Monday 29th July
We have had a quiet day today, Jay was on an early as usual for Monday. I spent a lot of the day wrestling a pair of curtains. It started off as a small job and just got bigger and bigger. Poor Dembe had to entertain himself for a lot of the day. When I am sewing he either goes out in the gazebo or lies on his bed in the kitchen. Occasionally he will lie on the sofa in the lounge.
Jay came home for lunch and spent ages cuddling Dembe. Dembe loves his daddy coming home part way through the day and goes crazy for a bit. He usually runs and get whatever toy is flavour of the week and brings it in for you to see. At the moment it is his huge football from the garden.

Dembe’s new bed came yesterday and he is loving it. It is huge and if he lies on his side he fits inside the bed still rather than hanging over the edge and being arse end in the bed head end on the floor.
He is really enjoying his yak chews which for some reason have to be eaten messily in my bedroom which is why there are no photos of his new bed as the bloody Yak chew bits go everywhere. Poor Jay has had to hoover to my bedroom carpet everyday this week.

As you can see from Dembe’s he wasn’t impressed the curtain took so long for mum to fix ( had to remove a damaged section and alter the length )

As I am pleased with the job I did with the curtains I thought I would share, it is the first time I have tackled curtains. So despite Dembe being pissed off with me it was a productive day!
Tuesday 30th July
Dembe woke me up at 6.30am, the minute I was downstairs he started his campaign to get his dad out of bed. Jay sent me these photos he took of Dembe.

He did sleep for a bit and then decided he was bored with that and licked Jays head and face to ensure he was awake!
He got Dembe out early as it was obvious that he needed and wanted a good run around. He took him up to the model airfield and ran into a German Shepard called Rhea who was in our Obedience Training Class. They were really lucky as they managed to stay dry on the walk. It was only when they got home the heavens opened and it seemed to pour down for the rest of the day. Never seen rain like it.

I had physio at 11.45am so Jay took Dembe up the common again for a walk and explore. It was raining a little by the time they got back to the car but again they had been really lucky with the weather.
Having two walks close together wiped Dembe out.

Wednesday 31st July
Jay was late night so he took Dembe out for a nice early walk, despite this he was pretty manic all morning throwing crocodile around the lounge.
In the afternoon I put my quilt top together – I have been working on a scrap busting quilt for the last couple of weeks. Dembe went out in the gazebo onto the bench to keep an eye on me.

He likes sleeping there when I am working in the kitchen as he can see me whenever he opens his eyes and he can hear when I move. He has done this ever since he was big enough to climb up there.
When I finished sewing the quilt top together I managed to nip out between the showers and get a photo of it hanging on the washing line. Dembe “Lab” tested it!

Thursday 1st August
Can you believe it is August already?? how did that happen?
This morning Dembe and I looked after Maggie my parents dog whilst they went out shopping. Initially Dembe was massively over excited, I think it is only about the 4th time there has been another dog in the house. Plus Maggie is his zoomie mate from the caravan so he thought they would be running about the house. Not a chance mate!
In Dembe’s excitement he managed to tip up the water bowl I had put on the floor for Maggie to drink from as Dembe now uses the Weims old raised water bowl as he prefers it. It is amazing how far such a small amount of water can travel.
Eventually they both did settle

As you can see from his face he is still at the over excited phase. He has also been outside playing in his paddling pool.

The last two photos show when they went to sleep one either side of me. It was quite weird having two dogs in the house after having just one since January 11th. Instead of one set of doggie footsteps following me everywhere there were two. And Maggie has an even worse concept of personal space than Dembe.

When my parents came back to collect Maggie, Dembe thought it would be a good idea to jump up on the sofa between them and try to lick my mums ear. It was hilarious hearing her squeal moving her head away. The more she squealed the more Dembe’s tail wagged. You could hear it thump against the sofa. I can’t get over how thick Dembe’s tail is. He likes sleeping with his tail draped over my eyes, so I have a kind of doggy eye mask.
Unfortunately on Thursday I had woken up with a bit of a headache as my neck was out of alignment. As the day progressed the pain just got worse and worse to the point where I just wanted to puke. I ended up going to bed in the afternoon, Dembe came with me and slept on my shoulder as he tends to do when I am not feeling well. He doesn’t move for hours. It is oddly comforting feeling him breathing and resting his head against me like this.

He is such an affectionate boy and very in tune with both Jay and I.

He was desperate for Jay to come home this evening. From around 5pm he was pacing waiting for him but it was a long wait as Jay didn’t finish until 7pm. Dembe was waiting at the window for him.

Friday 2nd August

Dembe is 38 weeks old today and I can’t believe how big he is getting. Saying that he is still wee compared to the Weimaraners. His head shape is still to change to look like a proper grown up Labrador. He is such an affectionate dog, I can’t leave the room without him following me bless him.
He has got much better at leaving me alone when I am doing my physiotherapy exercises / pilates. When he was a tiny pup lying down was an invitation to be used as a climbing frame. He now understands to leave me alone until I am finished although he likes to keep a watchful eye on me still.

He was shattered today after all the excitement of having his mate Maggie here yesterday.

It was such a lovely day weather wise today so we spent quite a bit of the afternoon playing outside with the paddling pool and with some bubbles.

He had a wonderful time playing outside.
Saturday 3rd July

He has been equally sleepy and bouncy today. As you can see the leather football is in the house again! Brought to show me what a clever boy he is. Cuddles a plenty.
Uncle Paul came over this afternoon to dig a hole to put our very pot bound Yucca in the ground. Dembe loves his Uncle Paul and always goes crazy when he see’s him. He tried to jump on Paul’s lap. He was very interested in what Paul was doing.

What a cracking job Paul did, I just hope Dembe leaves it alone whilst it gets used to spreading its roots now after 15 years in a plant pot. It was about 12 inches tall when I bought it and its the only plant that I have managed to keep alive in all that time.
I found out something really cute this week on social media. The white patches that Dembe has on his shoulder blades are referred to as Angel Wings. Isn’t that just the sweetest thing. Here is a good shot of them

The angel wing marking is really common in the reddish yellow Labradors. Until we had Dembe I was under the impression that Labradors were uniform in colour. However Dembe has shown me that isn’t the case, he has a white blaze on his chest, his chest / belly are really light blonde. He has patches of blonde hair with darker fox red patches. As he has got older he has got darker.
Sunday 4th July
After removing a great deal of earth from the garden to plant the Yucca, Jay had to do something with it. So we decided he could use it to level out the left hand side of the garden. Unfortunately Dembe decided to be a pain in the bum and continually get involved in what Jay was doing so I was deployed to distract him.

Quite often Dembe will walk at=round the house with two toys or two balls in his mouth this is the first time I have been able to photograph him doing it. After being a bugger he has come inside and gone straight to sleep beside me on the sofa!
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