Monday 28th October
For the 1st time in ages Jay was on an early today. Dembe was quite tired this morning after his jaunt to Haldon Forest yesterday. He slept away the morning on my bed. Only waking up around 10 minutes before Jay got back home for lunch.

He was equally as tired in the afternoon, sleeping on my lap but sprung back to life when Sam and Sarah popped in for a visit. Dembe was very gentle with Sam but he was incredibly over excited . I had to practice calm giving to take his energy levels down a notch . With Jay being early he hadn’t had a walk and was now more than ready for one. He is still limited to an hour a day of walking.
Dembe had destroyed the squeak in his bear toy, so I took it out of the toy and showed him. This freaked him out as you can see from the video above.
He kept bringing his tennis ball over to Sam to be thrown for him. He also got his carrot out and his crocodile. Both were being thrown around the lounge which made me and Sarah laugh.

He was shattered after seeing Sarah and Sam and fell asleep at my feet!
Dembe has started a bad habit this week of just randomly barking. It is really annoying. He is also barking at fireworks. He seems a little unsettled so we will be trying to work out what is going on.
Tuesday 29th October
Jay is day off today so Dembe has had a nice long walk this morning. It still seems really strange that we won’t be going to dog training this evening as our course has finished.
At midday we popped over to see our friend Lo at her work place. She is a really lovely lady and I have written about her before, she stopped traffic one time when she stopped her car on the main road so she could have a look at Dembe when he was a tiny pup. She hadn’t seen him since then other than on my facebook and instagram feed so it was lovely to see her. She is always so funny and easy to chat to. Dembe was good apart from a couple of barks.
After we saw Lo, Jay decided to take Dembe out for a walk. The weather has been rough today high winds and quite cold, there was rain forecast for later, so to avoid being drowned rats he took him out. Dembe wasn’t enjoying the high wind at all and was only too happy to get back to the car.
We had a very quiet rest of the day, my health hasn’t been great. I seem to be stuck in a cycle of migraines and vertigo currently.

Wednesday 30th October
Dembe is very cuddly today and on several occasions has tried to crawl onto my lap whilst I was sat at the embroidery machine. I took advantage of long stitch outs and used them to go and play / cuddle Dembe. He wanted lots of attention and I was more than happy to give it.

I gave him the cardboard tube from one of my embroidery stabilisers to destroy whilst I finished up. He enjoyed that.
Dembe hates it when Jay doesn’t finish at 5pm it really throws him out. Between 5pm & 6pm he cried continually. I put his new coat on him so he was ready for his walk when Jay got in. I also got one of the Weims old collar lights out as now the clocks have changed it is pitch black most of the time when Jay finishes work and takes Dembe up. The weather is absolutely awful this evening, windy and exceptionally heavy rain.
The weather was so bad that Dembe had a poo and wee, then turned tail and ran back to the car. Jay had to run along behind him with the torch bouncing all over the place.
The coat worked brilliantly and reduced how muddy he was.

Dembe sat on my lap earlier.
Thursday 31st October
I had to let Dembe out for a wee at 4.30am. He refused to go outside before bedtime due to the weather. He woke me up by nibbling my fingers. He had obviously tried everything else but it hadn’t worked. He did stay asleep until gone 6.25am which was a bloody miracle and the longest he has slept to since the clocks changed.
I keep forgetting to say that he has developed a taste for manuka honey. I use manuka honey on my face last thing at night to get rid of the scarring and spots that have appeared since hitting the menopause. Up until a few days ago he hadn’t taken any notice of this gunk on my face at bed time. Now he pins me down and licks my face clean! It makes me laugh so much as he really goes mental ensuring he has got every little bit off.
As Jay was on a late night he took him for a long walk so he was adequately worn out for the day.

