Monday 20th July
A busy day today for us. Jay was on an early so Dembe had an early trip up the common before he left for work at 6am. Today we had a steady stream of visitors to the house – the first since lock down started in March. The first visitor was my hairdresser, who Dembe was glued to the hwol time sniffing her as now she has her own Labrador called Loki. Due to lock down they haven’t met so he was very curious what this new smell was.
He was incredibly well behaved throughout my hair cut and didn’t try to eat the hair as he has done previously!
Then uncle Paul popped over for a coffee as he was dropping over the Gazebo for us to have. Dembe got a little excited to see him. He seems to go from 0-60 on the excitement scale quicker than you can flip a switch.
Paul had only been gone 10 minutes when his dad came back for lunch and then 15 minutes after the the plumber came to fix our sink which was leaking ( only discovered Sunday evening). The plumber was terrified of Dembe – which sadly I did find hilarious as a softer, dafter dog you couldn’t find and he isnt that big. He would have shit himself meeting Frankie. The silly bloke kept whipping his arms away from Dembe which then just signals a game. So I ended up having to hold Dembe’s collar to keep him away from the plumber.
After the plumber went I started having a migraine so Dembe and I went to bed and we were both asleep when daddy came home.

Tuesday 21st July
Jay is working today , another early so that will throw both me and Dembe out all day! He had another early walk up the common this morning before daddy left for work at 6am.
I noticed that Dembe has snapped the nail on his dew claw quite close to the nail bed. None of us know when he did it. He never cried or yelped on a walk or at home. When Jay came home at lunchtime we trimmed off the ragged part of the nail that he had snapped and also trimmed his other nail on his dew claw.

We had a good session at Obedience training although Dembe was a bit barky. We were expecting it as normally Dembe would have had two longs walks during the day before training and of course he had only had one walk. So was full of energy! Considering that though he did do very well.
Wednesday 22nd July
Jay was on a late night today so Dembe laid across his dad most of the morning. It really makes my heart swell with love when I see my boys together. Dembe is utterly devoted to his dad and whenever he is home you can find Dembe with him.

So today was a dog walk with Martin from Happy Dogs. Dembe now knows that if Dad is on a late night he will get a walk with Martin. He waits at the window for him and his tail goes nuts when Martins van pulls up outside. Martin did a video from the common to show us how Dembe was getting on. I have now worries now about Dembe being out without is as he leaves the house without a backwards glance. When he gets home he races down the drive to get back home with me.
Whilst Dembe was out on his walk I gave his paddling pool a quick clean and then refilled it. Doing it with Dembe around can be a nightmare.

Thursday 23rd July
Would you believe it I had another migraine which means it has been 2 this week.

Dembe hates it when his dad is on a 9-6. From 16.30 on-wards he stands at the window barking at everything that passes by. He then lies on the sofa by the front door making huge sighing sounds so I know that he is fed up with waiting.
He was a good boy all day and the migraine didn’t strike until 5pm great timing the hours before Jay got home.
Friday 24th July
Jay was on another late shift today so he took Dembe out first thing and then went back to bed for a few hours. Dembe is very good at going back to bed in the mornings now. When Jay got up Dembe was refusing to leave the bed. He sent me these photos

Dembe went out late with Martin today as he couldn’t fit him in until 5pm which was fine with us as that is the normal time for Dembe’s walk most of the time. Unfortunately yet again I came down with a migraine at around 3pm. I was very grateful for a quiet hour to lie on the sofa as Dembe had been very keen to have his walk and his barks were going straight through me.
I had a chat with Martin when he came back, he said Dembe had done an enormous poo. It must have been big for him to remark about it. He had been a bit soft on Wednesday and I am guessing that was down to the changing over of his food to Wolfworthy which he is really enjoying now. Jay said himself that his poos are elephant like now in their size! ha ha ha the things us dog owners discuss with abandon.

We had an early night and Dembe settled down really well for me.
Saturday 25th July

Dembe is a happy boy as his dad is day off today. It also marks the first day of his holiday, Jay is off for the next 10 days together.
I was exhausted all day due to three migraines in a week and then waking up at 2.30am this morning and not being able to get back to sleep. We had a very quiet day.
Sunday 26th July
Dembe is eating so well now when he has his food. After all the stress of trying to get him to eat for the last few months it is good that he eats without issue.

Dembe is now back to sulking when his dad leaves the house without him. Jay had to go to the shop before Paul came over to help us put up a gazebo. Dembe immediately started sulking.

Dembe is being a good boy and keeping out of the way whilst Jay and Paul put the Gazebo together.
Can’t wait to spend the next week together as a family.