me bless him and he takes that job very seriously. Eventually he settled back down and went to sleep on my lap.

Thursday 19th December
This bloody rain it never seems to stop. I have decided to ask Santa for a dinghy or a small sail boat as driving anywhere will be impossible if this continues. Jay braved it and took Dembe out for an early walk as he is on a 6am start again. Dembe came back to bed after being dried off and stayed with me until gone 7am.

Dembe has been knackered today and slept much of the day which has been great for me as I have been able to crack on with my embroidery machine quilt.
Jay is out to the cinema this evening and it has left Dembe very unsettled. He has cried for Jay He really does love having his pack together. Eventually he settled down and went to sleep Velcro’d to my side. He raced downstairs when Jay got in at 11pm, thankfully he didn’t bark.
Friday 20th December

As you all know form reading previous posts, Dembe has a thing about his vegetable toys. At the moment he is mad keen on his sprout again. As we know he loves this toy we couldn’t resist buying this sprout Christmas decoration for him when we saw it a few weeks ago.

I spent a bit of time today finishing up sewing jobs ready for Christmas . So Dembe had to entertain himself. He was in a playful mood so in the evening we had a long game of find it as Jay was on his second late night of the week. By the time we toddled off to bed Dembe was shattered.
Saturday 21st December
Jay was on an early today so he took Dembe out for a quick walk up the common in the dark. Dembe has got used to going out at night / in darkness, so isn’t as bothered as he used to be and will leave the car. When he was smaller he would refuse to leave the house before 7am! I won a high viz vest in the Hamper so we have been using that as well as his bicycle light and it makes it much easier for Jay to see him.
We had a cuddly afternoon

Dembe went to sleep on the coats at 4,30pm desperately wanting his dad to come home so he could have a walk.
Sunday 22nd December

Its been a busy day today with Christmas right around the corner. We had friends come over. Liam who is 6 played football with Dembe using his sprout toy as the ball. By the time Liam left Dembe was shattered he had a wonderful time.
I just want to say to everyone thank you for the reading Dembe’s blog, thank you for the likes and comments. Merry Christmas and Happy new year. See you all in January 2020.