They managed to avoid the worst of the weather thankfully and Dembe kept nice and dry. Someone asked me how we kept his coat so clean as their Labrador rolls in the mud and dives in puddles. I think our Labrador is either broken or is just biding his time as he just doesn’t do this. We have been waiting for it and expecting it.
He has started crying when Jay leaves the house, even when he knows he is going to work. Silly bugger. I have to spend a while giving him a cuddle so that he stops. Not that he is spoilt.

As my parents were popping in to see me today I got dads card out and put it on the coffee table. I left the room for 30 seconds and came back in to find Dembe sat chewing the card and ripping the envelope open. He has a bit of an obsession with paper and cardboard. He never steals whole magazines it is always just a single piece of paper like a post it note or a card. To be fair this is the only thing he has destroyed so I know we have got off lightly.
Dembe always struggles when my parents arrive as he wants to play with Maggie, my parents dog and she never wants to play when in the house. So he gets very frustrated. I ended up putting him on his lead so he left her alone and I could attempt to control the barking. He was shattered when they left.

He loves lying on my lap and when it is just me and him or me, him and Jay he will spend ages either having a cuddle on my lap or asleep on it. He also does some really weird sleeping positions.

His back end is on the sofa and my lap, his front is draped over the footstool. He stayed like this for ages… nutter.
I managed to keep him relatively quiet all evening with the Trick or Treaters. We put a poster on the door asking them not to call as I don’t have the energy to be getting up and down to the door all night. I have lost count of how many times Jay has been late night on Halloween.
Friday 1st November
It’s my birthday!
Jay is on an early shift today so he took Dembe out for an early walk. When he got back from his walk Dembe was really surprised to see me downstairs. Jay is working the next few days and out Saturday night so I am barely going to see him. So I dragged myself from my pit. Dembe’s tail was going so fast I thought it would fall off.
We went back to bed at 5.30am as Jay was getting ready to go to work. We managed to get back to sleep and stay there until 7.30am which was lovely!
Dembe and I had some nice cuddles whilst I came around. It can take me several hours first thing in the morning to get to a place where I can move around safely. Dembe seems to know this he will sleep on my lap until 9-9.30am. He is a very special boy.
Jay popped back for lunch and Dembe was thrilled to see him. I swear if Jay left the house for 5 minutes he would get the same greeting from Dembe as if he hadn’t seen him in 24 hours!
In the afternoon my friend Heather popped over to see me. Dembe always enjoys seeing Heather and was climbing all over her and demanding toys get thrown for him.

Earlier in the day all 3 of us got a shout out from our favourite TV channel Sewing Quarter
My boys bought me a wool pressing mat and a book on crochet as I would like to teach myself how to crochet over the next 12 months.
Saturday 2nd November
Jamie’s birthday today….yes our birthdays are on consecutive days. He is younger thn me by a matter of hours.
I dragged myself out of bed as due to Jays boss leaving the company today they were having a meal this evening to celebrate his retirement. He was also working today so we were barely going to see each other. Dembe was very pleased to have us all together.
Like we did yesterday Dembe and I went back to bed. There was a storm raging outside, the wind was crazy and this unsettled Dembe a little. So he barked a few times. I reassured him all was ok and we managed to get back to sleep. We slept until around 7am which was good. I was fully expecting the garden fences to be trashed but they were still standing…for now

This afternoon I decided to try my hand at Crochet for the first time. Dembe decided he was part cat and had to be dissuaded from stealing the ball of wool and running away with it.
Jay took Dembe out for a walk and then when we got home he went and got ready. Leaving the house in less than an hour after being home. So it was just me and my baby. We had a cuddle and then went up to bed early. Dembe was brilliant and settled immediately.
Sunday 3rd November
It’s a quiet day today here as Jay has a hangover, I had an awful nights sleep so look like I have a hangover despite only having 2 drinks last night. Dembe is just very happy that we are all together. It’s the first day since Tuesday that we have spent more than just a few hours together.
Jay is on holiday this coming week so we are hoping to get out and about a little. Plus Dembe’s training starts back on Tuesday evening and then his agility training starts on Sunday next week.
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