The 100th Post!
Monday 7th December

Dembe was really tired this morning, he really doesn’t enjoy Jay’s early morning shifts.
He spent the majority of the morning snoring his head off. He was extra tired today as he had spent an hour on the common running around on Woodbury Common with Liam who is 7. They had a wonderful time

Tuesday 8th December

Jay was day off today so Dembe decided that he simply had to get up at 4.30am for a walk! Like a good daddy, Jay obliged and then we all went back to bed and I got woken up by Dembe being sick in the lounge at 7.30am. So that was a really cracking start to the day! Thankfully Dembe is fine in himself and was only sick the once.
After Jays early morning wake up call he was really tired so he went up for a nap. After about 45 minutes Dembe decided to go upstairs and wake him up by bringing his carrot toy to him.

Tonight we are back at dog training for the first time in around 5 weeks now that the lock down has been eased again. We were laughing at Dembe at 17.30 as he was fast asleep on the sofa totally unaware that his early night wasn’t going to happen.

Dembe did really well at dog training, tonight we went over the basics as we had new dogs in the class for the first time this year. Dembe was a super star and showing them all how it is done. Jay and Dembe worked really well together.

Wednesday 9th December
Jay is on a late shift today, Dembe woke us up again at 4.30am despite having a late night last night. He then took 30 minutes to come downstairs whilst Jay waited to take him out for a walk bloody diva! Dembe woke me up at 7.30am which I was very grateful for as that prevented a migraine starting due to my neck being out of alignment. Once he woke me up he then went into Jays room and slept with his dad until gone 9am.
Today Dembe is going out with a new Dog walker called Sophie, she runs a company called Creature Kind. Jay and I both get terribly anxious when Dembe is out with someone new as we are very over protective of our boy. We had absolutely nothing to worry about as Dembe had a wonderful time with Sophie. He was a little nervous leaving me and going with someone new but as the photos show he got over that fear very quickly!

The photo’s all belong to Sophie Start from Creature Kind – aren’t they cracking? As you can see Dembe was living his best life, making new friends and having a swim. He had a brilliant time and was a good boy for Sophie, although next time I will put him on the figure of 8 lead for her as he pulls like a train on a normal lead, naughty boy!
I knew he had a good time when he grabbed his carrot and ran to the window to show Sophie as she drove off.

Dembe was shattered after his walk on Woodbury Common with Sophie. He was only awake for about 30 minutes for the rest of the evening, which was to eat his dinner.

It was a very quiet evening with Dembe barely stirring when his dad arrived home just after 10pm.
Thursday 10th December
Jay is on a 9-6 shift today, this week for the first time we have booked Dembe in for a walk in the late morning / afternoon, just because on this shift Jay finds it hard to ensure that Dembe has had all the exercise he needs and with work being so busy due to him being in retail .
Dembe and I are on a go slow this morning, neither of us want to get going.

It is so funny watching Dembe when Martin arrives. He always seems top know when he is coming now and is at the window waiting for him. He stands at the window and barks when he see’s Martin’s van ( Happy Dogs ) . He then goes quiet as Martin takes the van up to the end of the road and turns around, all the while his tail is wagging. As Martin pulls up he then starts barking with his tail going at full speed. Wen Martin arrived the very first time to take Dembe out he ran up the stairs and I had to coax him down. In a few weeks it got the point where Dembe would stand on the sofa and wait for me to put the lead on before jumping down and racing to the van. Now in the last two weeks Dembe has now decided he will wait on the floor at the front door whilst Martin puts the lead on him. Going out with Martin has increased his confidence and he is a much better traveller now in the car.
Dembe had a great time on the walk, came home covered in mud as the common is water logged and we have had heavy rain over night . Thankfully Dembe is very good and will stand still whilst he is hosed off and then dried.

He had a nice long nap this afternoon after his walk.
Dembe has started burying his half eaten cows ears in his bed in the lounge. Every evening he then digs them back out again. The weird thing is we never seem to catch him burying them in the first place!

Friday 11th December
Neither Dembe or I wanted to get up this morning but we had to as Uncle Paul was popping over this morning for a socially distanced catch up. Dembe loves his uncle Paul and always goes crazy when we see him.
He did go crazy when Paul arrived but settled down very quickly thanks to a new shipment of cows ears that have some of the tendons attached at the base of them. When I got one out for Dembe his eyes were on stalks he couldn’t believe it was his!

I have ordered the rest of Dembe’s Christmas presents this afternoon. What a spoiled dog he is.
Jay is working a 7-4 today, so he popped in for lunch and before we knew it was home again.
I don’t know if it is the new cows ears but Dembe had some horrific smelling wind this evening!

Saturday 12th December
I had a terrible night of insomnia, at 2am I gave up and went downstairs. Dembe followed me as he always likes to be with me if I move around at night. I went back up to bed at 3.30am finally managing to get some sleep at 4.30am until 8am. When I got up Dembe was downstairs asleep as Jay was on another early shift.

Dembe was starving hungry so I gave him his breakfast immediately. He always makes it very clear when he wants fed as he sits in front of the fridge and refuses to move! He has eaten loads this week but then he has had a lot more exercise and the weather has turned colder.
He was the life and soul of the party this afternoon, sleeping on the lounge floor.

He was a very happy boy when his daddy came through the door just after 4pm.
Sunday 13th December

Dembe is having a sleepy day today, content that we are all at home with him. The weather is absolutely awful, blowing a gale and raining. That never puts Dembe off though he loves to go out for a walk whatever the weather.
Jay and I have sorted out Dembe’s meals for the next month or so, batch cooking three different dishes – Scoobys Stew, One pot wonder and Meatloaf. We haven’t made meatloaf in ages so Dembe should enjoy that!