Monday 23rd September
Jay was on a 9-6 again so Dembe got a good walk before Jay went to work. He took him to Woodbury Castle but as it was early they didn’t meet anyone.
Dembe and I were really knackered all day so we kept sneaking off to bed and having a quick lie down .

He sleeps on my shoulder quite a bit, he also likes sleeping with his face pressing against my face. It is really lovely and it makes me feel so close to him when he does this.
Dembe is still loving his new toys of Broccoli and Carrot!

As I said we kept disappearing up to bed and having a lie down

His new collar ( British racing Green leather from Ann Rees ) and his I.D tag have arrived. I was very disappointed with his copper tag as the copper colouring started coming off within a few days. He managed to break his second Dogs and Horses collar last week so I have given up on them at nearly £30 a pop and have gone cheaper. I have also picked up a cheap collar to act as a stand in should this one break.
He had sardines for tea as he didn’t have them last week. He ate his dinner no bother funny that.

Tuesday 24th September
Today I had a trip to the hospital for an appointment with ophthalmology, my letter stated I could be having up to 3 hours worth of tests before I got to see the consultant, so I decided that I would attend alone and Jay would stay with Dembe. It was too long to expect Dembe to behave as he still is a baby at only 10 months old. It was weird though as it is only about the second or 3rd time I have left him for any length of time.
Jay said he was absolutely fine and just slept beside him on the sofa. When they picked me up at the hospital Dembe could hardly contain himself and was spinning in the back seat.

Tuesday afternoon I was shattered after all the stress of going to the hospital by myself. Its a huge deal for me and it makes me very anxious. Dembe was so good he just settled beside me on the sofa and slept. He was very clingy after I had been out without him.

A tiny tongue out Tuesday for a change.
As I was so exhausted Jay took Dembe to dog training by himself. I was gutted but I could barely stand by the evening let alone sit up in a chair for an hour and converse with people. To make sure I didn’t feel left out Jay took some Photos of Dembe at the class. They were working on recall and Dembe got to use the zip line attached to the ceiling first. Its not one the dogs slide down! It is a straight cable that hangs parallel to the ceiling. The dogs are attached by a long line to their lead and it means they can practice recall without the fear of them absconding or getting into fights with other dogs.

Apologies for the quality of the photos, hubby took them and David Bailey he ain’t.
Dembe and Jay had a fantastic time at dog training. Daddy spoiled Dembe way too much and they got through an entire bag of treats. When Dembe got home he was so excited to see me. Jay said he had slept all the way home in the car so he couldn’t understand where he was getting the energy from to go mad now.
Wednesday 25th September
Jay is working a 10-7 today and it is our 19th wedding anniversary. It can’t be helped but I have lost count how many time that he has worked a late or a stupid 10-7 on our anniversary.
Dembe got a good run on the common before Jay went to work. They went to the Model airfield and they bumped into Dembe’s friend Sid the cocker spaniel. They had a mad run around playing chase.
Dembe seems to be shattered after dog training last night and has slept lots today.

As he was so sleepy today I managed to get a load of sewing done. He stayed on his bed in the kitchen so he was close by me.
Thursday 26th September
I spent most of last night with a dog sleeping on my head which was cute. Most nights at around 2am Dembe goes into Jays room and spends the rest of the night in with him. If Jay is on an early though Dembe will then come back to bed with me. For a change though last night he spent the whole night with me.
Jay took him out up the common before 7am as he was on another 10-7 shift. I really hate this shift as it means you don’t have a morning together like you do on a late and you don’t have an evening together either. It is a shit shift like an 11-8.
Jay and Dembe bumped into the lady with 5 Labradors. As soon as they recognised Jay they all ran over and sat in front of him as they know Jay almost always has treats on him to dish out. Dembe had a good play with them. It is so strange owning a dog that can play with other dogs and isn’t nervous aggressive. Mollie was like that as well but with Frankie and Willow both being nervous aggressive it meant she never really got to play with any other dogs. Dembe really enjoys running around playing chase. He will now do the chasing as well as being chased himself.

Dembe and I messed around playing quite a bit today as I ensured I had regular breaks from my embroidery machine. He has been a bit barky today though. He has barked at everyone at the door today even if he knew them or saw them yesterday.
From 4pm this evening he was crazy. He got every toy out of his toy box and was throwing it around the lounge this went on for nearly 3 hours. You would think he hadn’t been walked in days the energy he had.

Friday 27th September
As Jay was on a late night he took Dembe up the common for a really good walk in the hope that would keep him calm for me! On the whole he was a really good boy for me as he always is. We just have a bit of madness in the evenings after he has eaten his dinner.
We have found this week to get Dembe to eat his dinner if we sit in the kitchen with him and praise him for eating. Give him a stroke and hand feed him some kibble he will eat it up and it stops this walking away from the bowl and then not going back to it. God knows what has started him off being so weird about his food the last few weeks. With us encouraging him and making a fuss he seems much happier eating. He was a bit strange as a pup when it came to eating his meals as he would walk away from it and would need our encouragement. Then he settled down and was a good eater, then out of nowhere started being a bit funny. I am hoping it is just a phase as he gobbles everything else given to him. So we know he isn’t sick.

He had a nice little snooze in the afternoon. I had to take a photo as he just looked so bloody cute!
In the afternoon at around 4pm he started getting all his toys out again and throwing them around the lounge. He loves Carrot and Broccoli. His favourite thing to do is bring carrot to you whilst you are sat on the toilet! Carrot is definitely the one that gets to go all over the house being carried.

Saturday 28th September
It is going to be a shorter blog entry this week due to the fact that I am out tomorrow with friends and when I get home I will be in no state to write up his blog entry for this week. He will be spending tomorrow with Jay. It will be interesting to hear how they get on as it is the first time they have spent any prolonged time together!

As you can see Dembe still likes to barge into the shower whilst I am in there. He just loves water but he has never been in the sea or a river for a proper swim. We will have to do that next year when the weather is nice.
We are having a lazy Saturday so that I can rest and have energy for tomorrow. Dembe is just going with the flow